Navigation Data (k-1-85-ar.050 [SINS]) YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST 198509041100000 198509041100000 198509041137000 198509041423000 YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST Bathymetry Data (k-1-85-ar.300_050) YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST 198509041136000 198509041423000 YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST
Converted to time format with year at start. 03/04/88 JEAN DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]TL485.GRID; DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]GRIDCO.EXE; Input was... 03/04/88 JEAN DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]TL485.DAT;1 DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]4STATIONS.EXE;1 Input station file for program 4stations Format: f2.0,t25,f7.1,t33,f9.1,t43,f10.1 code height x y 10 20 30 40 50 3456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 03/04/88 JEAN DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]TL485.CON4; DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]CONVERTTO4STATION.EXE; 03/03/88 JEAN DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]TL485.OUT; DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]CONVERT85.EXE; estline 4 (Esook/C. Halkett) 1985 Navigation ndex DDhhms.s range id range id id=1=code 1440, Racon Twr at C. Halkett id=2=code 1760, Hut at Esook First row is complete. Add JD 247, kkTenths of Sec, 0, and id codes to emainder of rows time line id range id range
10/31/1998 /tiger/k/k185ar/bath/k-1-85-ar.300_050 /bear/programs/edit/automerge/automerge Input was... Converted to time format with year at start. This file is a paste of navigation data from clint steele with the profile information from steve clark's work on the profile, but converted to represent a sound speed of 1463 m/s. Columns 2 and 4 from this file were used to construct the 1985 profile off station 320. Column 1: Time in hours, minutes, and seconds Column 2: Distance to 0 point, calculated by clint steele Column 3: Distance to 0 point calculated by steve clark (not same 0 as clint's) Column 4: water depth in meters, speed of sound assumed to be 1463 m/s. Input was... Converted to time format with year at start. 03/04/88 JEAN DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]TL485.GRID; DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]GRIDCO.EXE; 03/04/88 JEAN DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]TL485.DAT;1 DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]4STATIONS.EXE;1 Input station file for program 4stations Format: f2.0,t25,f7.1,t33,f9.1,t43,f10.1 code height x y 10 20 30 40 50 3456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 03/04/88 JEAN DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]TL485.CON4; DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]CONVERTTO4STATION.EXE; 03/03/88 JEAN DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]TL485.OUT; DRB0:[JEAN.BARNES]CONVERT85.EXE; estline 4 (Esook/C. Halkett) 1985 Navigation ndex DDhhms.s range id range id id=1=code 1440, Racon Twr at C. Halkett id=2=code 1760, Hut at Esook First row is complete. Add JD 247, kkTenths of Sec, 0, and id codes to emainder of rows time line id range id range time, lat, long, time(sec) to nearest nav fix, data values