SBE19plusV2, serial number 01906617 manufactured by Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.
Firmware version: 2.2c Firmware date: 7 December 2009 Manufactured date: 29 July 2010 Software version: 2.3.0Internal sensors:
main temperature, serial number 01906617 main conductivity, serial number 01906617 main pressure, type, strain, serial number 3161799External sensors from WET Labs (CHL is Chlorophyll and TURB is turbidity):
ECO-FLNTURT CHL, serial number FLNTURT-1798; WET Labs fluorometer, ECO-AFL/FL ECO-FLNTURT TURB, serial number FLNTURT-1798; WET Labs turbidity meter, ECO-NTUConfiguration:
Instrument battery operated; not connected to a conducting cable Profile mode: sampling rate 4 per second, averaged to provide each data point CTD deployed on the USGS SEABed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS)Data archive:
All data; downcast, drift, and upcastThe temperature (degrees C) sensor has the following specifications:
measurement range -5 to +35 degrees C; initial accuracy +-0.005; resolution 0.0001;The conductivity Siemens per meter (S/m) has the following specifications:
measurement range 0 to 9 S/m; initial accuracy +- 0.0005; resolution varies: 0.00005 (most oceanic water; resolves 0.4 parts per million (ppm) in salinity) 0.00007 (high salinity water; resolves 0.4 ppm in salinity) 0.00001 (fresh water; resolves 0.1 ppm in salinity)
The strain gauge pressure:
measurement range 0 to full scale range: 20/100/350/600/1000/2000/3500/7000; initial accuracy +- 0.1% of full scale range; resolution 0.002% of full scale range.
The turbidity sensor:
wavelength 700 nm; sensitivity 0.01 NTU, rant 0-25 NTUFluorescence sensor:
Chlorophyll-a 470 nm EX/695 nm EM; sensitivity 0.2 micro-g/l; range 0-125 micro-g/l ChlData were collected from 2020 to 2021 with the process date representing the most recent acquisition year.
Sta 4955 Output data format Column 1, salt water depth, meter (0.000) Column 2, water temperature (standard ITS-90), deg C (0.0000) Column 3, salinity, practical salinity units (PSU) (0.0000) Column 4, water density, sigma-t, kilograms per cubic meter (0.0000) Column 5, fluorescence, milligrams per cubic meter (0.0000) Column 6, turbidity, nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) (0.0000) Column 7, if data flagged, indicates error in data collection -0.243 20.2753 0.0102 -1.8440 -0.0068 -0.0088 0.000e+00 -0.247 20.2576 0.0103 -1.8403 -0.0090 -0.0076 0.000e+00 -0.245 20.2324 0.0102 -1.8351 -0.0068 -0.0088 0.000e+00 -0.247 20.2184 0.0103 -1.8321 -0.0060 -0.0076 0.000e+00 -0.247 20.1960 0.0000 -1.8353 -0.0060 -0.0084 0.000e+00 -0.245 20.1728 0.0103 -1.8226 -0.0045 -0.0088 0.000e+00 -0.245 20.1578 0.0103 -1.8194 -0.0052 -0.0076 0.000e+00If visible in the sample above, the presence of the ">" character is for formatting the metadata only. That character does not actually occur in the data.