SQUID-5 structure-from-motion point clouds, bathymetric maps, orthomosaics, and underwater photos of coral reefs in Florida, 2019


Structure-from-Motion orthophotos from the Florida Keys, 2019


Georeferenced orthophotos were created from structure-from-motion (SfM) data using seafloor images collected using the new 5-camera system SfM Quantitative Underwater Imaging Device with Five Cameras (SQUID-5). Images were collected in July 2019 by towing the SQUID-5 in 3 to 4 meters of water off of Islamorada in the Florida Keys during 3 days. The five cameras were synchronized together and with a survey-grade Global Positioning System (GPS). Images were collected over diverse benthic settings, including living and senile reefs, rubble, and sand. Orthomosaics were created from the photos using SfM photogrammetric software.


These orthophotos were produced to assess the accuracy, precision, and effectiveness of the new SQUID-5 camera platform.

Data Files
Metadata Files

Suggested Citation

Warrick, J.A., Ritchie, A.C., Dailey, E.T., Hatcher, G.A., Kranenburg, C., Zawada, D.G., and Yates, K.K., 2020, SQUID-5 structure-from-motion point clouds, bathymetric maps, orthomosaics, and underwater photos of coral reefs in Florida, 2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9V7K7EG

Preview of data set
Example SfM orthomosaic