Point data were converted from grid cells covering the full extent of the study area. This grid represents the conversion of these points back to their corresponding grid cell with no interpolation.
Data from approximately 42,000,000 coastal locations throughout the Northeast from Maine to Virginia were used to make sea-level rise probability forecasts. Model inputs (raster format) were either upscaled or downscaled to provide inputs at the 30 m horizontal resolution of the land cover data. Each cell in this data layer displays the most probable adjusted elevation range of five possible outcomes: -12 to -1, -1 to 0, 0 to 1, 1 to 5, and 5 to 10 meters. Forecast values were calculated for the time period of 2020 to 2080, and will vary if performed on a different time period if different models are used or if different model inputs (such as the year of elevation data, vertical land movement rate estimates, revised sea-level estimates), discretization of such inputs, or parameterizations were chosen.
A probabilistic model (Bayesian Network) is used to generate the forecast of adjusted elevation ranges shown in this data layer. Because the overall horizontal accuracy of the dataset depends on the accuracy of the model, the forcing values used, expert knowledge, the underlying inputs (i.e., sea-level projections, elevation, vertical land movement rates) and so forth, the spatial accuracy of this dataset cannot be meaningfully quantified. These maps are intended to provide a qualitative and relative regional assessment of sea-level impacts to the landscape at the 30 m horizontal resolution displayed. Users are advised not to use the dataset to determine specific values quantitatively at any particular geographic location.
Data from the National Elevation Dataset (NED) were referenced to MHW and contained a vertical accuracy specification as follows: NED 1/9 Arc-Second DEM +/- 0.42 m. NED 1/3 Arc-Second DEM +/- 1.25 m. A small subset of the NED dataset (0 to 3.5 meters) remained referenced to NAVD88. Coastal Relief Model (CRM) DEM data were not referenced to MHW but remained primarily MLW with a vertical accuracy of +/- 1.0 m. Because the model uses initial elevation ranges (-10 to -1, -1 to 0, 0 to 1, 1 to 5, 5 to 10 m) as opposed to discrete values, a significant portion of the CRM DEM (~80%) remained within the same elevation range when applying MHW conversion. Furthermore, CRM vertical datum conversion to MHW did not cover the full extent of the study area (~9% loss) and an additional percentage (~10%) of the MHW conversion exceeded the vertical accuracy (+/- 1.0 m). Depending on the elevation dataset extracted to each point, it can be expected that the vertical datum of the output at each point remained the same.
Originator: Columbia University
Publication_Date: Unpublished material
Title: Sea-level
Type_of_Source_Media: Mathworks MATLAB matrix format
Calendar_Date: 201403
Sea-level projections as provided by collaborators at time of download. See Calendar Date.
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: SC_SL
Global sea-level projections (SL) generated using Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) scenarios 4.5 and 8.5 for the 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) are used as model inputs. Three components comprise sea-level projections: those related to oceans (both local ocean height and global thermal expansion), ice melt, and global land water storage. For each of these three components of sea-level change, set percentiles (10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th) of the distribution were estimated. The sum of all components at each percentile is assumed to give the aggregate sea-level rise projection. This method does not take into account potential correlation among components. Decadal projections for the 2020s, 2030s, 2050s, and 2080s, were generated by averaging over ten year intervals and subtracting average values for 2000-2004. Data were provided by collaborators at Columbia University in Mathworks MATLAB matrix format. See Open File Report 2014-1252 .
Originator: U.S. Geological Survey.
Publication_Date: 201207
Title: National Elevation Dataset (NED) 1/9 arc-second DEM
Online_Linkage: http://ned.usgs.gov/
Type_of_Source_Media: Esri binary grid format
Calendar_Date: 201405
Date of download from NED website. See calendar date and online link.
