netcdf ots/Stellwagen/MATANZAS_18/ { dimensions: time = 1889; lat = 1; lon = 1; depth = 1; sample = 32768; variables: int burst(time=1889); :type = "UNEVEN"; :name = "burst"; :generic_name = "record"; :long_name = "Burst Number"; :_FillValue = -32768; // int :minimum = 1.0; // double :maximum = 1889.0; // double :epic_code = 1207; // int int time(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "True Julian Day"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :name = "time"; :generic_name = "time"; :NOTE = "Time is at the beginning of the burst"; :epic_code = 624; // int int time2(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "msec since 0:00 GMT"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :name = "time2"; :generic_name = "time"; :NOTE = "Time is at the beginning of the burst"; :_FillValue = -32768; // int :epic_code = 624; // int float lat(lat=1); :units = "degree_north"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 500; // int float lon(lon=1); :units = "degree_east"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 502; // int float depth(depth=1); :units = "m"; :type = "EVEN"; :long_name = "nominal measurement depth"; :transducer_offset_from_bottom = 0.553; // double :positive = "down"; :axis = "z"; :epic_code = 3; // int int sample(sample=32768); :units = "count"; :long_name = "count in burst"; float u_1205(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "cm/s"; :name = "u"; :generic_name = "u"; :long_name = "Eastward Velocity"; :NOTE = "Magnetic variation correction applied = -6.70"; :instrument_type = "Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter"; :instrument_depth = 14.347; // double :initial_instrument_height = 0.553; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_instrument_height_note = "Probe transmit transducer height above bed, m"; :serial_number = "VEC 5243"; :ADVsampleVolumeOffset = 0.0149; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = -121.40586853027344; // double :maximum = 139.384033203125; // double :epic_code = 1205; // int float v_1206(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "cm/s"; :name = "v"; :generic_name = "v"; :long_name = "Northward Velocity"; :NOTE = "Magnetic variation correction applied = -6.70"; :instrument_type = "Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter"; :instrument_depth = 14.347; // double :initial_instrument_height = 0.553; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_instrument_height_note = "Probe transmit transducer height above bed, m"; :serial_number = "VEC 5243"; :ADVsampleVolumeOffset = 0.0149; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = -122.57205963134766; // double :maximum = 116.38648223876953; // double :epic_code = 1206; // int float w_1204(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "cm/s"; :name = "w"; :generic_name = "w"; :long_name = "Vertical Velocity"; :NOTE = "Magnetic variation correction applied = -6.70"; :instrument_type = "Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter"; :instrument_depth = 14.347; // double :initial_instrument_height = 0.553; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_instrument_height_note = "Probe transmit transducer height above bed, m"; :serial_number = "VEC 5243"; :ADVsampleVolumeOffset = 0.0149; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = -30.041048049926758; // double :maximum = 29.51465606689453; // double :epic_code = 1204; // int float P_1(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "dbar"; :type = "EVEN"; :name = "P"; :long_name = "PRESSURE (DB) "; :instrument_type = "Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter"; :instrument_depth = 12.892; // double :initial_instrument_height = 2.008; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_instrument_height_note = "Based on pressure sensor in electronics case height above bed, m"; :serial_number = "VEC 