ERDDAP > info > 10_5066_P9Z0Z8DM_11151Aiqflow_a_nc

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     data   graph     files  NFWF - Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Program: Marsh Sediment Flux - 11151Aiqflow-a    ?   F   I   M   background RSS Subscribe
Coastal and Marin...  ?

The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL AcrossChannelBeamAngle int 60
attribute NC_GLOBAL alignFlowSampleToHour double 1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL AlongChannelBeamAngle int 25
attribute NC_GLOBAL Area_mask String Stage
attribute NC_GLOBAL basefile String 1115IQ_20181010_215313
attribute NC_GLOBAL batteryCapacity double 57.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL batteryVoltage double 11.600000381469727
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_timeseries_variables String station_id
attribute NC_GLOBAL channel_cross_section_Y double -1.0740000160038472, -1.0640000158548355, -0.7470000111311674, 0.03300000049173832, 1.037000015452504, 1.613000024035573, 2.1490000320225953, 2.8420000423491003, 3.4720000517368317, 4.258000063449145, 5.596000083386898, 6.906000102907419, 8.280000123381615, 9.66300014398992, 11.078000165075064, 12.180000181496144, 12.878000191897154, 13.494000201076268, 14.578000217229128, 15.567000231966377, 16.61000024750829, 17.857000266090036, 18.815000280365346, 19.638000292629002, 20.447000304684043, 20.836000310480596, 21.439000319465993, 22.07900032900274, 22.089000329151748
attribute NC_GLOBAL channel_cross_section_Z double 3.0000000447034836, -0.004000000059604645, -0.12400000184774398, -0.22300000332295894, -0.3200000047683716, -0.45000000670552254, -0.559000008329749, -0.6000000089406967, -0.5490000081807375, -0.43400000646710396, -0.4310000064224005, -0.4820000071823597, -0.4830000071972609, -0.49100000731647014, -0.5790000086277723, -0.627000009343028, -0.627000009343028, -0.6730000100284815, -0.6370000094920397, -0.7080000105500222, -0.6940000103414059, -0.5520000082254409, -0.38200000569224357, -0.2270000033825636, -0.10800000160932541, 0.030000000447034835, 0.14600000217556952, 0.17200000256299972, 3.0000000447034836
attribute NC_GLOBAL ClockError int 0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL D_3_mask String Stage
attribute NC_GLOBAL DATA_CMNT String IQ was buried in approx 6-8 inches of sand, was not collecting valid data at time of recovery. Var_bad_ens is used to fill sections of data that are unreliable due to potential interferences to the sensors by marsh material or sediment deposits, as well as filling obvious and unreliable spike anomalies that are not filled by other quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) methods. Data between 2018-10-12 06:00 and 2018-10-12 13:30 were filled due to movement of instrument indicated by tilt sensor (pitch and roll).'
attribute NC_GLOBAL DATA_ORIGIN String USGS WHCMSC Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics Group
attribute NC_GLOBAL DELTA_T int 900
attribute NC_GLOBAL Deployment_date String 2018-10-10 22:00
attribute NC_GLOBAL DEPTH_CONST double 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL DESCRIPTION String Stone Harbor, New Jersey
attribute NC_GLOBAL DRIFTER double 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -74.782457
attribute NC_GLOBAL equation_velocity_type String Velocity (XZ).X-Center
attribute NC_GLOBAL EXPERIMENT String NFWF - Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Program: Marsh Sediment Flux
attribute NC_GLOBAL experiment_name String NFWF - Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Program: Marsh Sediment Flux
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL Field_Activity_Number String 2018-048-FA, 2018-056-FA, 2018-059-FA, 2019-006-FA, 2019-016-FA, 2019-023-FA, 2019-028-FA, 2019-036-FA, 2022-013-FA, 2023-015-FA, 2023-016-FA
attribute NC_GLOBAL fileName String 1115IQ
attribute NC_GLOBAL filename String 11151Aiq
attribute NC_GLOBAL flood_direction String 80 degrees
attribute NC_GLOBAL Flow_mask String vel1_1277
attribute NC_GLOBAL flowSampleDuration double 120.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL flowSampleInterval double 900.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geopotential_datum_name String NAVD88
attribute NC_GLOBAL geopotential_datum_note String Elevation at seabed from RTK
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 39.031691
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 39.031691
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -74.782457
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -74.782457
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL good_dates String 2018-10-10 22:00
2018-10-24 17:00
attribute NC_GLOBAL good_dates_note String trimmed by good_dates due to instrument platform settling in sand
attribute NC_GLOBAL height_above_geopotential_datum double -0.611
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String 2024-01-09T17:18:22.094389+00:00: Processed using with stglib 0.7.0+68.gbab665e.dirty, xarray 2022.12.0, NumPy 1.24.1, netCDF4 1.6.2, Python 3.11.0.
