What similar or related data should the user be aware of?
Moore, W.S., 20080416, Fifteen Years Experience in Measuring 224Ra and 223Ra by Delayed-Coincidence Counting: Marine Chemistry Volume 109, Issues 3-4.
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Sun, Y., and Torgersen, T., 19981007, The Effects of Water Content and Mn-Fiber Surface Conditions on 224Ra Measurement by 220Rn Emanation: Marine Chemistry Volume 62, Issues 3-4.
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McCurdy, D.E., Garbarino, J.R., and Mullin, A.H., 2008, Interpreting and Reporting Radiological Water-Quality Data: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 5-B6.
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Book 5, Laboratory Analysis Section B, Methods of the National Water Quality Laboratory Chapter 6
International, ASTM, 20170712, ASTM D8027-17 Standard Practice for Concentration of Select Radionuclides Using MnO2 for Measurement Purposes: ASTM International Volume 11.02, Version D8027-17.
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Moore, W. S., and Arnold, R., 19960115, Measurement of 223Ra and 224Ra in Coastal Waters Using a Delayed Coincidence Counter: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans Volume 101, Issue C1.
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Moore, W.S. and Reid, D.F., 19731220, Extraction of Radium from Natural Waters Using Manganese-Impregnated Acrylic Fibers: Journal of Geophysical Research Volume 78, Issue 36.
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Giffin, C., Kaufman, A., and Broecker, W., 19630315, Delayed Coincidence Counter for the Assay of Actinon and Thoron.: Journal of Geophysical Research Volume 68, Issue 6.
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Scholten, J.C., Pham, M.K., Blinova, O., Charette, M.A., Dulaiova, H., and Eriksson, M., 20100820, Preparation of Mn-fiber Standards for the Efficiency Calibration of the Delayed Coincidence Counting System (RaDeCC): Marine Chemistry Volume 121, Issues 1-4.
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Instruments, Scientific Computer, 2016, RaDeCC Software (v 2.6).
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Diego-Feliu, M., Rodellas, V., Alorda-Kleinglass, A., Tamborski, J., van Beek, P., Heins, L., Bruach, J.M., Arnold, R., and Garcia-Orellana, J., 20200327, Guidelines and Limits for the Quantification of Ra Isotopes and Related Radionuclides With the Radium Delayed Coincidence Counter (RaDeCC): Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans Volume 125, Issue 4.
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