Archive of Boomer Seismic Reflection Data Collected During USGS Cruises 00SCC02 and 00SCC04, Barataria Basin, Louisiana, May 12 - 31 and June 17 - July 2, 2000

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Description This archive consists of two-dimensional marine seismic reflection profile data collected in the Barataria Basin of southern Louisiana. These data were acquired in May, June, and July of 2000 aboard the R/V G.K. Gilbert. Included here are data in a variety of formats including binary, ASCII, HTML, PDF, RTF, shapefiles, and GIF and JPEG images. Binary data are in SEG-Y format and may be downloaded for further processing or display. Reference maps and GIF images of the profiles may be viewed with a web browser. The GIS information provided here is compatible with ESRI GIS software. For more information on the seismic surveys see and These data are also available via GeoMapApp ( and Virtual Ocean ( earth science exploration and visualization applications. [More]
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Field activities 00SCC04

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