netcdf ocean-time-series/Stellwagen/FI14/ { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED; // (1764 currently) depth = 42; lat = 1; lon = 1; variables: double burst(time=1764); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :name = "burst"; :generic_name = "record"; :long_name = "Burst Number"; :epic_code = 1207.0; // double :minimum = 109.0; // double :maximum = 1885.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double time(time=1764); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "True Julian Day"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :epic_code = 624.0; // double double time2(time=1764); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "msec since 0:00 GMT"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :epic_code = 624.0; // double double lat(lat=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.4"; :units = "degree_north"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 500.0; // double double lon(lon=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.4"; :units = "degree_east"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 502.0; // double double depth(depth=42); :units = "m"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 3.0; // double :long_name = "mean water depth"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double double u_1205(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "u"; :long_name = "Eastward Velocity"; :generic_name = "u"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1205.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = 73.1526077744455; // double :minimum = -71.33687780029804; // double :valid_range = " "; :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double :NOTE = "u_1205 data rotated 180 to match 9916 & 9917 ADV u data"; double v_1206(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "v"; :long_name = "Northward Velocity"; :generic_name = "v"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1206.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = 62.033815225024185; // double :minimum = -53.007524952035446; // double :valid_range = " "; :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double w_1204(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "w"; :long_name = "Vertical Velocity"; :generic_name = "w"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1204.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = 25.992061520516984; // double :minimum = -24.272208439348777; // double :valid_range = " "; :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double P_4023(time=1764, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "P"; :long_name = "AVERAGE BURST PRESSURE "; :FORTRAN_format = "F10.1"; :units = "dbar"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 4023.0; // double :generic_name = "depth"; :valid_range = 0.0, 10000.0; // double :minimum = 14.578085937500031; // double :maximum = 16.859013671874994; // double :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double SDP_850(time=1764, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "SDP"; :long_name = "STAND. DEV. (PRESS) "; :FORTRAN_format = "F10.1"; :units = "dbar"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 850.0; // double :generic_name = "std. deviation of burst pressures"; :valid_range = 0.0, 10000.0; // double :minimum = 0.03107920162395745; // double :maximum = 0.617804338298623; // double :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double AGC1_1221(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "AGC"; :long_name = "Average Echo Intensity (AGC) Beam 1"; :generic_name = "AGC"; :units = "counts"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1202.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = 193.8408203125; // double :minimum = 67.1484375; // double :valid_range = " "; :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double AGC2_1222(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "AGC"; :long_name = "Average Echo Intensity (AGC) Beam 1"; :generic_name = "AGC"; :units = "counts"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1202.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = 193.3310546875; // double :minimum = 56.8447265625; // double :valid_range = " "; :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double AGC3_1223(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "AGC"; :long_name = "Average Echo Intensity (AGC) Beam 1"; :generic_name = "AGC"; :units = "counts"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1202.