netcdf ots/Stellwagen/GLOBEC_GB/ { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED; // (6314 currently) depth = 56; lon = 1; lat = 1; variables: int time(time=6314); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "True Julian Day"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :epic_code = 624; // int int time2(time=6314); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "msec since 0:00 GMT"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :epic_code = 624; // int float depth(depth=56); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "m"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 3; // int :long_name = "DEPTH (m)"; :blanking_distance = 1.5; // double :bin_size = 1.0; // double :xducer_offset_from_bottom = 1.2350000143051147; // double float lon(lon=1); :FORTRAN_format = "f10.4"; :units = "degree_north"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 502; // int :name = "LON"; :long_name = "LONGITUDE"; :generic_name = "lon"; float lat(lat=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "degree_west"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 500; // int float u_1205(time=6314, depth=56, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "u"; :long_name = "Eastward Velocity"; :generic_name = "u"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :units = "cm/s"; :epic_code = 1205; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 58.32331907749176; // double :serial_number = 346; // int :minimum = -196.84225f; // float :maximum = 145.68164f; // float :valid_range = 1000.0f, 1000.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float v_1206(time=6314, depth=56, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "v"; :long_name = "Northward Velocity"; :generic_name = "v"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :units = "cm/s"; :epic_code = 1206; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 58.32331907749176; // double :serial_number = 346; // int :minimum = -168.734f; // float :maximum = 149.2103f; // float :valid_range = 1000.0f, 1000.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float w_1204(time=6314, depth=56, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "w"; :long_name = "Vertical Velocity"; :generic_name = "w"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :units = "cm/s"; :epic_code = 1204; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 58.32331907749176; // double :serial_number = 346; // int :minimum = -19.095242f; // float :maximum = 16.397564f; // float :valid_range = 1000.0f, 1000.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float Werr_1201(time=6314, depth=56, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "Werr"; :long_name = "Error Velocity"; :generic_name = "w"; :FORTRAN_format = "F8.1"; :units = "cm/s"; :epic_code = 1201; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 58.32331907749176; // double :serial_number = 346; // int :minimum = -31.901667f; // float :maximum = 25.450405f; // float :valid_range = 1000.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float AGC_1202(time=6314, depth=56, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "AGC"; :long_name = "Average Echo Intensity (AGC)"; :generic_name = "AGC"; :FORTRAN_format = "F5.1"; :units = "counts"; :epic_code = 1202; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 58.32331907749176; // double :serial_number = 346; // int :norm_factor = 0.44999998807907104; // double :NOTE = "normalization to db"; :minimum = 59.25f; // float :maximum = 202.5f; // float :valid_range = 50.0, 255.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float PGd_1203(time=6314, depth=56, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "PGd"; :long_name = "Percent Good Pings"; :generic_name = "PGd"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :units = "counts"; :epic_code = 1203; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 58.32331907749176; // double :serial_number = 346; // int :minimum = 0.0f; // float :maximum = 100.0f; // float :valid_range = 25.0, 100.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float hght_18(time=6314, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "hght"; :long_name = "height of sea surface"; :generic_name = "height"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :units = "m"; :epic_code = 18; // int :sensor_depth = 58.32331907749176; // double :minimum = 54.18f; // float :maximum = 59.33f; // float :serial_number = 346; // int :valid_range = 0.0f, 1000.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :NOTE = "height of sea surface relative to transducer head"; float Tx_1211(time=6314, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "Tx"; :long_name = "ADCP Transducer Temp."; :generic_name = "temp"; :units = "degrees.C"; :epic_code = 1211; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 58.32331907749176; // double :serial_number = 346; // int :minimum = 9.45f; // float :maximum = 18.41f; // float :valid_range = -5.0, 40.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float // global attributes: :CREATION_DATE = "28-May-2008 13:40:42"; :MOORING = "5751"; :Deployment_date = "21-jun-1999"; :Recovery_date = "26-aug-1999"; :INST_TYPE = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :history = "corrected sign of lon using fix_poslon.m: Global attributes corrected.: Written to an EPIC standard data file by adcp2ep.m;Bins were trimmed by trimBins.m based on RDI surface output.;ensembles recorded pre and post deployment were trimmed by goodends.m;The data were filtered using rdi quality control factors in runmask.m ;Converted to netCDF via MATLAB by rdi2cdf.m 2.2c 10/22/99"; :firmware_version = 8.23f; // float :frequency = 300; // int :beam_pattern = "convex"; :orientation = "UP"; :beam_angle = 20; // int :janus = "4 Beam"; :pings_per_ensemble = 300; // int :valid_correlation_range = 64, 255; // int :minmax_percent_good = 25, 100; // int :error_velocity_threshold = 1000; // int :time_between_ping_groups = 0.0f; // float :transmit_pulse_length_cm = 148; // int :starting_water_layer = 1; // int :ending_water_layer = 5; // int :false_target_reject_values = 50, 255; // int :ADCP_serial_number = 346; // int :transform = "EARTH"; :DATA_TYPE = "ADCP"; :DATA_SUBTYPE = "MOORED"; :DATA_ORIGIN = "USGS WHFS Sed Trans Group"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "GEOGRAPHIC"; :WATER_MASS = "?"; :POS_CONST = 0; // int :DEPTH_CONST = 0; // int :WATER_DEPTH = 59.558319091796875; // double :DRIFTER = 0; // int :VAR_FILL = 1.0000000409184788E35; // double :EXPERIMENT = "Globec"; :PROJECT = "NOAA"; :DESCRIPT = "Georges Bank ADCP"; :longitude = -67.43000030517578; // double :latitude = 41.1195; // double :DATA_CMNT = "site 2"; :FILL_FLAG = 0; // int :COMPOSITE = 0; // int :VAR_DESC = "u:v:w:Werr:AGC:PGd:Tx"; :DELTA_T = "900"; :start_time = "21-Jun-1999 19:59:17"; :stop_time = "26-Aug-1999 14:14:17"; :magnetic_variation = -17.0; // double }