Mújica, Paco López

About the author

USGS CoastCam at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico: 2018-2019 GNSS Topography Survey Data

This data release presents the post-processed Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ground-survey data acquired during the installation of the Argus camera at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico. The data contains topographic survey data collected during the installation of the camera. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a GNSS antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ). The GNSS measurements were made using Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) corrections ...

USGS CoastCam at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico: 2018-2019 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration Data

A digital video camera was installed at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico (PR) and faced northeast along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from February 1, 2019, to July 15, 2019, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. This data release includes the necessary intrinsic orientation (IO) and extrinsic orientation (EO) calibration data to utilize imagery to make quantitative measurements. The camera is part of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research ...

USGS CoastCam at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico: 2018-2019 Timestack Imagery and Coordinate Data

A digital video camera was installed at Isla Verde Beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico (PR) and faced northeast along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from February 1, 2019, to July 15, 2019, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. One such product is a "runup timestack". Runup timestacks are images created by sampling a cross-shore array of pixels from an image through time as waves propagate towards and run up a beach. Runup timestacks store the ...