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: SC_NED_19
Elevation data (E) acquired from the National Elevation Dataset (NED) (
http://ned.usgs.gov/). Partial coverage from light detection and ranging (lidar) is available at 1/9 arc-sec (approximately 3 m cells) from a culmination of bare earth lidar datasets. NED datasets are provided in the geographic coordinates of decimal degrees and are referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83)and North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). Lidar data in the NED were collected by a variety of Federal, State, and local partners between 2001 and 2011. NED 1/9 are updated monthly and in conjunction with bi-monthly updates where possible. We use the available 1/9 arc-sec data from the NED June 1, 2012 release, supplemented with the 1/3 arc-sec data from the August 1, 2012 release, only where gaps in the 1/9 coverage exist (see citation below). Using the highest resolution elevation available allows detection of changes in low-lying coastal topography at increments small enough to correspond with near future (approximately 100 year) sea-level forecasts.
Originator: U.S. Geological Survey.
Publication_Date: 201208
Title: National Elevation Dataset (NED) 1/3 arc-second DEM
Online_Linkage: http://ned.usgs.gov/
Type_of_Source_Media: Esri binary grid format
Calendar_Date: 201405
Date of download from NED website. See calendar date and online link.
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: SC_NED_13
Supplement elevation data (E) acquired from the National Elevation Dataset (NED) (
http://ned.usgs.gov/). Complete regional coverage of the land (topography) for the northeast is available from the NED at 1/3 arc-second (approximately 9 m cells). The 1/3 arc-second data come from a combination of topographic maps, aerial photos, and lidar. NED datasets are provided in the geographic coordinates of decimal degrees and are referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83)and North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). Lidar data in the NED were collected by a variety of Federal, State, and local partners between 2001 and 2011. NED 1/3 data are updated every other month to integrate improved source data. We use the available 1/9 arc-second data from the NED June 1, 2012 release (see citation above), supplemented with the 1/3 arc-sec data from the August 1, 2012 release, only where gaps in the 1/9 coverage exist.
Type_of_Source_Media: ASCII grid format
Calendar_Date: 201405
Date of download from CRM website. See calendar date and online link.
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: SC_CRM
Bathymetric data from the Coastal Relief Model (CRM) are produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Geophysical Data Center. These data are available at a 3 arc-second (~90 meter) resolution and are produced using hydrographic soundings data (1930s to present) from the National Ocean Service (NOS) and a number of academic institutions (
http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/coastal/model.html). CRM bathymetric data (E) are used where NED elevation data (E) are unavailable in submerged areas such as bays, estuaries, and open ocean coasts.
Originator: Giovanni F. Sella
Originator: Seth Stein
Originator: Timothy H. Dixon
Originator: Michael Craymer
Originator: Thomas S. James
Originator: Stephane Mazzotti
Originator: Roy K. Dokka
Publication_Date: 20070126
Observation of glacial isostatic adjustment in "stable" North America with GPS
Online_Linkage: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2006GL027081/full
Type_of_Source_Media: Plain Text Document (.txt)
Calendar_Date: 201307
Date of download from article's supporting information. See calendar date and online link.
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: SC_VLM_GPS
A combination of GPS data and long range tide data were used to estimate vertical land motion (VLM) rates due to glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) for the conterminous United States and Canada. These point data represent vertical velocities recently processed to account for glacial isostatic adjustment from continuously recording GPS devices throughout North America at 362 locations. Used in combination with citation below.
Originator: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Originator: Chris Zervas
Originator: Stephen Gill
Originator: William Sweet
Publication_Date: 201305
Estimating Vertical Land Motion from Long-Term Tide Gauge Records
Online_Linkage: http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/mslUSTrendsTable.htm
Type_of_Source_Media: Plain Text (.txt)
Calendar_Date: 201307
For date of download see calendar date. Data copied from 'Table 1' in article pages 7-10. Corresponding lat/lon values added using NOAA data tables. See online link #2.
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: SC_VLM_TIDE
A combination of GPS data and long range tide data were used to estimate vertical land motion (VLM) rates due to glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) for the conterminous United States and Canada. Estimates generated using a methodology that extracts oceanographic effects from relative sea-level rates to determine local VLM rates from long range tide station records were incorporated at 69 locations along the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts (Zervas and others, 2013). Used in combination with previous citation.