2024-01-09T17:18:37.257935+00:00: Time shifted to middle of burst by 60 s.
2024-01-09T17:18:41.856412+00:00: Data clipped using good_dates of ['2018-10-10 22:00', '2018-10-24 17:00'].
2024-01-09T17:18:42.129392+00:00: Trimmed velocity data using atmospherically corrected pressure (water level) and sidelobes.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.439609+00:00: Filled velocity data using snr threshold of 7 for corresponding beam(s).
2024-01-09T17:18:43.460004+00:00: Filling P1ac, stage, area, range, and D_3 (depth) data using vertical beam percent good threshold threshold of 40.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.644572+00:00: Filled Vel_Mean data using mask of all velocity variables.
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String
attribute NC_GLOBAL initial_instrument_height double 0.055
attribute NC_GLOBAL initial_instrument_height_note String From seabed to pressure port/center of skew beams (meters)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program, U.S. Geological Survey
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument_type String Sontek-IQ
attribute NC_GLOBAL InstrumentVersion double 2150.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL iq_direction_note String IQ was positioned along channel, with positive X direction east-northeast (into marsh). Positive beam directions were determined by taking the heading along the channel in Google Earth. Velocities were reversed using SonTek IQ: Intelligent Flow software version 3.0 so that positive velocities were in ebb direction.
attribute NC_GLOBAL IQ_location_Y double 13.234000197201967
attribute NC_GLOBAL IQ_location_Z double -0.546000008136034
attribute NC_GLOBAL latitude double 39.031691
attribute NC_GLOBAL LatLonDatum String NAD83
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended
for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data
Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any
of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or
implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL longitude double -74.782457
attribute NC_GLOBAL magnetic_variation double -12.05
attribute NC_GLOBAL maxFileSizeMB double 10000.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL mean_velocity_equation_type String Index
attribute NC_GLOBAL MOORING String 1115A
attribute NC_GLOBAL NCProperties String version=2,netcdf=4.8.1,hdf5=1.12.2
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 39.031691
attribute NC_GLOBAL operatorName String SES
attribute NC_GLOBAL orientation String up
attribute NC_GLOBAL outputFormat double 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL outputMode double 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL P_1ac_bad_ens String 2018-10-12 17:15
2018-10-12 18:30
2018-10-13 16:00
2018-10-13 19:15
2018-10-16 18:15
2018-10-16 19:15
2018-10-18 10:30
2018-10-18 14:00
2018-10-21 23:30
2018-10-22 00:30
attribute NC_GLOBAL P_1ac_mask String Stage
attribute NC_GLOBAL P_1ac_note String Corrected for variations in atmospheric pressure using internal SonTek IQ algorithm
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_type String Grated Fiberglass Bottom Lander
attribute NC_GLOBAL POS_CONST double 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL positive_direction String 260 degrees
attribute NC_GLOBAL PROJECT String USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Range_mask String Stage
attribute NC_GLOBAL realTimeSettingsChanged double 1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Recovery_date String 2018-12-04 15:31
attribute NC_GLOBAL SciPi String N. Ganju
attribute NC_GLOBAL serial_number String IQ1247014
attribute NC_GLOBAL siteName String SH
attribute NC_GLOBAL SN String 7014
attribute NC_GLOBAL snr_threshold int 7
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 39.031691
attribute NC_GLOBAL Stage_bad_ens String 2018-10-14 17:15
2018-10-14 17:30
2018-10-16 18:15
2018-10-16 19:15
2018-10-18 09:45
2018-10-19 00:15
2018-10-19 06:30
2018-10-19 11:45
2018-10-22 08:00
2018-10-22 14:15
attribute NC_GLOBAL standardSettingsChanged double 1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL start_time String 2018-10-10T22:01:00.000000000
attribute NC_GLOBAL stop_time String 2018-10-24T16:46:00.000000000
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Unspecified
attribute NC_GLOBAL survey_point_count int 29
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2018-10-24T16:46:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2018-10-10T22:01:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String NFWF - Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Program: Marsh Sediment Flux - 11151Aiqflow-a
attribute NC_GLOBAL trim_method String water level sl
attribute NC_GLOBAL userComments String October 10, 2018 deployment at Stone Harbor Site.