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = 193.1845703125; // double :minimum = 64.765625; // double :valid_range = " "; :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double COR1_1285(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "COR1"; :long_name = "Beam 1 Correlation"; :generic_name = "COR"; :units = "percent"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1285.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = 100.0; // double :minimum = 19.0283203125; // double :valid_range = " "; :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double COR2_1286(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "COR2"; :long_name = "Beam 2 Correlation"; :generic_name = "COR"; :units = "percent"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1286.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = 100.0; // double :minimum = 18.298828125; // double :valid_range = " "; :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double COR3_1287(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "COR3"; :long_name = "Beam 3 Correlation"; :generic_name = "COR"; :units = "percent"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1287.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = 100.0; // double :minimum = 16.1142578125; // double :valid_range = " "; :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double USTD_4097(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :epic_code = 4097.0; // double :name = "USTD"; :long_name = "Mean east Velocity"; :generic_name = "ustd"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 14.012; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :sample_volume_offset = 15.7; // double :serial = "ASP 3785"; :minimum = 0.07743981289173231; // double :maximum = 63.1309455424299; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double VSTD_4098(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :epic_code = 4098.0; // double :name = "VSTD"; :long_name = "Mean north Velocity"; :generic_name = "vstd"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 14.012; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :sample_volume_offset = 15.7; // double :serial = "ASP 3785"; :minimum = 0.07485337421906499; // double :maximum = 59.43435292918995; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double WSTD_4099(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :epic_code = 4099.0; // double :name = "WSTD"; :long_name = "Mean upward Velocity"; :generic_name = "wstd"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 14.012; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :sample_volume_offset = 15.7; // double :serial = "ASP 3785"; :minimum = 0.027712358976933738; // double :maximum = 18.797273900937636; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double u_1205min(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "u_min"; :long_name = "Minimum Eastward Velocity"; :generic_name = "u_min"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 14.012; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :sample_volume_offset = 15.7; // double :serial = "ASP 3785"; :minimum = -287.8345838167166; // double :maximum = 4.9981244182050695; // double :valid_range = -1000.0, 1000.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double v_1206min(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "v_min"; :long_name = "Minimum Northward Velocity"; :generic_name = "v_min"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 14.012; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :sample_volume_offset = 15.7; // double :serial = "ASP 3785"; :minimum = -234.6935439395291; // double :maximum = 4.1164442972392425; // double :valid_range = -1000.0, 1000.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double w_1204min(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "w_min"; :long_name = "Minimum Vertical Velocity"; :generic_name = "w_min"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 14.012; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :sample_volume_offset = 15.7; // double :serial = "ASP 3785"; :minimum = -76.2966453722244; // double :maximum = 1.061588636053971; // double :valid_range = -1000.0, 1000.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double u_1205max(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "u_max"; :long_name = "Maximum Eastward Velocity"; :generic_name = "u_max"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 14.012; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :sample_volume_offset = 15.7; // double :serial = "ASP 3785"; :minimum = -11.245644531546509; // double :maximum = 232.42046778433667; // double :valid_range = -1000.0, 1000.