Originator: University of Massachusetts.
Publication_Date: Unpublished material
Title: Ecological Systems Map (ESM) Plus
Type_of_Source_Media: Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
Calendar_Date: 201406
Land cover TIFF as provided by collaborators at time of download. See Calendar Date
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: SC_LC
Land cover (LC) information was obtained from the Ecological Systems Map (ESM) Plus provided by the University of Massachusetts Designing Sustainable Landscapes (DSL) project Landscape Conservation and Design (LCAD) model (
http://jamba.provost.ads.umass.edu/web/lcc/DSL_documentation_landscape_design.pdf). Because sea-level rise predictions will be integrated into the LCAD model, using a land cover layer identical to that of collaborators was an essential input for coastal response (CR) grids. As AE predictions are necessary for CR outputs, it was ideal to use the LC extent and horizontal resolution for AE processing as well. Additionally, the LC BEACH category (see processing steps below) is included as part of the methodology.
Interpolate surfaces for sea-level projections specific to: 1) time step and 2) percentile using Esri ArcGIS (v. 10.2.1). Sea-level data were exported from MATLAB (v. R2013b) in XYZ ASCII format as a .CSV file. XY data were provided in geographic coordinates, and data were imported to ArcGIS > add xyz data in a geographic projection (World Geodetic System 1984 or WGS84). Point data were converted to a point feature class within a geodatabase in ArcCatalog by right-mouse clicking the point data file > Create Feature Class > From XY table. Point data were then interpolated to generate a surface of sea-level estimates using natural neighbor interpolation: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > 3D Analyst Tools.tbx > Natural Neighbor (option: automatic densification). The resulting raster surface provided cells at 0.66 degrees (or approximately 74,000 m) resolution, and was imported into a geodatabase (with sea-level and VLM rasters). Sea-level grid values were used in calculations of adjusted land elevation ranges and associated probabilities. Extraction of sea-level values for use in modeling is described in metadata sections to follow. This process step and all subsequent process steps performed by Sawyer Stippa.
Process_Date: 2014
Contact_Person: Sawyer Stippa
Contact_Organization: USGS
Contact_Position: Geologist
Address_Type: physical address
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2230
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: sstippa@usgs.gov
Vertically converted elevation datasets from NAVD 88 to mean high water (MHW) were included to take into account tidal variation. The vertical datum was adjusted to MHW along the coastline using a one-step conversion grid generated through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Vertical Datum Transformation (VDatum, v. 3.1) tool which was added to the NED data in ArcGIS (v. 10.2.1) > Spatial Analyst Tools > Plus. Vertical conversion was not deemed necessary for the CRM data (see vertical accuracy). The conversion grid is provided at a resolution of 0.0017 degrees, which is the full resolution as supplied with VDatum. Vertical datum shifts to MHW were propagated landward via Euclidean allocation, which smoothes vertical ledges at edges of VDatum zones. Elevation grid values were used in calculations of adjusted land elevation ranges and associated probabilities. Extraction of elevation values for use in modeling is described in metadata sections to follow.
Process_Date: 2014
Vertical land motion estimates in the form of point data (rates) were used to interpolate a surface to provide continuous VLM rate estimates across the region using ArcGIS v. 10.2.1. Point data (XYZ format) were downloaded from Sella and others, 2007 and Zervas and others, 2013 and imported to Esri ArcGIS (add XYZ data) and a feature class of the points was created. The points (geographic coordinates, projected in WGS84) were used to interpolate a raster surface using the multiquadratic radial basis function: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Geostatistical Analyst Tools.tbx > Radial Basis Functions (selected tool options: Multiquadratic Function). The resulting surface was gridded at a per cell resolution of 0.23 degrees (or approximately 24,000 m) and imported to the geodatabase containing sea-level projections and elevation. VLM grid values were used in calculations of adjusted land elevation ranges and associated probabilities. Extraction of VLM values for use in modeling is described in metadata sections to follow.
