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Access_Constraints | No access constraints |
Use_Constraints | USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain from the U.S. Government and are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize and acknowledge the U.S. Geological Survey as the originator(s) of the dataset and in products derived from these data. |
Data format: | File contains hindcast time series data for the Beaufort Sea from the U.S. Canada border to Nuwuk (Point Barrow) at the 5 m isobath. in format netCDF Size: 7600 |
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Data format: | File contains hindcast time series data for the Beaufort Sea from the U.S. Canada border to Nuwuk (Point Barrow) at the 10 m isobath. in format netCDF Size: 7600 |
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Data format: | File contains hindcast time series data for the Chukchi Sea from Nuwuk (Point Barrow) to Kotzebue Sound at the 5 m isobath. in format netCDF Size: 8500 |
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Data format: | File contains hindcast time series data for the Chukchi Sea from Nuwuk (Point Barrow) to Kotzebue Sound at the 10 m isobath. in format netCDF Size: 8500 |
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Data format: | File contains hindcast time series data for the Chukchi Sea from Kotzebue Sound to the Bering Strait at the 5 m isobath. in format netCDF Size: 4400 |
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Data format: | File contains hindcast time series data for the Chukchi Sea from Kotzebue Sound to the Bering Strait at the 10 m isobath. in format netCDF Size: 4400 |
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Data format: | File contains hindcast time series data for the Chukchi Sea from the Bering Strait through Norton Sound at the 5 m isobath. in format netCDF Size: 6600 |
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Data format: | File contains hindcast time series data for the Chukchi Sea from the Bering Strait through Norton Sound at the 10 m isobath. in format netCDF Size: 5800 |
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