Entity_Type_Label: Pastreoides_growth_FL_USA.csv, Pastreoides_growth_FL_USA.xlsx
These files contain attribute information for data describing the growth and physiological condition of corals of the species Porites astreoides, which were collected from the surrounding reef and grown at four study sites on the Florida Keys reef tract during four time intervals: time = 1 is Summer 2015, time = 2 is Winter 2016, time = 3 is Summer 2016, and time = 4 is Winter 2017. Data include coral identification numbers, site where they were collected and deployed for growth, time interval, condition of coral colony at the end of time interval identified in the “time_interval” column, condition of the live tissue at the end of time interval, mass (grams) of calcium carbonate gained per day during the time interval, calcification rate expressed in milligrams per square centimeters planar area per day, and percentage loss of live tissue cumulative to the end of identified time interval. To view the data in a tab-delimited format arranged by column, please use the Excel spreadsheet.
Entity_Type_Definition_Source: USGS
Attribute_Label: Coral_ID
A numeric identifier for each coral colony in the study, assigned by USGS personnel.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Non-sequential, arbitrary numerical identifiers ranging between 207 and 497.
Attribute_Label: Site_ID
A textual identifier of the site assigned where corals were collected and deployed named by USGS personnel as follows: “PLS” indicates Pulaski Shoal Light (N 24 41.613 W 82 46.368, 16 feet of seawater (fsw)) in Dry Tortugas National Park, “SMK” indicates Sombrero Reef (N 24 37.612 W 81 06.536, 14 fsw) Sanctuary Preservation Area in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS), “CRK” indicates Crocker Reef (N 24 54.545 W 80 31.599, 13 fsw) in the FKNMS, and “FWY” indicates Fowey Rocks in Biscayne National Park (N 25 35.425 W 80 05.736, 13 fsw).
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
A textual description of the geographic site where samples and data were collected.
Attribute_Label: Planar_footprint_original_cm2
Planar-footprint area of the colony when it was first collected from the reef in square centimeters. The area was calculated by measuring the widest (length) and shortest (width) diameter of the coral colony with calipers and using the formula for the area of an ellipse.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Range_Domain_Minimum: 25.3
Range_Domain_Maximum: 75.4
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: square centimeters
Attribute_Label: Time_interval
A numerical identifier of the time interval during which the data were collected. Time “1” is April/May 2015 to October/November 2015, Time “2” is October/November 2015 to April 2016, Time “3” is April 2016 to October/November/December 2016, and Time “4” is October/November/December 2016 to April/May 2017.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Time intervals are not exactly the same for each site, so data are normalized to the number of days between site visits (for example, converted to rates) to account for this source of variability in the data.
Attribute_Label: Colony_condition_end_of_interval
A textual identifier assigned by USGS personnel as follows: “live” indicates that the coral had greater than 50 percent live tissue by the end of the time interval, “part” indicates that the colony experienced between 50 and 75 percent tissue mortality by the end of the time interval, and “dead” indicates the coral lost greater than 75 percent of live tissue by the end of the time interval.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
A textual identifier assigned by USGS personnel describing the condition of the coral during the time interval.
Attribute_Label: Tissue_score_end_of_interval
A qualitative integer assigned to the pigmentation of the remaining live tissue on the colony, at the end of the time interval based upon photographs, by University of Hawaii personnel. Condition score of 1 was assigned for no bleaching, 2 assigned for paling to normal tissue, 3 assigned for 1 to 50 percent bleached, 4 assigned for 51 to 99 percent bleached, 5 assigned to 100 percent bleached, and 6 assigned to completely dead colonies (Baird and others, 2018).
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
A qualitative integer assigned by University of Hawaii personnel describing the condition of the live tissue remaining on the colony at the end of the time interval.
Attribute_Label: Mass_gained_g_day
Dry mass of calcium carbonate gained during the time interval specified in “Time_interval” in the units of grams per day.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Range_Domain_Minimum: -0.071
Range_Domain_Maximum: 0.441
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: grams per day
Attribute_Label: Calcif_rate_mg_cm2_day
Dry mass of calcium carbonate gained during the time interval specified in “Time_interval” in the units of milligrams per square centimeter (planar area at start of the experiment) per day.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Range_Domain_Minimum: -1.06
Range_Domain_Maximum: 9.40
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: milligrams per square centimeter per day
Attribute_Label: Tissue_percent_loss_cumulative
Percentage of live tissue lost since the start of the experiment by the end of the interval named in “Time_interval” in units of percent.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 100
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: percentage
Pastreoides_end_measurements_FL_USA.csv, Pastreoides_end_measurements_FL_USA.xlsx
These files contain attribute information for data describing the reproductive and health status of the Porites astreoides coral colonies at the end of the study in April/May 2017. Data include coral identification numbers, site where the corals were collected and deployed, reproductive condition including oocytes, spermaries, and planulae counted per polyp, tissue thickness, density of symbionts, and linear extension of the coral skeleton since the start of the study normalized to year. To view the data in a tab-delimited format arranged by column, please use the Excel spreadsheet.
