The logbooks were maintained by Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc., during U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2014-072-FA.
1714.MBECalibration1.doc, Microsoft word document, lists the calibration for Patch Test Calibration 1.
1714.MBECalibration2.doc, Microsoft Word document, lists the calibration for Patch Test Calibration 2.
1714.MBEProcessing.FI.xls, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, lists the processing information such as file names, dates, output formats, resolution, number of lines collected, line distance, number of soundings, file preparation, and a log of files processed for the Fire Island (FI) survey area.
1714.MBEProcessing.NYB.xls, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, lists the processing information such as file names, dates, output formats, resolution, number of lines collected, line distance, number of soundings, file preparation, and a log of files processed for the New York Block (NYB - The Rockaways to Jones Inlet) survey area.
1714.MBEProcessing.OFI.xls, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, lists the processing information such as file names, dates, output formats, resolution, number of lines collected, line distance, number of soundings, file preparation, and a log of files processed for the optional Fire Island (OFI - offshore Fire Island Inlet to Watch Hill) survey area.
1714.MBEProcessing.OWH.xls, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, lists the processing information such as file names, dates, output formats, resolution, number of lines collected, line distance, number of soundings, file preparation, and a log of files processed for the optional Watch Hill (OWH - inshore and offshore Watch Hill to Moriches) survey area.
1714.Offset_Form.pdf - Adobe PDF format, lists the configuration and offsets of the sensors and navigation antenna on the RV Shearwater.
1714_USGS_SOP.pdf - Adobe PDF format, lists the Standard Operating Procedure for Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc.
1714MBEProcessing_HOWTO.docx - Microsoft Word document, lists the processing flow for processing bathymetric data in CARIS, Surfer, and ArcGIS.
Process_Date: 2014
Contact_Person: Jane F. Denny
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geologist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: Massachusetts
Postal_Code: 02543
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2311
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310