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West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico

Selected Perspective Views

Click on the arrows within the index map below, or click on the thumbnail images below the index map to view the perspective images.

Florida index map

Central reef perspective view Perspective view looking northwest over a reef complex in the central portion of the survey area (arrow 1 on location map above). The reef labeled as "A" on the Larger View is about 1.5m high and 150m wide. The distance across the bottom of the image is about 5.5km. The vertical exaggeration of this image is 20x.
Central region perspective view Perspective view looking northwest over the central portion of the survey area (arrow 2 on location map above). The distance across the bottom of the image is about 16km. The vertical exaggeration of this image is 20x. See Larger View.
Destin Pinnacles perspective view Perspective view looking northeast over Destin Pinnacles Reef (arrow 3 on location map above). The linear reef labeled as "A" on the Larger View is about 1.5m high and 40m wide. The distance across the bottom of the image is about 8km. The vertical exaggeration of this image is 20x.
Madison-Swanson perspective view Perspective view looking northwest over Madison-Swanson Reserve in the southern portion of the survey area (arrow 4 on location map above). In places, the reef along the southern portion of the bank, labeled as "A" on the Larger View, is 8m high and 150m wide. The distance across the bottom of the image is about 13km. The vertical exaggeration of this image is 20x.
Twin Ridges perspective view Perspective view looking north over Twin Ridges (arrow 5 on location map above). Bedforms, some with 2m of relief and 120m crest-to-crest--labeled at "A" on the Larger View--can be seen along the south facing slope. The distance across the bottom of the image is about 10.5km. The vertical exaggeration of this image is 20x.


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U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
URL: pacmaps/fl-persp.html
Contact Peter Dartnell
Archived in 2018