Online Links:
Online Links:
Range of values | |
Minimum: | -75.194617 |
Maximum: | -75.0748 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 38.5708 |
Maximum: | 38.615317 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0.3 |
Maximum: | 9.5 |
Units: | meters |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 10 |
Maximum: | 17.9 |
Units: | degrees Celsius |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | -75.192233 |
Maximum: | -75.074783 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 38.5708 |
Maximum: | 38.615317 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0.3 |
Maximum: | 198.5 |
Units: | meters |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0.000102 |
Maximum: | 414.482178 |
Units: | meters |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 20 |
Units: | meters |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0.39508 |
Maximum: | 8.288633 |
Units: | meters |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 104 |
Maximum: | 104 |
Units: | days |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0.341818 |
Maximum: | 8.889661 |
Units: | meters |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0.3 |
Maximum: | 9.5 |
Units: | meters |
BEGIN { FS = "," } { FS = "," ARGC = 2 depth = -9999 temp = -9999 if ($1=="$GPRMC") { utctime = $2 utcdate = $10 latdeg = substr($4,1,2) latmin = substr($4,3,6) declat = latdeg + (latmin/60) londeg = substr($6,1,3) lonmin = substr($6,4,6) declon = -1 * (londeg + (lonmin/60)) if (NR==1) { holddepth = -9999 holdtemp = -9999 } else { printf("%s, %s, %9.6f, %9.6f, %5.1f, %5.1f, %s\n", holdutctime, holdutcdate, holddeclon, holddeclat, holddepth, holdtemp, ARGV[2]) } holdutctime = utctime holdutcdate = utcdate holddeclon = declon holddeclat = declat holddepth = -9999 holdtemp = -9999 } if ($1=="$SDDPT") { depthreal = $2 holddepth = depthreal } if ($1=="$SDMTW") { tempreal = $2 holdtemp = tempreal } } END { printf("%s, %s, %9.6f, %9.6f, %5.1f, %5.1f, %s\n", holdutctime, holdutcdate, holddeclon, holddeclat, holddepth, holdtemp, ARGV[2]) }This AWK script was initialized by "dohold" - shell script run under CYGWIN (UNIX like environment that runs under Windows). This shell script reads all the files in a folder with the extension "gps" and processes them. This is the script used for the April 14 data collection:
files=`ls *.gps | cut -d. -f1 | tr "[A-Z"] ["a-z"]` for file in $files do awk -f awkhold $file.gps $file > $file.holds doneData sources used in this process:
cat l6f1_mod.holds \ l6f2.holds \ l6f3.holds \ l6f4.holds \ l6f5.holds \ l6f7_mod.holds \ l6f9.holds \ l6f10.holds \ l6f11.holds \ l6f12.holds \ l7f1.holds \ l7f7_mod.holds \ l7f10.holds \ l7f12.holds \ l7f13.holds \ l7f14.holds \ l7f17.holds \ l7f18.holds \ f7l19.holds \ l8f1.holds \ l9f1.holds \ l9f3.holds \ l10f1.holds \ l11f1.holds \ l11f2.holds \ l12f1.holds \ l13f1.holds \ l14f1.holds \ l15f1.holds \ l16f1.holds \ l17f1.holds \ l18f1.holds \ l19f1.holds \ l19f2.holds \ l19f3.holds > jd104gps_mod.csvThe files with "mod" in the filename have had the original GPS files edited to remove obviously bad points. Data sources used in this process:
gpstime, gpsdate, longitude, latitude, depth_m, temp_c, lineThis text file was then imported to ArcMap 9.2 using Tools - AddXY Data. The X field is longitude; Y field is latitude, and the coordinate system was defined as Geographic, WGs84. This "Event Theme" was converted to a shapefile by right-mouse clicking on the layer - Data - Export Data. Data sources used in this process:
h_corrected_ir=htrack-tidetrack_ir; h_corrected_rd=htrack-tidetrack_rd; use: h_corrected_ir=htrack+tidetrack_ir; h_corrected_rd=htrack+tidetrack_rd;Data sources used in this process:
Query: "timediff" <= -41 AND "timediff" >= -50
These are all within 10 seconds, so set bestdepth = depth_m_1.
Likewise, the opposite situation needed to be handled such as gpstime = 131601 and gpstime_1 = 131554.
Query: "timediff" >= 41 AND "timediff" <= 50
And if there's an hour change:
"timediff" >=4041 AND "timediff" <=4050 (this didn't have any records) "timediff" >=-4050 AND "timediff" <=-4041 (this didn't have any records)
Now any records without a "bestdepth" ("bestdepth" = 0) the values from "addedtide" were copied over.
Access_Constraints | None. |
Use_Constraints | Not to be used for navigation. The public domain data from the U.S. Government are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize the U.S. Geological Survey as the originator of the dataset. |
Data format: | This WinZip (v. 14) file contains the point shapefile as well as the associated metadata files. in format Shapefile (version ArcGIS 9.2) Size: 0.40 |
Network links: | |