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Lake Michigan

Ile Aux Gallet and Dahlia Shoal Perspective View

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Perspective view of colored shaded-relief multibeam bathymetry of Lake Michigan; see caption below.

Oblique view looking south over Ile Aux Gallet (A) with Dahlia Shoal (B) in the background. The rough relief of cobbles, boulders, and (or) outcrop occurs in water depths less than 15 m. Limestone outcrops were identified close to Ile Aux Gallet from underwater observations (Somers, 1968). Deep regions with smooth morphology (D) as well as deep pits (C) are covered with sand substrate. The vertical exaggeration is 4x and the distance across the bottom of the image is about 2.5 km.

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U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
URL: pacmaps/lm-dspers1.html
Contact Peter Dartnell
Archived in 2018