Entity_Type_Definition_Source: USGS
Attribute_Label: Coral_ID
A numeric identifier for each coral colony in the study, assigned by USGS personnel.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Non-sequential, arbitrary numerical identifiers ranging between 207 and 497.
Attribute_Label: Site_ID
A textual identifier of the site assigned where corals were collected and deployed named by USGS personnel as follows: “PLS” indicates Pulaski Shoal Light (N 24 41.613 W 82 46.368, 16 fsw) in Dry Tortugas National Park, “SMK” indicates Sombrero Reef (N 24 37.612 W 81 06.536, 14 fsw) Sanctuary Preservation Area in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS), “CRK” indicates Crocker Reef (N 24 54.545 W 80 31.599, 13 fsw) in the FKNMS, and “FWY” indicates Fowey Rocks in Biscayne National Park (N 25 35.425 W 80 05.736, 13 fsw).
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
A textual description of the geographic site where data were collected.
Attribute_Label: Oocytes_count_per_polyp
Mean number of oocytes counted per polyp, calculated by averaging the numbers counted in ten haphazardly chosen polyps of each colony. If there was no longer any live tissue on the coral to be sampled, there is no value reported and “NA” for “not applicable” is inserted into the data cell.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 2.3
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: count per polyp
Attribute_Label: Planulae_count_per_polyp
Mean number of planula larvae counted per polyp, calculated by averaging the numbers counted in ten haphazardly chosen polyps of each colony. If there was no longer any live tissue on the coral to be sampled, there is no value reported and “NA” for “not applicable” is inserted into the data cell.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 1.2
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: count per polyp
Attribute_Label: Spermaries_count_per_polyp
Mean number of spermaries counted per polyp, calculated by averaging the numbers counted in ten haphazardly chosen polyps of each colony. If there was no longer any live tissue on the coral to be sampled, there is no value reported and “NA” for “not applicable” is inserted into the data cell.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 2.7
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: count per polyp
Attribute_Label: Tissue_thickness_mm
Tissue thickness measured using microscopic images and the FIJI package of the open source image software ImageJ (Schneider and others, 2012). If there was no longer any live tissue on the coral to be sampled, there is no value reported and “NA” for “not applicable” is inserted into the data cell.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 3.80
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: millimeters
Attribute_Label: Symbiont_cells_per_cm2
Number of symbiont cells, counted using a hemocytometer, in a 1 mL aliquot of homogenized tissue slurry buffered zinc formalin fixative. Number of cells was normalized to surface area of the tissue sampled. If there was no longer any live tissue on the coral to be sampled, there is no value reported and “NA” for “not applicable” is inserted into the data cell.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Range_Domain_Minimum: 609774
Range_Domain_Maximum: 9436767
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: count per square centimeter
Attribute_Label: Linear_ext_mm_y
Mean linear extension of coral skeleton calculated from the alizarin-Red-S stain lines that were clearly discernable. The mean reported was calculated by averaging the means of the two years demarked by the stain lines, based on the means of measurements on images of the front and back of each coral slab (up to six measurements on each side for each of the two years) from digital-image scans of the slabs using iSolution Capture version 3.1 image analysis software (IMT i-Solution Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada). If the stain was not adequately taken up by the coral or the stain lines were blurred, no measurements could be made and there is no value reported, indicated by “NA” for “not applicable” inserted into the data cell.
Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS
Range_Domain_Minimum: 1.64
Range_Domain_Maximum: 4.31
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: millimeters
FL_Pastreoides_photo_record.zip - This file contains time-series photographic images (JPEG) of experimental mustard hill corals, Porites astreoides, deployed at four sites throughout the Florida Keys, FL, USA. The file names include the three-letter site identification code and the three-number coral identification code.
The entity and attribute information were generated by the individual and/or agency identified as the originator of the dataset. Please review the rest of the metadata record for additional details and information.