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double v_1206max(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "v_max"; :long_name = "Maximum Northward Velocity"; :generic_name = "v_max"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 14.012; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :sample_volume_offset = 15.7; // double :serial = "ASP 3785"; :minimum = -2.359100623106409; // double :maximum = 270.7743199352302; // double :valid_range = -1000.0, 1000.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double w_1204max(time=1764, depth=42, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "w_max"; :long_name = "Maximum Vertical Velocity"; :generic_name = "w_max"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 14.012; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :sample_volume_offset = 15.7; // double :serial = "ASP 3785"; :minimum = -0.7274282082319199; // double :maximum = 67.88446529918488; // double :valid_range = -1000.0, 1000.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double Tx_1211(time=1764, lon=1, lat=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "C"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 1211.0; // double :name = "T"; :long_name = "instrument Transducer Temp."; :generic_name = "temp"; :valid_range = 0.0, 100.0; // double :minimum = 1.2099902343750175; // double :maximum = 7.053017578125062; // double :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double Hdg_1215(time=1764, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "Hdg"; :long_name = "INST Heading "; :generic_name = "hdg"; :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1215.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = 359.82882352941186; // double :minimum = 1.0413867187499988; // double :valid_range = 0.0, 360.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double Ptch_1216(time=1764, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "Ptch"; :long_name = "INST Pitch "; :generic_name = "ptch"; :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1216.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = 1.5428571428571434; // double :minimum = -0.20292968749999693; // double :valid_range = -180.0, 180.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double double Roll_1217(time=1764, lon=1, lat=1); :name = "Roll"; :long_name = "INST Roll "; :generic_name = "roll"; :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1217.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_sensor_height = 1.088; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :maximum = -1.4312500000000077; // double :minimum = -2.147265624999994; // double :valid_range = -180.0, 180.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double // global attributes: :CREATION_DATE = "06-Nov-2014 01:14:26"; :DATA_TYPE = "TIME"; :DATA_SUBTYPE = " "; :MOORING = "991"; :instrument_number = 9913.0; // double :PROGRAM = "USGS Coastal Marine Geology Program"; :PROJECT = "USGS Coastal Marine Geology Program"; :EXPERIMENT = "Fire Island 2014"; :Region = "USGS Coastal Marine Geology Program"; :CruiseID = "USGS Coastal Marine Geology Program"; :SciPi = "USGS Coastal Marine Geology Program"; :DATA_ORIGIN = "USGS WHSC Sed Trans Group"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "GEOGRAPHICAL"; :WATER_MASS = "?"; :COMPOSITE = 0.0; // double :DATA_CMNT = " "; :POS_CONST = 0.0; // double :DEPTH_CONST = 0.0; // double :WATER_DEPTH = 16.82585779143476; // double :DESCRIPT = "HR Aquadopp burst mean data"; :DRIFTER = 0.0; // double :FILL_FLAG = 1.0E35; // double :start_time = "07-Feb-2014 17:52:24"; :stop_time = "22-Apr-2014 06:53:29"; :DESCRIPTION = "Site 3"; :Conventions = "PMEL/EPIC"; :WATER_DEPTH_NOTE = "(meters), ships fathometer"; :latitude = 40.619517; // double :longitude = -73.184407; // double :Deployment_date = "7-Feb-2014"; :Recovery_date = "5-May-2014�"; :platform_type = "Flobee tripod"; :institution = "United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center"; :institution_url = ""; :LatLonDatum = "NAD83"; :ClockError = 9.0; // double :orientation = "DOWN"; :inst_type = "Nortek Aquadopp HR Profiler"; :instrument_type = "Nortek Aquadopp HR Profiler"; :head_rotation = "horizontal"; :initial_instrument_height = 1.088; // double :initial_instrument_height_note = "measured at Marine Operations