netcdf ots/Stellwagen/MATANZAS_18/ { dimensions: lat = 1; lon = 1; time = 1895; sample = 8192; depth = 79; variables: float lat(lat=1); :units = "Degrees North"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 500.0; // double :name = "LAT"; :long_name = "LATITUDE"; :datum = "NAD83"; float lon(lon=1); :units = "Degrees East"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 502.0; // double :name = "LON"; :long_name = "LONGITUDE"; :datum = "NAD83"; int time(time=1895, sample=8192); :units = "True Julian Day"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :epic_code = 624.0; // double :datum = "Time (UTC) in True Julian Days: 2440000 = 0000 h on May 23, 1968"; :note = "Decimal Julian day [days] = time [days] + ( time2 [msec] / 86400000 [msec/day] )"; int time2(time=1895, sample=8192); :units = "msec since 0:00 GMT"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :name = "time2"; :generic_name = "time"; :epic_code = 624.0; // double :datum = "Time (UTC) in True Julian Days: 2440000 = 0000 h on May 23, 1968"; :note = "Decimal Julian day [days] = time [days] + ( time2 [msec] / 86400000 [msec/day] )"; int burst(time=1895); :minimum = 1.0; // double :maximum = 1895.0; // double :_FillValue = -2147483648; // int :units = "count"; :name = "burst"; :long_name = "Burst Number"; int sample(sample=8192); :_FillValue = -2147483648; // int :units = "count"; :long_name = "Sample Number"; float depth(depth=79); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :units = "m"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 3.0; // double :long_name = "Depth of bin relative to input Mean Water depth (m)"; :blanking_distance = 0.1f; // float :bin_size = 0.02f; // float :center_first_bin = 0.120000005f; // float :bin_count = 79.0f; // float :WATER_DEPTH = 8.6; // double :WATER_DEPTH_source = "(meters), nominal depth"; :transducer_offset_from_bottom = 1.51; // double :NOTE = "downlooking bin depths = water_depth - transducer offset from bottom + bindist"; float bindist(depth=79); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :units = "m"; :type = "EVEN"; :long_name = "bin distance from instrument (m)"; :blanking_distance = 0.1f; // float :bin_size = 0.02f; // float :transducer_offset_from_bottom = 1.51; // double :center_first_bin = 0.120000005f; // float :bin_count = 79.0f; // float :WATER_DEPTH = 8.6; // double :WATER_DEPTH_source = "(meters), nominal depth"; :NOTE = "distance is along profile from instrument head to center of bin"; :minimum = 0.12000000476837158; // double :maximum = 1.6799999475479126; // double float vel5(time=1895, sample=8192, depth=79); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :name = "v"; :long_name = "beam5 velocity (mm/s)"; :generic_name = "velocity"; :units = "mm s-1"; :sensor_type = "Nortek Signature"; :sensor_depth = 7.09; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.51; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height_note = "transducer height above bed, m"; :minimum = -1974.0001220703125; // double :maximum = 1974.0001220703125; // double float w_1204(time=1895, sample=8192, depth=79); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :name = "w"; :long_name = "Vertical Velocity"; :generic_name = "w"; :units = "cm s-1"; :epic_code = 1204.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Signature"; :sensor_depth = 7.09; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.51; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height_note = "transducer height above bed, m"; :minimum = -197.3633575439453; // double :maximum = 197.36334228515625; // double float AmbVel(time=1895, sample=8192); :minimum = 32.400001525878906; // double :maximum = 33.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :long_name = "Ambiguity Velocity"; :units = "cm s-1"; float Sv5(time=1895, sample=8192, depth=79); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :name = "Sv5"; :long_name = "Backscattering Strength Beam 5"; :generic_name = "amplitude"; :units = "dB"; :sensor_type = "Nortek Signature"; :sensor_depth = 7.09; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.51; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height_note = "transducer height above bed, m"; :minimum = 26.5; // double :maximum = 86.0; // double float cor5(time=1895, sample=8192, depth=79); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :name = "cor5"; :long_name = "Correlation Beam 5"; :generic_name = "correlation"; :units = "percent"; :sensor_type = "Nortek Signature"; :sensor_depth = 7.09; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.51; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height_note = "transducer height above bed, m"; :minimum = 0.0; // double :maximum = 100.0; // double float P_1(time=1895, sample=8192); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :name = "P"; :long_name = "PRESSURE (dbar) "; :generic_name = "pressure"; :units = "dbar"; :epic_code = 1.0; // double :nominal_pressure_offset_db = 10.