Postfire debris-flow volumes and their associated observation, location, and volume sources

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Description This table contains measured and modeled postfire debris flow volumes alongside the associated sources for debris flow documentation, locations, and volumes. We conducted a search of scientific literature and news media reports to find documentation of debris flows that may have followed all wildfires greater than 100 square kilometers that occurred between 1984 and 2021 in California. The wildfires listed are all the fires we found that had documented postfire debris flows. Some fires had field-measurements of debris flow volume. Where field-measurements of volume did not exist, we used model data on postfire debris-flow likelihood and volume from U.S. Geological Survey Emergency Assessment of Post-Fire Debris-Flow Hazards Team (see Lineage section in this metadata). In some cases, exact locations (but not volumes) were known, in which case we used modeled volumes for these locations. Where debris flows were documented but not exact locations, we used the volumes from all basins with a probability greater than eighty percent of having postfire debris flows. [More]
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