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Duwamish Delta, Offshore Seattle, Washington

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Duwamish delta image, colored shaded-relief bathymetry

Color shaded-relief bathymetry of Duwamish Delta in Elliot Bay, offshore Seattle Washington. The colors show relative depths with reds representing shallow regions and blues representing deeper regions. Depths range from 2m (red) to 180m (purple). The surrounding land image is a USGS DOQ. Downtown Seattle is on the right side of the image. The distance across the image is approximately 6.5km. Scroll down this page to view a comparison between Duwamish delta legacy data (1978-1992) and the 2001 multibeam data.

Field Activity metadata

For more information and to download the multibeam bathymetry data in two formats, XYZ ASCII and ArcInfo GRID, please see U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF01-266.

Below is a thumbnail image of a comparison between the 2001 Duwamish delta multibeam bathymetry data (top) at 4-m spatial resolution and legacy bathymetry data (bottom) collected between 1978-1992 at 30-m spatial resolution.

Top Image, below: Color shaded-relief map of Duwamish Delta from March, 2001 multibeam data. The vertical exaggeration is 3x and the spatial resolution of the multibeam data is 4m. The distance across the image is about 6km.

Bottom Image, below: The same view as the top image below, with legacy (1978-1992) bathymetry data. The view has the same vertical exaggeration as the top image below, but the spatial resolution is 1 arc sec (about 30m).

Comparison between modern and legacy data; see caption above.

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U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
URL: pacmaps/ps-duw.html
Contact Peter Dartnell
Archived in 2018