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Signature"; :sensor_depth = 7.09; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.51; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height_note = "transducer height above bed, m"; :minimum = 5.885000228881836; // double :maximum = 10.22800064086914; // double float Tx_1211(time=1895, sample=8192); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :name = "Tx"; :long_name = "instrument Transducer Temp."; :generic_name = "temperature"; :units = "degrees.C"; :epic_code = 1211.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Signature"; :sensor_depth = 7.09; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.51; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height_note = "transducer height above bed, m"; :minimum = 11.34999942779541; // double :maximum = 19.850000381469727; // double float Hdg_1215(time=1895, sample=8192); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :name = "Hdg"; :long_name = "Instrument heading"; :generic_name = "heading"; :units = "degrees"; :epic_code = 1215.0; // double :note = "Heading is degrees true. Converted from magnetic with magnetic variation of -6.700000"; :sensor_type = "Nortek Signature"; :sensor_depth = 7.09; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.51; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height_note = "transducer height above bed, m"; :minimum = 77.91000366210938; // double :maximum = 120.54000091552734; // double float Ptch_1216(time=1895, sample=8192); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :name = "Ptch"; :long_name = "Instrument pitch"; :generic_name = "pitch"; :units = "degrees"; :epic_code = 1216.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Signature"; :sensor_depth = 7.09; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.51; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height_note = "transducer height above bed, m"; :minimum = -5.980000019073486; // double :maximum = 8.210000038146973; // double float Roll_1217(time=1895, sample=8192); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :name = "Roll"; :long_name = "Instrument roll"; :generic_name = "roll"; :epic_code = 1217.0; // double :units = "degrees"; :sensor_type = "Nortek Signature"; :sensor_depth = 7.09; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.51; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height_note = "transducer height above bed, m"; :minimum = -4.009999752044678; // double :maximum = 11.210000038146973; // double float SV_80(time=1895, sample=8192); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :units = "m s-1"; :long_name = "sound velocity (m s-1)"; :epic_code = 80.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek Signature"; :sensor_depth = 7.09; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.51; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height_note = "transducer height above bed, m"; :minimum = 1494.7000732421875; // double :maximum = 1521.2000732421875; // double float Battery(time=1895, sample=8192); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :units = "V"; :long_name = "Battery status"; :sensor_type = "Nortek Signature"; :sensor_depth = 7.09; // double :initial_sensor_height = 1.51; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height_note = "transducer height above bed, m"; :minimum = 18.399999618530273; // double :maximum = 18.700000762939453; // double int Status(time=1895, sample=8192); :minimum = 9.78059266E8; // double :maximum = 9.7806029E8; // double :_FillValue = -2147483648; // int :units = "binary"; :type = "EVEN"; :long_name = "Burst Status bits"; float TransmitEnergy(time=1895, sample=8192); :minimum = 0.0; // double :maximum = 10.