Process_Date: 2014
Any land cover class, as determined from ESM Plus name and/or description, that included dune and swale/sandy beach (including bluffs) or marine and estuarine intertidal unconsolidated shore was assigned to 'Beach' category. All other classes were given "general" land cover categories. Assignments were made by joining an Excel table of the classified land cover categories with the attribute table of the raster land cover data using Esri ArcGIS (v. 10.2.1): ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Data Management Tools.tbx > Add Join.
Process_Date: 2014
Generate a database of points at land cover locations from which model inputs might be culled. An ESM Plus database (EPD) of points was created using the extent of the converted 1/3 arc-second DEM at -15 to 10 m. The 1/3 data were selected because they provided continuous regional coverage. The 1/3 DEM data was reclassified by converting all data within the stated ranges (-15 to 10) to 1 and all other to null: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx > Reclassify (options: min to -15 no data. 10 to max no data). The resulting raster was converted to a polygon to be used in clipping the ESM Plus raster: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Conversion Tools.tbx > Raster To Polygon (option: no simplify). The ESM Plus raster clip was converted to points using Esri ArcGIS software (v. 10.2.1) to form the EPD: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Conversion Tools.tbx > Raster to Point.
Process_Date: 2014
Use elevation and land cover information to delineate study area extent. Elevation and land cover information was used to define the coastal extent as follows: a) at or below 10 m and at or above -10 m elevation for the BEACH land cover category and b) at or below 5 m and at or above -10 m for all other general land cover categories. The delineation of this area required the creation of several polygons generated from these raster inputs that were then merged together to define the full study area extent. Footprints of the NED and CRM datasets were created using polygon clips of the EPD. The NED footprint was created by reclassifying the 1/3 arc-second DEM within 0 to 5 m: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx > Reclassify (options: min to 0 no data. 5 to max no data). The resulting raster was converted to a polygon: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Conversion Tools.tbx > Raster To Polygon (option: no simplify). A polygon of the ESM Plus BEACH land cover category was created by reclassifying the ESM Plus to only show the beach classification: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx > Reclassify (options: 1 to 2 no data. 4 to 6 no data). The resulting raster was converted to a polygon: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Conversion Tools.tbx > Raster To Polygon (option: no simplify). The beach polygon was clipped further using a reclassified 1/3 arc-second DEM polygon at 5 to 10 m. The beach polygon was merged with the reclassified 1/3 arc-second DEM polygon at 0 to 5m: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Data Management Tools.tbx > Merge. A third polygon was merged with the NED footprint that included a reclassified segment of the NAVD88 1/3 arc-second DEM (prior to MHW conversion) at 0 to 3.5m: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Data Management Tools.tbx > Merge. This segment was used to provide continuous coverage starting slightly below MHW. The CRM footprint was created by reclassifying the CRM dataset within -10 to 1 m: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx > Reclassify (options: min to -10 no data. 1 to max no data). The resulting raster was converted to polygon: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Conversion Tools.tbx > Raster To Polygon (option: no simplify).CRM and NED footprints were used separately to allow for faster processing times, though future performance increases may allow for the combination of each footprint.
Process_Date: 2014
Cull points from the EPD within the study area extent and extract grid values at coincident locations from VLM, elevation, and sea-level projection rasters. A NED point database was created by clipping the EPD with the NED footprint. The resulting dataset was consequently divided into 10 subregions to make processing more manageable: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Data Management Tools > Create Fishnet (options: 10 rows 1 column): ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Analysis Tools.tbx > Clip. The CRM point database was created by clipping the EPD with the CRM footprint: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Data Management Tools.tbx > Clip. CRM database points that overlapped NED database points were removed: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Data Management Tools.tbx > Select Layer By Location (options: intersect new selection): ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Data Management Tools.tbx > Delete Rows. The resulting CRM point database was divided into 59 regions based on increments of 500,000 points using a Python, v. 2.7 script. For each NED and CRM subregion, raster data from each sea-level projection year and percentile range, vertical land movement, and elevation layers were extracted at each point location: ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx > Extract Multi Values To Points. A script (Python, v. 2.7) was developed to populate an elevation column with 1/3 arc-second data that were overwritten with 1/9 arc-second values if present for all NED subregions. An error column was also populated to distinguish 1/3 arc-second and 1/9 arc-second values for each NED subregion. The NED subregions were further truncated to the 0 to 10 m range for BEACH land cover category and 0 to 5 m range for all other land cover categories, this time based on the extent defined by the 1/9 arc second data where present. CRM points outside of the -10 to 1 m range were removed. Geographic coordinate information (latitude and longitude, WGS84) for each point was also added to the NED and CRM subregions before being exported to csv tables.