Facility"; :nominal_sensor_depth_note = "WATER_DEPTH-initial_instrument_height"; :nominal_sensor_depth = 14.012; // double :transducer_offset_from_bottom = 1.088; // double :inst_height = 1.088; // double :pred_accuracy = 28.0; // double :magnetic_variation_applied = -13.43; // double :zeroed_pressure = "No"; :AQDProfileInterval = 3600.0; // double :bin_size = 0.03; // double :metadatafile_name = "run9913AQDprf_A_test2nc"; :metadatafile_author = "Ellyn Montgomery, USGS CMGP"; :metadatafile_version = "1.0"; :fixgaps = 0.0; // double :good_bursts = 109.0, 1885.0; // double :history = 118.0, 101.0, 108.0, 111.0, 99.0, 105.0, 116.0, 121.0, 32.0, 118.0, 97.0, 114.0, 105.0, 97.0, 98.0, 108.0, 101.0, 115.0, 32.0, 116.0, 114.0, 105.0, 109.0, 109.0, 101.0, 100.0, 32.0, 110.0, 101.0, 97.0, 114.0, 32.0, 116.0, 104.0, 101.0, 32.0, 115.0, 101.0, 97.0, 102.0, 108.0, 111.0, 111.0, 114.0, 32.0, 119.0, 105.0, 116.0, 104.0, 32.0, 116.0, 114.0, 105.0, 109.0, 95.0, 97.0, 113.0, 100.0, 95.0, 98.0, 116.0, 109.0, 46.0, 109.0, 58.0; // double :serial_number = "ASP 3785"; :bin_count = 42.0; // double :blanking_distance = 0.2; // double :center_first_bin = 0.23; // double :salinity_set_by_user = "35.0 ppt"; :salinity_set_by_user_units = "ppt"; :frequency = 1000.0; // double :beam_width = 3.4; // double :beam_pattern = "convex"; :beam_angle = 25.0; // double :INST_TYPE = "Nortek Aquadopp HR Profiler"; :magnetic_variation_at_site = -13.43; // double :instmeta_AQDMeasurementBurstinterval = 7200.0; // double :instmeta_AQDCellSize = 30.0; // double :instmeta_AQDOrientation = "DOWNLOOKING"; :instmeta_AQDDistanceToBottom = 1.0; // double :instmeta_AQDExtendedVelocityRange = "ON"; :instmeta_AQDPulseDistanceLag1 = 1.49; // double :instmeta_AQDPulseDistanceLag2 = 0.49; // double :instmeta_AQDProfileRange = 1.26; // double :instmeta_AQDHorizontalVelocityRange = 1.23; // double :instmeta_AQDVerticalVelocityRange = 0.52; // double :instmeta_AQDNumberOfCells = 42.0; // double :instmeta_AQDAverageInterval = 1.0; // double :instmeta_AQDBlankingDistance = 0.2; // double :instmeta_AQDMeasurementLoad = 45.0; // double :instmeta_AQDBurstSampling = "ON"; :instmeta_AQDSamplesPerBurst = 1024.0; // double :instmeta_AQDSamplingrate = 1.0; // double :instmeta_AQDCompassUpdateRate = 1.0; // double :instmeta_AQDAnalogInput1 = "NONE"; :instmeta_AQDAnalogInput2 = "NONE"; :instmeta_AQDPowerOutput = "DISABLED"; :instmeta_AQDPowerLevelfirstping = "HIGH-"; :instmeta_AQDPowerLevelPing2 = "HIGH"; :instmeta_AQDCoordinateSystem = "BEAM"; :instmeta_AQDSoundSpeed = "MEASURED"; :instmeta_AQDSalinity = "35.0 ppt"; :instmeta_AQDNumberOfBeams = 3.0; // double :instmeta_AQDNumberOfPingsPerBurst = 9.0; // double :instmeta_AQDSoftwareVersion = ; // double :instmeta_AQDDeploymentName = "FI14"; :instmeta_AQDWrapmode = "OFF"; :instmeta_AQDDeploymentTime = "2/3/2014 8:00:00 AM"; :instmeta_AQDComments = "Programmed to two hours for dcal. Will need to be redeployed from terminal."; :instmeta_AQDSerial_Number = "AQD 5373"; :instmeta_AQDRecorderSize = "3886 MByte"; :instmeta_AQDFirmwareVersion = "3.14 HR"; :instmeta_AQDVelocityRange = "NORMAL"; :instmeta_AQDAnalogPowerOutput = "BATTERY"; :instmeta_AQDAnalogInputCal1 = -1471.0, 8826.0; // double :instmeta_AQDAnalogInputCal2 = -1471.0, 8826.0; // double :instmeta_AQDSyncOutDelay = "0 sec"; :instmeta_AQDSyncPowerDelay = "0 sec"; :instmeta_AQDPressuresensor = "YES"; :instmeta_AQDCompass = "YES"; :instmeta_AQDTilt = "YES"; :instmeta_AQDFrequency = 1000.0; // double :instmeta_AQDHeadSerialNumber = "ASP 3785"; :instmeta_AQDTransMatrix = 1.5774, 0.0, 0.3677, -0.7891, -1.3662, 0.3677, -0.7891, 1.3662, 0.3677; // double :instmeta_AQDPressureCal = 0.0, 0.0, 4034.0, 13177.0; // double :instmeta_AQDNumBeams = 3.0; // double :instmeta_AQDBeamWidth = 3.4; // double :instmeta_AQDBeamPattern = "convex"; :instmeta_AQDBeamAngle = 25.0; // double :instmeta_AQDVelRange = 1000.0; // double :instmeta_AQDTempRange = -4.0, 40.0; // double :instmeta_AQDPressRange = 0.0, 100.0; // double :instmeta_AQDHeadRotation = "horizontal"; :nbursts = 1777.0; // double :burstlength = 1024.0; // double :WATER_DEPTH_source = "water depth = MSL from pressure sensor"; :WATER_DEPTH_datum = "MSL"; :nominal_instrument_depth = 15.73785779143476; // double :nominal_instrument_depth_note = "WATER_DEPTH-initial_instrument_height"; :WATER_DEPTH_note = "downlooking bin depths = water_depth - transducer_offset_from_bottom + bindist"; :ncfilename = "9913aqdHRb-raw.cdf"; :inst_number = "unknown"; :DELTA_T = "3600"; }