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :units = "dB"; :long_name = "Transmit Energy"; float AccelerometerX(time=1895, sample=8192); :minimum = -0.1043701171875; // double :maximum = 0.13922119140625; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :units = "deg s-1"; :long_name = "Accelerometer reading in last measurement intervalX"; float AccelerometerY(time=1895, sample=8192); :minimum = -0.18756103515625; // double :maximum = 0.06976318359375; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :units = "deg s-1"; :long_name = "Accelerometer reading in last measurement intervalY"; float AccelerometerZ(time=1895, sample=8192); :minimum = -1.17169189453125; // double :maximum = -0.93438720703125; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :units = "deg s-1"; :long_name = "Accelerometer reading in last measurement intervalZ"; float P_1ac(time=1895, sample=8192); :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :name = "pressure (corrected for atmospheric)"; :long_name = "pressure (corrected for atmospheric)"; :standard_name = "sea_water_pressure_due_to_sea_water"; :units = "dbar"; :initial_instrument_height = 1.51; // double :minimum = 5.612264f; // float :maximum = 10.035917f; // float :note = "Corrected for variations in atmospheric pressure using local barometric pressure record"; :_ChunkSizes = 474U, 2048U; // uint short error_bits(time=1895, sample=8192); :minimum = 0.0; // double :maximum = 0.0; // double :_FillValue = -32768S; // short :units = "binary"; :type = "EVEN"; :long_name = "Bits 8-15: Beam error for beams 0-3 (2 bits each), Bit 4 = Measurement not finished, Bit 2 = Re"; // global attributes: :SciPi = "J. Warner"; :PROJECT = "USGS Coastal Marine Geology Program"; :EXPERIMENT = "Matanzas Inlet Sediment Transport"; :DESCRIPTION = "Shallow site Quadpod"; :DATA_SUBTYPE = "MOORED"; :DATA_ORIGIN = "USGS WHCMSC Sediment Transport Group"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "GEOGRAPHIC + sample"; :Conventions = "PMEL/EPIC"; :MOORING = "1110"; :WATER_DEPTH = 8.6; // double :WATER_DEPTH_NOTE = "(meters), ship\'s echosounder"; :latitude = 29.7114; // double :longitude = -81.218633; // double :magnetic_variation = -6.7; // double :Deployment_date = "24-Jan-2018"; :Recovery_date = "13-Apr-2018"; :DATA_CMNT = ; :platform_type = "Large quadpod Lander"; :DRIFTER = 0.0; // double :POS_CONST = 0.0; // double :DEPTH_CONST = 0.0; // double :institution = "United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center"; :institution_url = ""; :initial_instrument_height = 1.51; // double :serial_number = "100593"; :INST_TYPE = "Nortek Signature"; :DATA_TYPE = "ADCP"; :COMPOSITE = 0.0; // double :beam_angle = 0.0; // double :cdffile = "11102sig_iburstHR-raw.cdf"; :verbose = 0.0; // double :bursts_per_hour = 1.0; // double :seconds_per_burst = 2048.0; // double :burst_count = 1895.0; // double :shape = "burst"; :transducer_offset = 1.51; // double :transform = "BEAM"; :orientation = "down"; :atmos = 10.0; // double :coordtrans = "y"; :burstptr = 1.0; // double :definecdf = "y"; :matfile = ".\\data\\converted\\S100593A013_Matan_1110_1.mat"; :frequency = 1000.0f; // float :sampling_rate = 4.0f; // float :samples_per_burst = 8192.0f; // float :burst_interval = 3600.0f; // float :bin_count = 79.0f; // float :bin_size = 0.02f; // float :nbeams = 1.0f; // float :blanking_distance = 0.1f; // float :center_first_bin = 0.120000005f; // float :burst_altimeter = "False"; :lag5 = 1.7300000190734863; // double :SIGSerialNo = 100593UL; // ulong :SIGInstrumentName = "Signature1000"; :SIGAnalogBoardRev = "F-1"; :SIGDigitalBoardRev = "I-3"; :SIGSensorBoardRev = "H-1"; :SIGInterfaceBoardRev = "H-2"; :SIGFPGAVersion = 163UL; // ulong :SIGFWVersion = 2205UL; // ulong :SIGComType = "RS232"; :SIGBaudrate = 9600.0; // double :SIGLedEnabled = "ON24H"; :SIGOrientation = "AUTOZUPDOWN"; :SIGHeadFrequency = 1000.0; // double :SIGHasAccelerometer = "True"; :SIGHasMagnetometer = "True"; :SIGHasPressure = "True"; :SIGHasTemperature = "True"; :SIGHasCompass = "True"; :SIGHx = 0.0; // double :SIGHy = 0.0; // double :SIGHz = 0.0; // double :SIGPressureOffset = 10.0; // double :SIGDeclination = 0.0; // double :SIGBurstHR_BlankingDistance = 0.10000000149011612; // double :SIGBurstHR_CellSize = 0.019999999552965164; // double :SIGBurstHR_NCells = 79UL; // ulong :SIGBurstHR_PowerLevel = -10.0; // double :SIGBurstHR_Processing = 1UL; // ulong :SIGBurstHR_Lag = 2.0999999046325684; // double :SIGBurstHR_Lag5 = 1.7300000190734863; // double :SIGBurstHR_SideCorrelators = 6UL; // ulong :history = "Data cnoverted to EPIC variables and tilt matrix applied to computed up+ velocity (w_1204) by Sigcdf2iburstHRnc4; Raw data from Nortek Signature netCDF translated to NetCDF4 by Signaturemat2rawcdf_iburstHR Data cropped by user defined ensemble numbers;"; :magnetic_variation_applied = "y"; :DELTA_T = "3600"; :start_time = "24-Jan-2018 15:00:00"; :stop_time = "13-Apr-2018 13:34:08"; :minimum_amplitude_dB = 13.5; // double :minimum_correlation_% = 0.0; // double :VAR_FILL = 1.0E35f; // float :FILL_FLAG = 0.0; // double :VAR_DESC = "burst:bindist:vel5:w_1204:AmbVel:Sv5:cor5:P_1:Tx_1211:Hdg_1215:Ptch_1216:Roll_1217:SV_80:Battery:Error:Status:TransmitEnergy:AccelerometerX:AccelerometerY:AccelerometerZ"; :DATA_NOTE = "This netCDF file contains unaveraged high-resolution (HR) burst data from vertical beam (beam 5)."; }