Acoustic doppler current profiling

Field monitoring of water currents using the doppler effect with acoustic instruments.
This category is also used for acoustic doppler current profiler, ADCP, and hydroacoustics.
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8 results listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data from the lower Columbia River, Washington and Oregon, 2021

This dataset contains water velocity data derived from spatial surveys performed with a vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler at four sites (SKM, SLG, LDB, WLW) in the lower Columbia River, Washington and Oregon, in 2021. The data are provided in netCDF (.nc) format and compressed into .zip archives for each site.

Vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data from the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2013

Spatial surveys of water column currents were performed between June 14 and 16, 2013, in the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington. These data were collected using an acoustic-doppler current profiler (ADCP).

Time-series data on currents, waves, and turbidity off Santa Cruz, CA, 2014-2015

Time series data of water surface elevation, wave height, currents, and turbidity were acquired during the winters of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 in support of a study on the morphological change of rippled scour depressions off Santa Cruz, CA. One set of instruments (SCW) was mounted at the end of Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf during both winters. Another set of instruments (M1T) was deployed offshore in Monterey Bay each winter; the two offshore winter locations were different, but each were about 0.5 km ...

Time-series of biogeochemical and flow data from a tidal salt-marsh creek, Sage Lot Pond, Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, 2012-2016 (ver. 2.0, July 2023)

Extended time-series sensor data were collected between 2012 and 2016 in surface water of a tidal salt-marsh creek on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The objective of this field study was to measure water chemical characteristics and flows, as part of a study to quantify lateral fluxes of dissolved carbon species between the salt marsh and estuary. Data consist of in-situ measurements including salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, redox potential, fluorescent dissolved organic matter, turbidity, ...

Discharge measurements collected in the Stillaguamish River Delta, Port Susan, Washington, USA in March, April, and May 2014

Tidal water discharge within two breaches constructed in a former flood-control levee of a restored agricultural area in Port Susan, Washington, was measured repeatedly during several tidal cycles. Measurements were made on March 27, 2014, April 16, 2014, May 18, 2014, and May 29, 2014 at breach PSB1, and on May 29, 2014 at breach PSB2. These data were collected using a boat-mounted Teledyne RDI RiverRay 600 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) or a Teledyne RDI StreamPro 2000 kHz ADCP, depending on ...

Oceanographic time-series measurements collected in Bellingham Bay, Washington, USA, 2019 to 2021

Bottom-landing and floating platforms with instrumentation to measure currents, waves, water level, optical turbidity, water temperature, and conductivity were deployed at four locations in Bellingham Bay, Washington, USA. Platforms were deployed in three separate periods: July 30, 2019–November 14, 2019, November 19, 2019–February 5, 2020, and January 22, 2021–April 13, 2021. These data were collected to support studies of sediment delivery, transport, deposition, and resuspension in this Pacific ...

Discharge Measurements in Bayou Heron and Bayou Middle, Grand Bay, Mississippi, January 2017

Grand Bay, a 30-square-kilometer embayment of the Gulf of Mexico bordered by 20 square kilometers of salt marsh, is experiencing rapid lateral shoreline erosion at up to 5 meters per year. Determining whether the eroded sediment is exported to the deep ocean or imported via tidal channels and deposited on the marsh platform is critical to understanding the long-term response of the marsh to wave attack and sea-level rise. Quantifying water-column sediment flux helps to characterize the role of tidal ...

Discharge measurements at Thompsons Beach, New Jersey, collected October 2018 and September 2022

In 2012, Hurricane Sandy struck the Northeastern US causing devastation among coastal ecosystems. Post-hurricane marsh restoration efforts have included sediment deposition, planting of vegetation, and restoring tidal hydrology. The work presented here is part of a larger project funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) to monitor the post-restoration ecological resilience of coastal ecosystems in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. The U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science ...
