Seafloor character--Offshore of Refugio Beach, California

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Description This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from https ://pubs.usgs.ov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html). These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, H.G., Seitz, G.G., Endris, C.A., Sliter, R.W., Wong, F.L., Erdey, M.D., Gutierrez, C.I., Yoklavich, M.M., East, A.E., and Hart, P.E. (S.Y. Johnson and S.A. Cochran, eds.), 2015, California State Waters Map Series—Offshore of Refugio Beach, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3319, pamphlet 42 p., 11 sheets, scale 1:24,000, This raster-format seafloor-character map shows five substrate classes of Offshore of Refugio Beach, California. The substrate classes mapped in this area have been divided into the following California Marine Life Protection Act depth zones and slope classes: Depth Zone 2 (intertidal to 30 m), Depth Zone 3 (30 to 100 m), Depth Zone 4 (100 to 200 m), Slope Class 1 (0 degrees - 5 degrees), and Slope Class 2 (5 degrees - 30 degrees). Depth Zone 1 (intertidal); Depth Zone 5 (greater than 200 m), and Slope Classes 3-4 (greater than 30 degrees) are not present in this map area. The map is created using a supervised classification method described by Cochrane (2008). References Cited: California Department of Fish and Game, 2008, California Marine Life Protection Act master plan for marine protected areas; Revised draft: California Department of Fish and Game, accessed April 5 2011, at Cochrane, G.R., 2008, Video-supervised classification of sonar data for mapping seafloor habitat, in Reynolds, J.R., and Greene, H.G., eds., Marine habitat mapping technology for Alaska: Fairbanks, University of Alaska, Alaska Sea Grant College Program, p. 185-194, accessed April 5, 2011, at Sappington, J.M., Longshore, K.M., and Thompson, D.B., 2007, Quantifying landscape ruggedness for animal habitat analysis--A case study using bighorn sheep in the Mojave Desert: Journal of Wildlife Management, v. 71, p. 1419-1426. [More]
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