USGS - science for a changing world

Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Tsunamis and Earthquakes

Tsunami Sources Workshop 2006

Great Earthquake Tsunami Sources:
Empiricism and Beyond Empiricism



“Great Earthquake Tsunami Sources: Empiricism and Beyond Empiricism”


  1. To advance subduction earthquake science and the science of tsunami generation by identifying fruitful research directions.
  2. To promote additional interdisciplinary communication and collaboration.
  3. To communicate our findings to a wider audience through publication in a peer-review journal and professional book.
  4. To inform the U.S. Geological Survey about state-of-the-art research in these fields and to help it structure its future research programs.


Friday afternoon, April 21st (2:00-7:15 PM) and Saturday, April 22nd (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM)


USGS Menlo Park, Building 3 Conference Room A (Room 3240)


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Questions to: Eric Geist
last modified 2006