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sanahab Fields: NAME ALIAS TYPE LENGTH PRECISION SCALE NUMBER_FORMAT ID ID Double 10 10 0 Numeric GRIDCODE GRIDCODE Double 10 10 0 Numeric CODE CODE String 10 10 0 - MEGA_ID MEGA_ID String 5 0 0 - MSO_MRC_ID MSO_MRC_ID String 5 0 0 - MDFR_ID MDFR_ID String 5 0 0 - BOTTOM_ID BOTTOM_ID String 5 0 0 - GEO_UNIT GEO_UNIT String 50 0 0 - Area Area Double 19 18 11 NumericBenthic habitat classification attributes: megahabitat, bottom induration, meso-macrohabitat, and modifiers from Green and others, 1999.
Thanks to the Staff of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, the crew of the NOAA R/V Ballena, the crew of the NOAA R/V MacArthur, and the crew of the UCSD R/V Sproul.
These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information.
--------clip the image mosaic----------------------------starting with 1m resolution mosaic sonar image sana1m.img (see proceesing history for development of mosaic) on rouse convert to sana1m.tif with export ftp to desktop imagegrid sana1m.tif sana1mg use arcedit to find xy extent of valid pixels gridclip sana1mg sana1mgc x1 y1 x2 y2 del sana1m.tif sana1m.tfw gridimage sana1mgc none sana1m.tif tiff none on rouse rm sana1m.tif sana1m.img sana1m.lbl import sana1m.tif sana1m.img
---------classification of rock areas----------------csh rockjob1 for eastern area csh rockjob2 to classify rock in western anacapa passage area mask and mosaic together to produce sana1mrck_msk.img stretch 0;0 1;255 20;255 21;0 254;0 255;255 to produce sana1mrck4.img ftp to desktop for photoshop editing open in photoshop and duplicate layer on sana1m.raw as background photoshop painting out noise with black
----------classification of mixed areas-------------on rouse: csh mixedjob sana1mmix.img rename sana1mmix.raw ftp to desktop open in photoshop and duplicate layer on sana1m.raw as background, then save as sana1mmix1.psd photoshop painting out noise with black save as sana1mmix1.raw ftp to rouse convert to tiff sana1mmix1.tif with export ftp to desktop imagegrid sana1mmix1g gridpoly sana1mmix1p arcedit sana1mmix1p sel area < 10 and grid-code = 0 calc grid-code = 255 polygrid sana1mmix1p sana1mmix2g grid-code gridpoly sana1mmix2g sana1mmix2p
------------------------------------Nadine Golden starts editing the data at this point arcedit to remove zero polygons that are shadow save sana1mmix3p polygrid sana1mmix3p sana1mmix4g gridpoly sana1mmix4g sana1mmix4p arcedit to remove 0 gridcode polygons in mixed areas at east and west edge of the mosaic save sana1mmix4p polygrid sana1mmix4p sana1mmix5g ae sel grid-code = 255 calc grid-code = 170 polygrid sana1mmix3p sana1mmix4 grid-code
------------------------------------for soft bottom stretch sana1m sana1mmud 0;0 1;85 255;85 export sana1mmud.tif imagegrid sana1mmud.tif sana1mmud
---------------------------------------------------//converted tiff to grid in arcinfo using imagegrid command imagegrid sana1mmud sana1mmud1g imagegrid sana1mrck12 sana1mrck12g //cleaned out Photoshop values by converting grid to polygon and edited polygon in arcinfo. gridpoly sana1mrck12g sana1mrck12p ae ec sana1mrck12p sel grid-code = 255 or grid-code = o nselect calc grid-code = 0 polygrid sana1mrck12p sana1mrck13g grid-code //merged grids in arcinfo copy sana1mmud1g sana1hab1g grid gridedit edit sana1hab1g gridedit gridmerge zero sana1mmix5g sana1mrck13g //Steps for creating anacapa island grid 1. created polygon feature class of anacapa island in ArcMap by tracing the island off the coast shape file using the edit mode trace tool. anacapa_island.shp 2. Converted polygon feature class to polygon coverage using ArcMap Spatial Analyst-->convert polygon feature to polygon coverage. anacapa_island.shp-->anacapap1 3. cleaned coverage using ArcInfo build anacapaP1 clean anacapaP1 4. converted polygon coverage to grid using ArcInfo poly grid anacapap1 anacapag1 grid-code //Steps to creating near shore rock grid (using ArcMap and ArcTool Box) 1. created polygon feature class of rock in ArcMap by loosely tracing the outer (closest to land) rock area and closing the polygon with a line. rock.shp 2. created grid using arctoolbox feature class to grid toolrock.shp rockg1 3. using spatial analyst tool reclassify, converted