Bathymetry of the Aleutian and Bowers Basin, Bering Sea

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Description This coverage contains bathymetric contours for Aleutian Basin and Bowers Basin east of the 1867 Convention Line in the southwestern Bering Sea. Geographic extent of this file is: 51.7 : 62.0 N / -165.1 W : 170.0 E. Bathymetric contours range from 50 m to 6400 m. This coverage was used to display the bathymetry for the Atlas of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, Bering Sea, U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Investigations Series I-2053, 1991 (also known as the GLORIA survey). The map was published separately by Hall and others, 1989, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 89-548. [More]
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