Online Links:
Value | Definition |
0 | Out - pixels outside of analysis extent |
1 | Water - pixels classified as water |
3 | Bare earth (sand) - pixels classified as bare earth (sand) land cover |
4 | Vegetated - pixels classified as vegetated land cover |
11 | Unclassed - pixels that were not classified as water, sand, or vegetated. Visual analysis indicates that most of the class 11 unclassed pixels represent intertidal areas, but this cannot be fully resolved using thresholding at the regional AOI scale. |
12 | Unclassed - pixels that were not classified as water, sand, or vegetated. Visual analysis indicates that most of the class 12 unclassed pixels represent either built (urban), dune vegetation, or back-dune scrub vegetation, but this cannot be fully resolved using thresholding at the regional AOI scale. |
Value | Definition |
Out | Pixels outside of analysis extent (symbolized in black) |
Water | Pixels classified as water (symbolized in dark blue) |
Bare earth (sand) | Pixels classified as bare earth (sand) land cover (symbolized in dark brown) |
Vegetated | Pixels classified as vegetated land cover (symbolized in dark green) |
Unclassed | Pixels that were not classified as water, sand, or vegetated. Visual analysis indicates that most of the class 11 unclassed pixels represent intertidal areas and most of the class 12 unclassed pixels represent either built (urban), dune vegetation, or back-dune scrub vegetation, but this cannot be fully resolved using thresholding at the regional AOI scale (symbolized in light blue and light pink). |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 2008.290 |
Maximum: | 2022.904 |
Units: | Decimal year |
Resolution: | 0.001 |
Value | Definition |
nfwf_1332_ny | WRS-2 path 13 row 32 New York AOI |
nfwf_1332_nj | WRS-2 path 13 row 32 New Jersey AOI |
nfwf_1333 | WRS-2 path 13 row 33 (New Jersey) AOI |
nfwf_1433 | WRS-2 path 14 row 33 (New Jersey) AOI |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | -0.751 |
Maximum: | 0.865 |
Units: | Pixels |
Resolution: | 0.001 |
Value | Definition |
low tide | Tidal stage within +/- 1 hour of low tide |
high tide | Tidal stage within +/- 1 hour of high tide |
rising | Tidal stage rising between low and high tide |
falling | Tidal stage falling between high and low tide |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | -0.850 |
Maximum: | 0.904 |
Units: | Pixels |
Resolution: | 0.001 |
Value | Definition |
low tide | Tidal stage within +/- 1 hour of low tide |
high tide | Tidal stage within +/- 1 hour of high tide |
rising | Tidal stage rising between low and high tide |
falling | Tidal stage falling between high and low tide |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | -0.869 |
Maximum: | 1.063 |
Units: | Pixels |
Resolution: | 0.001 |
Value | Definition |
low tide | Tidal stage within +/- 1 hour of low tide |
high tide | Tidal stage within +/- 1 hour of high tide |
rising | Tidal stage rising between low and high tide |
falling | Tidal stage falling between high and low tide |
falling (p) | Predicted tidal stage falling between high and low tide (verified water-level data not available) |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | -0.204 |
Maximum: | 0.544 |
Units: | Pixels |
Resolution: | 0.001 |
Value | Definition |
low tide | Tidal stage within +/- 1 hour of low tide |
high tide | Tidal stage within +/- 1 hour of high tide |
rising | Tidal stage rising between low and high tide |
falling | Tidal stage falling between high and low tide |
Online Links:
Online Links:
Online Links:
Online Links:
Online Links:
Access_Constraints | None |
Use_Constraints | The U.S. Geological Survey requests that it be acknowledged as the originator of this dataset in any future products or research derived from these data. |
Data format: | Download files contain ERDAS IMAGINE (.img) land-cover rasters, PNG location maps, Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) spreadsheets, and comma-separated values (.csv) text files. in format ERDAS IMAGINE, PNG, comma-delimited text, Microsoft Excel format |
Network links: | |