Process_Date: 2014
The Bayesian network (BN) model was used to generate region-wide geospatial values for the probability of AE outputs using elevation data, sea-level projections for selected time intervals, and vertical land movement rates. A BN offers the capability to generate robust, spatially-explicit predictions and a corresponding confidence interval with every predicted outcome. Parameters that influence coastal change may all be included in the network design to make a prediction (an updated conditional probability) given a set of observations. The BN results in the probability of each adjusted elevation range (PAE) being reached given a range of sea-level rise scenarios. Full details of the BN, including conceptual diagrams and probabilistic equations used to describe the model may be found elsewhere (Lentz and others, 2015). Point data from each subregion were exported as tables and imported (sans headers, object ID and shape geometry fields) into MathWorks MATLAB software (v. R2013B) for processing in MATLAB and Netica. Input datasets consisted of 20 primary columns: SL1020, SL1030, SL1050, SL1080, SL2520, SL2530, SL2550, SL2580, SL7520, SL7530, SL7550, SL7580, SL9020, SL9030, SL9050, SL9080 (sea-level predictions where the first two digits indicate percentile range, the second two the prediction year in 20XX); VLM (vertical land motion); DEM (1/3 or 1/9 arc-second DEM values or CRM DEM values); latitude; and longitude.
Equations which previously appeared in this process step (describing Bayes theorem) have been modified to provide more explanatory content specific to our Bayesian network function. The updated equations appear in the Open-File Report cross-reference Lentz and others, 2015, version 2. The modifications to the equations do not change the results, but just provide a bit more detail and specifics on the probabilistic approach being used. Because of special characters and other considerations, please reference the Open-File Report for these equations.
Process_Date: 2014
PAE prediction matrices from completed model runs were combined with lat/long of input matrices. Additional MATLAB code was used to determine the most likely adjusted elevation range (AE) based on corresponding PAE values and convert outputs to shapefile format. The resulting point shapefiles were brought back into ArcGIS as rasters using a python script (v. 2.7). Point to raster conversion did not require interpolation because the horizontal spacing between input points retained the 30 m horizontal resolution of the original land cover grid. All corresponding rasters were then merged ArcToolbox > Toolboxes > Data Management Tools.tbx > Mosaic to New Raster to generate a single raster of region-wide coverage.
Process_Date: 2014
The metadata was modfied to edit the 8th process step which contained equations describing the Bayes theorem specific to the Bayesian network function used in this work. The updated equations appear in the cross-reference Lentz and others, 2015, version 2.
Process_Date: 20151203
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Person: VeeAnn A. Cross
Contact_Position: Marine Geologist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 384 Woods Hole Rd.
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2251
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: vatnipp@usgs.gov
USGS Thesaurus keywords added to the keyword section. Additionally, a DOI number was assigned and the metadata updated to reflect this. Additionally, the page containing the data was moved to a new location, with the data file downloads pointing to the new location.
Process_Date: 20180720
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Person: VeeAnn A. Cross
Contact_Position: Marine Geologist
Address_Type: Mailing and Physical
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2251
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: vatnipp@usgs.gov
Added keywords section with USGS persistent identifier as theme keyword (20200908). Fixed a USGS Thesaurus term (20240712).
Process_Date: 20240712
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Person: VeeAnn A. Cross
Contact_Position: Marine Geologist
Address_Type: Mailing and Physical
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2251
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: vatnipp@usgs.gov