Geomorphic Setting ('setting' --> 'setting_2') backshore --> Backshore barrier_interior --> BarrierInterior beach --> Beach dune --> Dune marsh --> Marsh swale --> RidgeSwale washover --> Washover Substrate Type ('substrate' --> 'substrate_2') mud_peat --> MudPeat sandy --> Sand shell_gravel_cobble --> ShellGravelCobble unknown --> * water --> Water Vegetation Density ('vegdens' -- 'vegdens_2') dense --> Dense moderate --> Moderate none --> None sparse --> Sparse Vegetation Type ('vegtype' --> 'vegtype_2') forest --> Forest herbaceous --> Herbaceous none --> None shrub --> Shrub
GPSLatitudeRef GPSLatitude GPSLongitudeRef GPSLongitude GPSTimeStamp GPSDateStampJPEG tags: The tag is listed along with the information used to populate it - which is the same for every image taken.
Comment: Photograph collected in iPlover, 2016EXIF tags: The tag is listed along with the information used to populate it - which is the same for every image.
ImageDescription: Photograph collected in iPlover, 2016 Artist: Anonymous iPlover user Copyright: Public Domain. Please credit U.S. Geological SurveyIPTC tags: The tag is listed along with the information used to populate it - which is the same for every image.
Credit: U.S. Geological Survey Contact: Keywords: Shorebird habitat, US Atlantic coast, USGS CopyrightNotice: Public Domain. Please credit U.S. Geological Survey Caption-Abstract: Photograph collected in iPlover, 2016XMP tags: The tag is listed along with the information used to populate it - which is the same for every image.
Caption: Photograph collected in iPlover, 2016To extract the information from the image headers using ExifTool, the following command can be used (tested with ExifTool version exiftool.exe -csv -f -filename -GPSDateStamp -GPSTimeStamp -GPSLongitude -GPSLatitude -n -Artist -Credit -comment –Contact -keywords -Caption -Copyright -CopyrightNotice -Caption-Abstract -ImageDescription *.jpg > out.csv