Originator: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication_Date: unpublished material
Title: raw Simrad EK80 data (*.raw)
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: digital data
Type_of_Source_Media: disc
Beginning_Date: 20180809
Ending_Date: 20180828
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: raw Simrad EK80 data
Split-beam echo sounder data were collected using a Simrad EK80 wide band transceiver and ES38-10 split-beam transducer (38 kHz, 10-degree beam width). The ES38-10 transducer was mounted in a frame placed inside the retractable keel (rear of three slots) of the R/V Hugh R. Sharp, which is located approximately amidships on the center line of the vessel. Navigation for the EK80 was collected using a Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) enabled Hemisphere R131 Differential GPS (DGPS) receiver with the GPS antenna mounted on the aft 01 dark handrail approximately 3.4 meters aft of the ES38-10 transducer. While underway, the retractable keel was lowered to 1-meter below the hull, resulting in a draft of 5.06 meters below the waterline. Simrad EK80 (version acquisition software was used to control the EK80 transceiver and digitally log the echogram data and NMEA GPS messages to the Simrad raw format. Data were acquired over record lengths up to 4000 meters (EK80 acquisition software used a constant sound speed of 1536.3 meters per second for two way travel time to depth conversion) using pulse lengths of 256, 512, 1204, and 2048 microseconds with output power ranging between 450 and 1200 Watts. Each of the pulse length used were calibrated using a 60-millimeter copper ball reference sphere prior to the start of survey and the resulting target strength corrections were used to update the beam data.
ESP3 (version 1.8.1) and python were used to create volume backscatter strength (Sv) profile images of the split-beam echo sounder data, extract navigation data from the Simrad raw files, and process the extracted navigation data. The processing flows are summarized below.
1) Simrad raw files were imported into ESP3 ('open file') by survey day. Using the 'layer list' tab, input files were evaluated for their time length and quality. Shorter files were concatenated ('merge selected layers') to produce continuous data sections approximately 1 to 4 hours long, and longer files were left as is. Files in which acquisition settings caused changes in sample rate mid-file, an issue that ESP3 recognizes but does not correct for, were generally not concatenated or included as the last file in a longer concatenated section (see logical consistency report for a list of files effected by this issue). Settings in the 'Display Options' tab determined several elements of the images produced; 'Data' was always set to 'Sv' (in dB referenced to 1 inverse meter), X-Scale was always set to 300 seconds (for 5 minute annotation interval), the Y-Scale varied between 10 and 500 meters depending on the duration of the image, and default values were left in remaining fields. For each of the desired output sections, the zoom tool was used to restrict the image area to be above the deepest sea floor depth, and 'Export > Save Echogram' was used to create an output PNG file of the profile showing depth (meters, relative to instantaneous sea level) along the y-axis (left margin) and UTC time along the profile (labeled at 5-minute intervals), with a color bar scale for Sv (in dB referenced to 1 inverse meter) along the right margin. Navigation was extracted from all the Simrad raw files using 'Export > Export Navigation GPS to .csv or shapefile from raw files', specifying the all navigation option, and saved as CSV ASCII text.
2) The python notebook EK80_ESP3NavProc.ipynb utilized Pandas (version 0.25.1) 'read_csv' to import data from the CSV ASCII files into a dataframe containing columns for filename, Pandas datetime (UTC time), latitude, and longitude. Longitude values were converted from positive degrees measured from the zero degree origin to negative values in the western hemisphere (by subtracting 360 degrees), Pandas datetimes were rounded to the nearest second, and new records with navigation coordinates at even one minute datetimes were interpolated between the input time bounds of each filename. The dataframe was recast to produce a new dataframe with columns for longitude (Lon), latitude (Lat), linename (LineName), a combined year and Julian day string (Year_JD), and a combined Julian day and UTC time string (JD_UTC); the last two were produced via the Pandas datetime string function. Additional columns were added to contain survey (Survey_ID), device (Device_ID), and vessel (Vehicle_ID) identifier strings. A subset of the data, maintaining the first, last, and even one minute time records for each filename, was stored in an additional dataframe. The 1-minute interval was chosen for convenient correlation to the 5-minute annotation interval provided along the bottom of the PNG profile images. Pandas 'to_sql' was used to create and populate SQL database tables from the complete and 1-minute subset navigation dataframes within a Spatialite (version 4.3.0) enabled SQLite (version 3.3.0) database. The resulting database columns for each table consist of Lon, Lat (WGS84 dd), LineName, Year_JD, JD_UTC (DDD:HH:MM:SS), SurveyID, VehicleID, and DeviceID. SQLite operations created ('AddGeometryColumn') and populated ('Update') point geometry columns in each of the new tables from the navigation coordinates. A third database table was created with a line string geometry column ('Create Table' and 'AddGeometryColumn') to contain tracklines generated ('Insert') from the complete set of input navigation point geometries for each line (sorted by LineName and UTC Time), and the line length in kilometers was calculated. The trackline database table was updated to include columns for the year and Julian day and Julian day and time of the first and last (YJD_inti, JDUTC_init, YJD_end, and JDUTC_end) navigation records for each filename. The resulting database columns of the line geometry table consist of LineName, YJD_init, JDUTC_init, YJD_end, JDUTC_end, SurveyID, VehicleID, DeviceID, and Length_km.
These process steps and all subsequent process steps were conducted by the same person - Wayne Baldwin.
Process_Date: 202012
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Person: Wayne E. Baldwin
Contact_Position: Geologist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 384 Woods Hole Rd.
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (508) 548-8700 x2226
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (508) 457-2310