Sediment sample analysis for calcium carbonate of sample collected in the East and West Flower Garden regions, northwestern Gulf of Mexico outer shelf
This file contains location and carbonate content analysis of samples taken during Cruise No. FERL01052 aboard the NOAA Ship Ferrel. These samples were taken on East and West Flower Garden Banks of the Flower Gardens Bank National Marine Sanctuary between May 28, 2002 and June 3, 2002. The information collected during this cruise is intended for a preliminary geologic interpretation of the surficial sediment distribution in order to determine sites for future sample collection. The interpretations ... |
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Sample texture analysis of sediment samples collected in the East and West Flower Garden regions, northwestern Gulf of Mexico outer shelf (ferltxtr)
This sediment database contains location, description, and texture of samples taken during Cruise No. FERL01052 aboard the NOAA Ship Ferrel. These samples were taken on East and West Flower Garden Banks of the Flower Gardens Bank National Marine Sanctuary between May 28, 2002 and June 3, 2002. The information collected during this cruise is intended for a preliminary geologic interpretation of the surficial sediment distribution in order to determine sites for future sample collection. The ... |
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10-meter bathymetric contours from multibeam bathymetry in the East and West Flower Garden regions, northwestern Gulf of Mexico outer shelf (polyline shapefile)
This shapefile shows the 10 meter contour interval based on the 5-meter multibeam bathymetry (Dartnell and Gardner, 1999) from the Flower Garden Banks region. |
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Boundary of East Flower Garden Bank, northwestern Gulf of Mexico outer shelf
This shapefile is the polygon delineating the boundary of the East Flower Garden Bank of the Flower Graden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. |
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Boundary of Stetson Bank of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, northwestern Gulf of Mexico outer shelf
This shapefile is the polygon delineating the boundary of Stetson Bank of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. |
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Boundary of West Flower Garden Bank, northwestern Gulf of Mexico outer shelf
This shapefile is the polygon delineating the boundary of the West Flower Garden Bank of the Flower Graden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. |
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Sea-floor interpretation of the East Flower Garden Region, northwestern Gulf of Mexico outer shelf (ef_interp)
Seafloor bottom type interpretation of the East Flower Garden Bank portion of the Flower Garden Banks NMS based on sediment samples and the mulitbeam backscatter and bathymetry. (Polygon Shapefile) |
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Sea-floor interpretation of the West Flower Garden Region, northwestern Gulf of Mexico outer shelf (wf_interp)
Seafloor bottom type interpretation of the West Flower Garden Bank portion of the Flower Garden Banks NMS based on sediment samples and the mulitbeam backscatter and bathymetry. (Polygon Shapefile) |
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