netcdf ots/Stellwagen/ECOHAB_II/ { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED; // (24715 currently) depth = 1; lon = 1; lat = 1; variables: int time(time=24715); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "True Julian Day"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 624; // int int time2(time=24715); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "msec since 0:00 GMT"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 624; // int float depth(depth=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "m"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 3; // int float lon(lon=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "degrees_east"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 502; // int float lat(lat=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "degrees_north"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 500; // int float rspd_4006(time=24715, depth=1, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "rspd"; :long_name = "ROTOR SPEED "; :generic_name = "speed"; :FORTRAN_format = "f8.2"; :units = "cm s-1"; :epic_code = 4006; // int :sensor_depth = 88.0; // double :serial_number = "V-518 "; :minimum = 3.3336945f; // float :maximum = 30.92011f; // float :valid_range = 0.0f, 1000.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float TRN_107(time=24715, depth=1, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "TRN"; :long_name = "TRANSMISSOMETER VOLTAGE 7"; :generic_name = " "; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :units = " "; :epic_code = 107; // int :sensor_depth = 88.0; // double :serial_number = "TR-566"; :minimum = 1.8754519f; // float :maximum = 4.4612927f; // float :valid_range = -5.0f, 5.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :interp_note = "29 pad values interpolated."; float T_20(time=24715, depth=1, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "T"; :long_name = "TEMPERATURE (C) "; :generic_name = "temp"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :units = "C"; :epic_code = 20; // int :sensor_depth = 88.0; // double :minimum = 4.908297f; // float :maximum = 9.105082f; // float :serial_number = "T- 565"; :valid_range = 0.0f, 100.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float ATTN_55(time=24715, depth=1, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "ATTN"; :long_name = "ATTENUATION "; :generic_name = "attn"; :FORTRAN_format = "f7.5"; :units = "m-1"; :epic_code = 55; // int :sensor_depth = 88.0; // double :minimum = -0.0f; // float :maximum = 3.4663558f; // float :serial_number = "TR-566"; :valid_range = 0.0f, 10000.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :Vair = 4.696097624929328; // double :focal_length = 0.25; // double :comment = "ATTN = -(1/focal_length).* log(TRN_107./(.95*Vair))"; // global attributes: :CREATION_DATE = "20-Dec-2000 12:42:30"; :DATA_TYPE = "TIME"; :DATA_SUBTYPE = " "; :DATA_ORIGIN = "USGS"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "GEOGRAPHICAL"; :WATER_MASS = "?"; :EXPERIMENT = " "; :PROJECT = " "; :MOORING = "6187"; :DELTA_T = "450"; :COMPOSITE = 0; // int :DATA_CMNT = " "; :POS_CONST = 0; // int :DEPTH_CONST = 0; // int :WATER_DEPTH = 135; // int :DESCRIPT = "VTCT, ECOHAB CASCO BAY USGS3 MUSL4 "; :DRIFTER = 0; // int :FILL_FLAG = 0.0; // double :history = "Beam attenuation calculated by dolly.m.:29 pad values replaced by linear interpolations using EPIC_interp.m : Variables TRN_107, edited using maskedit.m with mask file 6187tr-trm.msk. :Trimmed using truncate.m to select records in the range 61 to 24775. :Time set to correct day. :Time set to correct year. :Attributes and variable names adjusted to EPIC standard using fix_buoy_ts.m :BUOY file converted to netCDF using Signell\'s buoy2epic.exe :Original BUOY creation date was 13:35 DEC 1,\'00"; :start_time = "08-Apr-2000 21:18:45"; :stop_time = "15-Aug-2000 14:33:45"; :latitude = 43.529f; // float :longitude = -69.30033f; // float :magnetic_variation = -17.3f; // float :water_depth = 135.0f; // float :INST_TYPE = "VACM-tct "; :VAR_DESC = "rspd:TRN:T:ATTN"; :sampling_interval = 450; // int :VAR_FILL = "NaN"; }