netcdf ots/Stellwagen/PV_SHELF04/ { dimensions: burst = UNLIMITED; // (5601 currently) axis = 3; subburst = 5; variables: float burst(burst=5601); :units = "counts"; :long_name = "Burst Number"; double time(burst=5601); :units = "Julian Day"; :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :long_name = "EPIC SYSTEM TIME"; :epic_code = 624; // int :type = "EVEN"; :valid_min = 0; // int :comment = "UT Julian days that begin at midnight; 1968-05-23 = 2440000"; :comment1 = "time, taken from the instrument, fixed at beginning of burst"; double time2(burst=5601); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "msec"; :type = "EVEN"; :long_name = "msec since 0:00 GMT"; :epic_code = 624; // int :valid_min = 0; // int float fixparosoverflow_pfixed(burst=5601); :long_name = "samples fixed by fixparosoverflow"; :units = "count"; float flagbadadv_stdv(burst=5601, axis=3, subburst=5); :long_name = "Std. Dev. of velocity subbursts"; :units = "cm/s"; float flagbadadv_scutoff(axis=3, subburst=5); :long_name = "Velocity standard deviation threshold"; :units = "cm/s"; float flagbadadv_mcor(burst=5601, axis=3, subburst=5); :long_name = "Mean correlation of subbursts"; :units = "%"; float flagbadadv_ccutoff(axis=3, subburst=5); :long_name = "Correlation threshold"; :units = "%"; float flagbadadv_stdp(burst=5601); :long_name = "Raw pressure Std. Dev."; :units = "count or Hz"; float flagbadadv_override_as_bad(burst=5601, axis=3, subburst=5); :long_name = "Known bad flagged by user"; :units = "boolean, 1 = remove"; float flagbadadv_override_as_good(burst=5601, axis=3, subburst=5); :long_name = "Known good flagged by user"; :units = "boolean, 1 = keep"; float flagbadadv_mask(burst=5601, axis=3, subburst=5); :long_name = "velocity data mask"; :units = "Boolean, 1 = bad"; float thumbfinger_Velx_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float thumbfinger_Velx_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_Velx_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_Velx_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float thumbfinger_Vely_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float thumbfinger_Vely_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_Vely_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_Vely_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float thumbfinger_Velz_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float thumbfinger_Velz_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_Velz_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_Velz_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float thumbfinger_heading_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "degrees, magnetic"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float thumbfinger_heading_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "degrees, magnetic"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_heading_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "degrees, magnetic"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_heading_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float thumbfinger_pitch_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "degrees"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float thumbfinger_pitch_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "degrees"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_pitch_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "degrees"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_pitch_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float thumbfinger_roll_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "degrees"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float thumbfinger_roll_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "degrees"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_roll_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "degrees"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_roll_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float thumbfinger_temperature_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "degrees Celcius"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float thumbfinger_temperature_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "degrees Celcius"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_temperature_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "degrees Celcius"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_temperature_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float thumbfinger_extpressfreq_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "Hz"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float thumbfinger_extpressfreq_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "Hz"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_extpressfreq_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "Hz"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float thumbfinger_extpressfreq_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float deglitch1vector_Velx_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float deglitch1vector_Velx_nfixed_dg(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of endpoints fixed by deglitch"; float deglitch1vector_Velx_nfixed_filt(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of endpoints fixed by filter"; float deglitch1vector_Velx_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float deglitch1vector_Velx_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float deglitch1vector_Velx_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float deglitch1vector_Vely_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float deglitch1vector_Vely_nfixed_dg(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of endpoints fixed by deglitch"; float deglitch1vector_Vely_nfixed_filt(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of endpoints fixed by filter"; float deglitch1vector_Vely_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float deglitch1vector_Vely_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float deglitch1vector_Vely_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float deglitch1vector_Velz_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float deglitch1vector_Velz_nfixed_dg(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of endpoints fixed by deglitch"; float deglitch1vector_Velz_nfixed_filt(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "number of endpoints fixed by filter"; float deglitch1vector_Velz_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float deglitch1vector_Velz_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "cm s-1"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float deglitch1vector_Velz_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float deglitch1vector_extpressfreq_nbad(burst=5601); :units = "Hz"; :long_name = "number of bad points"; float deglitch1vector_extpressfreq_nfixed_dg(burst=5601); :units = "Hz"; :long_name = "number of endpoints fixed by deglitch"; float deglitch1vector_extpressfreq_nfixed_filt(burst=5601); :units = "Hz"; :long_name = "number of endpoints fixed by filter"; float deglitch1vector_extpressfreq_delmean(burst=5601); :units = "Hz"; :long_name = "ratio of the mean before and after points were replaced"; float deglitch1vector_extpressfreq_delvar(burst=5601); :units = "Hz"; :long_name = "ratio of the variance before and after points were replaced"; float deglitch1vector_extpressfreq_stdr(burst=5601); :units = ""; :long_name = "standard deviation of the residuals"; float fixbadadvvel_NGoodVelSamples(burst=5601, axis=3); :long_name = "Count of Good Samples in Burst"; :units = "counts"; :valid_range = 0.0f, 180.0f; // float :comment = "Calculated by fixbadadvvel.m"; // global attributes: :CREATION_DATE = "21-Nov-2006 11:37:23"; :DESCRIPT = "Sontek ADV raw data quality file"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "NONE"; :DATA_TYPE = "TIME"; :history = "WATER_DEPTH related attributes corrected.: Written via MATLAB by adr2cdf.m V7.0; cleanhydra v0.00 results from thumbfinger; cleanhydra v0.00 results from deglitch1vector"; :thumbfinger_nsd = 10.0; // double :thumbfinger_nsd_ori = 10.0; // double :deglitch1vector_samplerate = 1.0; // double :deglitch1vector_verbose = 0.0; // double :deglitch1vector_nsd = 2.8; // double :deglitch1vector_nsd_ori = 2.8; // double :WATER_DEPTH = 59.0f; // float :WATER_DEPTH_NOTE = "pressure - atmos.pressure + instrument_elevation: (m) "; :inst_height = 0.59f; // float :inst_height_note = "height in meters above bottom: accurate for tripod mounted intstruments"; :inst_depth = 58.41f; // float :inst_depth_note = "inst_depth = (water_depth - inst_height); nominal depth below the surface"; }