References cited
Gardner, J.V., Cacchione, David A, Drake, D.E., Edwards, B.D., Field, M.E., Hampton, M.A., Karl, H.A., Kenyon, N.H., Masson, D.G., McCulloch, David S, Grim, M S, 1992, Map showing depth to basement in the deep-sea basins of the Pacific continental margin, Point Conception to Point Loma: U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series I-2089-B, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000 [].
Gardner, J.V., Cacchione, D.A., Drake, D.E., Edwards, B.D., Field, M.E., Hampton, M.A., Karl, H.A., Kenyon, N.H., Masson, D.G., McCulloch, D.S., Grim, M.S., 1993a, Map showing depth to basement in the deep-sea basins of the Pacific continental margin, Strait of Juan de Fuca to Cape Mendocino: U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series I-2091-B, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000 [].
Gardner, J.V., Cacchione, D.A., Drake, D.E., Edwards, B.D., Field, M.E., Hampton, M.A., Karl, H.A., Kenyon, N.H., Masson, D.G., McCulloch, D.S., Grim, M.S., 1993b, Map showing depth to basement in the deep-sea basins of the Pacific continental margin, Cape Mendocino to Point Conception: U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series I-2090-B, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000, [].
Although this Federal Geographic Data Committee-compliant metadata file is intended to document the data set in nonproprietary form, as well as in ArcGIS format, this metadata file may include some ArcGIS-specific terminology.
This information is not intended for navigational purposes.
Read and fully comprehend the metadata prior to data use. Uses of these data should not violate the spatial resolution of the data. Where these data are used in combination with other data of different resolution, the resolution of the combined output will be limited by the lowest resolution of all the data.
Acknowledge the U.S. Geological Survey in products derived from these data. Share data products developed using these data with the U.S. Geological Survey.
This database has been approved for release and publication by the Director of the USGS. Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.
Although this Federal Geographic Data Committee-compliant metadata file is intended to document these data in nonproprietary form, as well as in ArcGIS format, this metadata file may include some ArcGIS-specific terminology.
A 1000-m grid was constructed from the following inputs to ArcGIS TopoToRaster tool: (1) digital contours from construction of 1992-1993 depth to basement maps (cowbsm.shp, also in this data set), and (2) points enclosed by outlines of "seamount peak" that were treated as "no data."
CONTOUR cowbsm.shp depth_m ENFORCE OFF DATATYPE CONTOUR ITERATIONS 40 ROUGHNESS_PENALTY 0.00000000000 DISCRETE_ERROR_FACTOR 1.00000000000 VERTICAL_STANDARD_ERROR 0.00000000000 TOLERANCES 2.50000000000 100.00000000000 EXTENT -126063.28536691575 3390967.31523177210 865936.71463308425 5368967.31523177210 CELL_SIZE 1000.00000000000 MARGIN 20The resulting grid was clipped to the extent of the input contours.
Cell Size = 1000.000 Data Type: Floating Point Number of Rows = 1957 Number of Columns = 1023 BOUNDARY STATISTICS Xmin = -144063.285 Minimum Value = -5582.953 Xmax = 878936.715 Maximum Value = -985.293 Ymin = 3402967.315 Mean= -3817.224 Ymax = 5359967.315 Standard Deviation = 779.386 COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Projection UTM Zone 10 Datum WGS84 Units METERS Spheroid WGS84
This database has been approved for release and publication by the Director of the USGS. Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.
Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof.