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This part of the data release presents orthoimagery spanning the ocean shoreline of Alaska from Icy Cape to Cape Prince of Wales. Aerial images were collected, and data were processed, by Fairbanks Fodar ( in Fairbanks, Alaska, for the U.S. Geological Survey. The aerial images, from which the orthoimages were created, were collected in 2016 between August 29 and September 4 and extend from the shoreline to 400-4000 meters inland. The aerial images were collected with precise Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation data from a manned aircraft and were then processed into orthoimages photogrammetrically and using structure-from-motion (SFM) processing methods as described in Nolan and others, 2015. Orthoimages contain 4-band, 8-bit, unsigned raster data and are available in GeoTIFF format with 10, 16, or 20 cm cell sizes, depending on location. The orthoimages were converted to cloud optimized GeoTIFF format by the USGS. Due to file size and number limitations, the orthoimages have been divided into three groups by geographic location. Users are encouraged to use the Tile Index shapefile, which is also available in this data release, to identify orthoimagery files that are appropriate to a specific area of interest. [More]