5243"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 10.802000045776367; // double :maximum = 14.805000305175781; // double :epic_code = 1; // int float AGC1_1221(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "counts"; :name = "AGC"; :generic_name = "AGC"; :long_name = "Average Echo Intensity (AGC) Beam 1"; :instrument_type = "Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter"; :instrument_depth = 14.347; // double :initial_instrument_height = 0.553; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_instrument_height_note = "Probe transmit transducer height above bed, m"; :serial_number = "VEC 5243"; :ADVsampleVolumeOffset = 0.0149; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 41.0; // double :maximum = 213.0; // double :epic_code = 1221; // int float AGC2_1222(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "counts"; :name = "AGC"; :generic_name = "AGC"; :long_name = "Average Echo Intensity (AGC) Beam 2"; :instrument_type = "Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter"; :instrument_depth = 14.347; // double :initial_instrument_height = 0.553; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_instrument_height_note = "Probe transmit transducer height above bed, m"; :serial_number = "VEC 5243"; :ADVsampleVolumeOffset = 0.0149; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 41.0; // double :maximum = 211.0; // double :epic_code = 1222; // int float AGC3_1223(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "counts"; :name = "AGC"; :generic_name = "AGC"; :long_name = "Average Echo Intensity (AGC) Beam 3"; :instrument_type = "Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter"; :instrument_depth = 14.347; // double :initial_instrument_height = 0.553; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_instrument_height_note = "Probe transmit transducer height above bed, m"; :serial_number = "VEC 5243"; :ADVsampleVolumeOffset = 0.0149; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 41.0; // double :maximum = 211.0; // double :epic_code = 1223; // int float COR1_1285(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "percent"; :name = "COR1"; :generic_name = "COR"; :long_name = "Beam 1 Correlation"; :instrument_type = "Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter"; :instrument_depth = 14.347; // double :initial_instrument_height = 0.553; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_instrument_height_note = "Probe transmit transducer height above bed, m"; :serial_number = "VEC 5243"; :ADVsampleVolumeOffset = 0.0149; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 0.0; // double :maximum = 100.0; // double :epic_code = 1285; // int float COR2_1286(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "percent"; :name = "COR2"; :generic_name = "COR"; :long_name = "Beam 2 Correlation"; :instrument_type = "Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter"; :instrument_depth = 14.347; // double :initial_instrument_height = 0.553; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_instrument_height_note = "Probe transmit transducer height above bed, m"; :serial_number = "VEC 5243"; :ADVsampleVolumeOffset = 0.0149; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 0.0; // double :maximum = 100.0; // double :epic_code = 1286; // int float COR3_1287(time=1889, sample=32768); :units = "percent"; :name = "COR3"; :generic_name = "COR"; :long_name = "Beam 3 Correlation"; :instrument_type = "Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter"; :instrument_depth = 14.347; // double :initial_instrument_height = 0.553; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_instrument_height_note = "Probe transmit transducer height above bed, m"; :serial_number = "VEC 5243"; :ADVsampleVolumeOffset = 0.0149; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 0.0; // double :maximum = 100.0; // double :epic_code = 1287; // int // global attributes: :CREATION_DATE = "17-Apr-2019 11:23:38"; :DATA_TYPE = "TIME+SAMPLE"; :DATA_SUBTYPE = "MOORED"; :MOORING = "1112"; :serial_number = "VEC12944"; :PROJECT = "USGS Coastal Marine Geology Program"; :EXPERIMENT = "Matanzas Inlet Sediment Transport"; :SciPi = "J. Warner"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "GEOGRAPHIC"; :WATER_MASS = "?"; :COMPOSITE = 0B; // byte :DATA_CMNT = ; :POS_CONST = 0.0; // double :DEPTH_CONST = 0.0; // double :WATER_DEPTH = 14.9; // double :DESCRIPTION = "offshore site quadpod"; :DRIFTER = 0.0; // double :FILL_FLAG = 0.0; // double :magnetic_variation = -6.7; // double :INST_TYPE = "Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter"; :VAR_FILL = 1.0E35; // double :DATA_ORIGIN = "USGS WHCMSC Sediment Transport Group"; :Conventions = "PMEL/EPIC"; :WATER_DEPTH_NOTE = "(meters), ship\'s echosounder"; :latitude = 29.713267; // double :longitude = -81.2146; // double :Deployment_date = "24-Jan-2018"; :Recovery_date = "13-Apr-2018"; :platform_type = "large Quadpod bottom lander"; :institution = "United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center"; :institution_url = ""; :instnum = "8"; :pressure_sensor_height = 2.008; // double :probe_height = 0.553; // double :electronics_case_mount_orientation = "horizontal"; :electronics_case_notch_orientation = "up"; :probe_type = "cabled"; :probe_orientation = "down"; :angle_between_probe_beam1_and_notch = 0.0; // double :initial_instrument_height = 0.553; // double :metadatafile_author = "Marinna Martini, USGS MP"; :use_data_in_ENU_files = "NO"; :ORIENTATION = "down"; :ADVsampleVolumeOffset = 0.0149; // double :ADVsampleVolumeOffset_applied = 0.0149; // double :Nortekmeta_metafile = "C:\\data\\Matanzas\\11127_Vec5243Red\\raw\\1112RE03.VEC"; :Nortekmeta_Number_of_measurements = "41615360"; :Nortekmeta_Number_of_velocity_checksum_errors = "0"; :Nortekmeta_Number_of_sensor_checksum_errors = "0"; :Nortekmeta_Number_of_data_gaps = "0"; :Nortekmeta_Time_of_first_measurement = "1/22/2018"; :Nortekmeta_Time_of_last_measurement = "3/15/2018 9:34:09 PM"; :metafile = "C:\\data\\Matanzas\\11127_Vec5243Red\\raw\\1112RE03.VEC"; :Number_of_measurements = "41615360"; :Number_of_velocity_checksum_errors = "0"; :Number_of_sensor_checksum_errors = "0"; :Number_of_data_gaps = "0"; :Time_of_first_measurement = "1/22/2018"; :Time_of_last_measurement = "3/15/2018 9:34:09 PM"; :User_setup_Sampling_rate = "16 Hz"; :User_setup_Nominal_velocity_range = "1.00 m/s"; :User_setup_Burst_interval = "3600 sec"; :User_setup_Samples_per_burst = "32768"; :User_setup_Sampling_volume = "14.9 mm"; :User_setup_Measurement_load = "59 %"; :User_setup_Transmit_length = "4.0 mm"; :User_setup_Receive_length = "0.01 m"; :User_setup_Output_sync = "VECTOR"; :User_setup_Analog_output = "DISABLED"; :User_setup_Analog_input_1 = "NONE"; :User_setup_Analog_input_2 = "NONE"; :User_setup_Power_output = "DISABLED"; :User_setup_Output_format = "VECTOR"; :User_setup_Velocity_scaling = "1 mm"; :User_setup_IMU_mode = "OFF"; :User_setup_IMU_data_type = "AHRSC3"; :User_setup_IMU_Mag_digital_filter_size = "17"; :User_setup_IMU_GyroAccel_digital_filter_size = "15"; :User_setup_Powerlevel = "LOW+"; :User_setup_Coordinate_system = "BEAM"; :User_setup_Sound_speed = "MEASURED"; :User_setup_Salinity = "32.0 ppt"; :User_setup_Distance_between_pings = "1.01 m"; :User_setup_Number_of_beams = "3"; :User_setup_Software_version = "1.39.06"; :User_setup_Deployment_name = "1112Re"; :User_setup_Wrap_mode = "OFF"; :User_setup_Deployment_time = "1/22/2018"; :User_setup_Comments = "Red Vector on 14 m quadpod mooring 1112, no sync, no sensors, IMU off"; :User_setup_System1 = "2"; :User_setup_System2 = "16"; :User_setup_System3 = "7"; :User_setup_System4 = "44"; :User_setup_System5 = "512"; :User_setup_System9 = "194"; :User_setup_System10 = "0"; :User_setup_System11 = "18883"; :User_setup_System12 = "3857"; :User_setup_System13 = "0"; :User_setup_System14 = "1"; :User_setup_System16 = "1"; :User_setup_System17 = "7"; :User_setup_System22 = "10800"; :User_setup_System28 = "1"; :User_setup_System29 = "1"; :User_setup_System30 = "20"; :User_setup_System31 = "15573 15600 15627 15654"; :User_setup_System32 = "1200"; :User_setup_System33 = "32768"; :User_setup_System34 = "16384"; :User_setup_System35 = "25206"; :User_setup_System36 = "12603"; :User_setup_System37 = "6302"; :User_setup_System38 = "50"; :User_setup_System39 = "130"; :User_setup_System40 = "32768"; :User_setup_System41 = "4"; :User_setup_System42 = "33554"; :User_setup_System43 = "0"; :User_setup_System44 = "0"; :User_setup_System45 = "2"; :User_setup_Start_command = "Recorder deployment"; :User_setup_CRC_download = "Unknown"; :Hardware_configuration_Serial_number = "VEC12944"; :Hardware_configuration_Hardware_revision = "4 (E)"; :Hardware_configuration_Recorder_size = "3773 MByte"; :Hardware_configuration_Firmware_version = "3.42"; :Hardware_configuration_Power_output = "12V"; :Hardware_configuration_ProLog_ID = "1191"; :Hardware_configuration_ProLog_firmware_version = "4.22"; :Hardware_configuration_SD_Card_Inserted = "YES"; :Hardware_configuration_SD_Card_Ready = "YES"; :Hardware_configuration_SD_Card_Write_protected = "NO"; :Hardware_configuration_SD_Card_Type = "SDHC"; :Hardware_configuration_SD_Card_Supported = "YES"; :Head_configuration_Pressure_sensor = "YES"; :Head_configuration_Compass = "NO"; :Head_configuration_Tilt_sensor = "NO"; :Head_configuration_System_1 = "0"; :Head_configuration_Head_frequency = "6000 kHz"; :Head_configuration_Serial_number = "VEC 5243"; :Head_configuration_IMU_Sensor = "YES"; :Head_configuration_Transformation_matrix = "2.6963 -1.3596 -1.3337 -0.0159 2.3662 -2.3533 0.3401 0.3489 0.3423"; :Head_configuration_Magnetometer_calibration_matrix = "0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000"; :Head_configuration_Compass_hard_iron_calibration = "0 0 0"; :Head_configuration_Pressure_sensor_calibration = "0 0 44201 6707"; :Head_configuration_Number_of_beams = "3"; :Head_configuration_System5 = "0 0 0 0"; :Head_configuration_System7 = "0 0 16384 0 0 0 16384 0"; :Head_configuration_System8 = "0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 0"; :Head_configuration_System9 = "0 0 -1 0 1 0 1 0 0"; :Head_configuration_System10 = "0 -1 -1 0"; :Head_configuration_System11 = "0 -1 1 0"; :Head_configuration_System13 = "1481 259 7128 10854"; :Head_configuration_System14 = "0 0 16384 0 0 0 16384 0"; :Head_configuration_System15 = "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"; :Head_configuration_System16 = "0 0 0 0"; :Head_configuration_System17 = "5279"; :Head_configuration_System18 = "3600"; :Head_configuration_System19 = "3600"; :Head_configuration_System20 = "10000"; :DELTA_T = "3600"; :magnetic_variation_applied = -6.7; // double :bias_applied_to_pitch = 0.0; // double :bias_applied_to_roll = 0.0; // double :inversion_applied_to_heading = "no"; :inversion_applied_to_pitch = "no"; :inversion_applied_to_roll = "yes"; :UseDefaultTransMatrix = "no"; :inversion_applied_to_X = "no"; :inversion_applied_to_Y = "no"; :inversion_applied_to_Z = "no"; :initial_instrument_height_note = "height in meters above bottom based on probe location: accurate for tripod mounted instruments"; :nominal_instrument_depth_note = "inst_depth = (water_depth – inst_height); nominal depth below surface, meters"; :nominal_instrument_depth = 14.3619; // double :start_time = "24-Jan-2018 17:00:00"; :stop_time = "13-Apr-2018 09:34:08"; :history = "created using vec2cdfBurstMultiDat rev SVN $Revision: $ in Matlab (R2018b).; thumbfinger applied with threshold 5 x std around mean; rotations applied by veccdf2ncBurstNortek rev SVN $Revision: $ in Matlab (R2018b).; concatenated by catEPIC"; :bias_applied_to_heading = "Z (Aquadopp)"; :swapPitchRoll = "yes (Aquadopp)"; }