Eelgrass distributions derived from a towed underwater video survey of the Nisqually River delta, 2012

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Description This portion of the USGS data release presents eelgrass distributions derived from towed underwater video surveys of the Nisqually River delta, Washington in 2012 (USGS Field Activity Number D-01-12-PS). Eelgrass data were collected from the R/V George Davidson equipped with a towed underwater video system and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver. The underwater video system consisted of a Splashcam standard definition video camera connected to a Sony GV-D1000 video monitor and tape recorder. Positioning of the survey vessel was determined at 1 Hz intervals using a Trimble R7 GNSS receiver and Trimble Zephyr Model 2 antenna. The positioning data from the GNSS were encoded onto the audio track of the digital video recording using Red Hen Systems (RHS) VMS200 hardware. Underwater video data were recorded as the vessel navigated along a series of shore-perpendicular transects at speeds between 1 and 2 knots. The underwater video recording was later reviewed and the presence or absence of eelgrass was determined for each 1-s segment of video tape. These data were used to evaluate the classification of single-beam sonar data acquired during the same time period. [More]
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