values of rockg1 from 0 to 255 and named new file: rock2g //Calculate final grid with cleaned near shore data (from mud to rock) and no data where there is land 1. Set up ArcMap project with all grids: sana1mhab2g, anacapag1, rock2g 2. Spatial Analyst tool -set option to Extent-->union of inputs. -in raster calculator dialogue box merge grids of rck and hab: sana1mhab3g = merge([rock2g],[san1mhab2g]) //Calculate no data where there is land 1. Create shapefile mask -create new polygon feature class in ArcCatlog -add new polygon to project -using ArcMap Editor make new polygon a rectangle around all data (around sana1mhab3g) -in arctoolbox-->analysis tool-->-->erase erase anacapa polygon from new rectangle polygon new shapefile_erase has hole of island data -in spatial analyst-->options-->set mask-->use drop down to select newerase shapefile 2. Recalculate sana1hab3g with new mask poly by using the spatial analyst's raster calculator [sana1mhab4g] = [sana1mhab3g] --> select evaluate resulting grid has a hole (no data) where land was //set all 0 data to no data 1. in spatial analyst raster calculator divide grid by itself sana1mhab4g]/[sana1mhab4g] where 0/0 will equal no data all other data will be equal to 1 calculation leaves you with value 1 where there was data 2. in spatial analyst raster calculator multiply new calculation by original grid: sana1mhab5g = [sana1mhab4g] * [Calculation] so all values * 1 gives you original data //Breakup large mud polygon 1. Used Raster Cleanup tool to paint breaklines in polygon 2. converted to polygione shapefile. Note: this step took several attempts in order to maintain integrity of data and the final shapefile in this step was sana1mhab21s. 3. edited polygon shapefile sana1mhab21s to asign new gridcodes to polygons in the west and north west region of data. 2. converted shapefile back to raster with Toolbox. final grid is sana1mhab21g. //Filter grid to decrease polygon total steps: 1. filtered original grid using the "low" filter default filter sana1mhab21g sana1mhab23g (note: made and error on grid sana1mhab22g so advanced one to 23g) 2. reclassified new grid using the categories you sent me in attached remap.txt file. used spatial anlysis reclassification option 3. converted new floating point grid to an integer grid. sana1mhab24g = int(sana1mhab23g) 4. Using Toolbox Raster to Features: converted new floating integer grid to polygon shapefile new polygon shapefile: 169,051 polygons original polygon shapefile: 386,777 polygons
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints:USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain from the U.S. Government and are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize and acknowledge the U.S. Geological Survey as the originators of the dataset and in products derived from these data.
Although these data have been used by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), no warranty expressed or implied is made by the U.S. Geological Survey as to the accuracy of the data. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in the use of these data or related materials.
Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Data format: | The SHP file contains the geospatial data. The SHX file contains the index of the geospatial data. The DBF file contains the attribute data in dBase format. The PRJ file contains the coordinate system information (optional). The AVL file contains the legend information (optional). The SBN and SBX files contain the spatial index of the geospatial data (optional). The XML file contains the metadata describing the data set <data set name>.shp.xml. An ASCII version of the metadata file. A browse graphic showing the data layer coverage and extent (optional). in format shapefile (version 3.3) ESRI Shapefile Format Size: 35.2 |
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These data are available in Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shapefile format. The user must have ArcGIS or ArcView 3.0 or greater software to read and process the data file. In lieu of ArcView or ArcGIS, the user may utilize another GIS application package capable of the importing data. A free data viewer, arcexplorer, capable of displaying the data is available from ESRI at