Seafloor character from sidescan sonar data-Santa Barbara Channel

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Description Substrate was classified using the method of (Cochrane and Lafferty, 2002) for this study. Sea floor character derived from towed sidescan sonar data is available for the mainland coast within the study area from USGS online publications (Cochrane and others, 2003; Cochrane and others, 2005). The number of substrate classes was reduced because rugosity could not be derived for all areas due to the lack of bathymetry data for other data sets used in the study. References Cited: Cochrane, G.R., Nasby, N.M., Reid, J.A., Waltenberger, B., Lee, K.M., 2003, Nearshore Benthic Habitat GIS for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and Southern California State Fisheries Reserves Volume 1: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-85, Cochrane, G.R., and Lafferty, K.D., 2002, Use of acoustic classification of sidescan sonar data for mapping benthic habitat in the Northern Channel Islands, California: Continental Shelf Research, v. 22, p. 683-690. Cochrane, G.R., Conrad, J.E., Reid, J.A., Fangman, S., Golden, N.E., 2005, The Nearshore Benthic Habitat GIS for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and Southern California State Fisheries Reserves, Volume II; Version 1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1170, [More]
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