netcdf ots/Stellwagen/MOBILE_BAY/3921tsb-a.cdf { dimensions: time = 1914; lat = 1; lon = 1; depth = 1; depth002 = 1; variables: float lon(lon=1); :long_name = "Longitude"; :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10."; float lat(lat=1); :long_name = "Latitude"; :FORTRAN_format = "f9.5"; :units = "degrees"; float depth(depth=1); :long_name = "Depth"; :units = "m"; int time(time=1914); :units = "days"; :epic_code = 624; // int int time2(time=1914); :units = "milliseconds"; :epic_code = 624; // int float cond_1(time=1914, depth=1, lat=1, lon=1); :long_name = "COND 1 "; :units = "mmhos/cm "; :minimum = 21.39492f; // float :maximum = 42.991817f; // float :sensor_depth = 3.4f; // float :serial_number = "C-0371 "; float depth002(depth002=1); :long_name = "Depth"; :units = "m"; float cond_2(time=1914, depth002=1, lat=1, lon=1); :long_name = "COND 2 "; :units = "mmhos/cm "; :minimum = 21.09914f; // float :maximum = 43.128265f; // float :sensor_depth = 1.0f; // float :serial_number = "C-0226 "; float temp_1(time=1914, depth=1, lat=1, lon=1); :long_name = "TEMP 1 "; :units = "deg.celc "; :minimum = 13.414359f; // float :maximum = 19.034723f; // float :sensor_depth = 3.4f; // float :serial_number = "T-0986 "; float temp_2(time=1914, depth002=1, lat=1, lon=1); :long_name = "TEMP 2 "; :units = "deg.celc "; :minimum = 12.760212f; // float :maximum = 19.006504f; // float :sensor_depth = 1.0f; // float :serial_number = "T-1006 "; float salinity_1(time=1914, depth=1, lat=1, lon=1); :long_name = "SALINITY 1 "; :units = "psu "; :minimum = 16.576805f; // float :maximum = 32.14175f; // float :sensor_depth = 3.4f; // float :serial_number = "C-0371 "; float salinity_2(time=1914, depth002=1, lat=1, lon=1); :long_name = "SALINITY 2 "; :units = "psu "; :minimum = 15.367706f; // float :maximum = 32.254852f; // float :sensor_depth = 1.0f; // float :serial_number = "C-0226 "; // global attributes: :DATA_ORIGIN = "USGS"; :MOORING = "3921"; :DESCRIPT = "SALINITIES RECALC. WITH CORRECTED PRESSURE, SCRUBBED TEMP.2 "; :start_time = "91- XI -19 19.07.30"; :stop_time = "91- XI -26 10.32.30"; :latitude = 30.296f; // float :longitude = -87.99533f; // float :magnetic_variation = 1.0f; // float :sampling_interval = 300; // int :water_depth = 4.0f; // float :WATER_DEPTH = 4; // int :CREATION_DATE = "28-May-2008 16:39:32"; :DATA_TYPE = "TIME"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "GEOGRAPHICAL"; :history = "corrected sign of lon using fix_poslon.m: "; }