attribute NC_GLOBAL userSalinity double 30.189999325200915
attribute NC_GLOBAL VAR_FILL double NaN
attribute NC_GLOBAL vbper_threshold int 40
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel1_1277_bad_ens String 2018-10-12 06:00
2018-10-12 13:30
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel1_1277_max_diff double 0.255
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel1_1277_min_diff double -0.255
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel2_1278_bad_ens String 2018-10-12 06:00
2018-10-12 13:30
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel2_1278_max_diff double 0.255
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel2_1278_min_diff double -0.255
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel3_1279_bad_ens String 2018-10-12 06:00
2018-10-12 13:30
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel3_1279_max_diff double 0.255
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel3_1279_min_diff double -0.255
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel4_1280_bad_ens String 2018-10-12 06:00
2018-10-12 13:30
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel4_1280_max_diff double 0.255
attribute NC_GLOBAL vel4_1280_min_diff double -0.255
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_Mean_max_diff double 0.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_Mean_min_diff double -0.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_X_Center_mask String vel1_1277
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_X_Left_mask String vel3_1279
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_X_Left_max_diff double 0.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_X_Left_min_diff double -0.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_X_Right_mask String vel4_1280
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_X_Right_max_diff double 0.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_X_Right_min_diff double -0.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_Z_Center_mask String vel1_1277
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_Z_Center_max_diff double 0.12
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vel_Z_Center_min_diff double -0.12
attribute NC_GLOBAL WATER_DEPTH double 0.747
attribute NC_GLOBAL WATER_DEPTH_NOTE String (meters), Mean water level from data
attribute NC_GLOBAL WATER_MASS String Great Channel/Atlantic Ocean
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -74.782457
attribute NC_GLOBAL zeroed_pressure String No
variable station_id   String  
attribute station_id actual_range String 10_5066_P9Z0Z8DM_11151Aiqflow_a_nc
attribute station_id cf_role String timeseries_id
attribute station_id ioos_category String Identifier
attribute station_id long_name String Station ID
variable time   double  
attribute time _ChunkSizes uint 1024
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.53920886E9, 1.54039956E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String time (UTC)
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable velbeam   int  
attribute velbeam actual_range int 1, 4
attribute velbeam ioos_category String Other
attribute velbeam long_name String velocity beam number
attribute velbeam note String does not include vertical beam (vb, beam 5)
attribute velbeam units String 1
variable beam   int  
attribute beam actual_range int 1, 5
attribute beam ioos_category String Other
attribute beam long_name String beam number
attribute beam note String includes vertical beam (vb, beam 5)
attribute beam units String 1
variable D_3   float  
attribute D_3 _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute D_3 actual_range float 0.1332619, 3.34934
attribute D_3 FillValue String nan
attribute D_3 ioos_category String Other
attribute D_3 long_name String depth below sea surface
attribute D_3 maximum double 3.349339627125728
attribute D_3 minimum double 0.13326193179108886
attribute D_3 note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.443807+00:00: Filled data using vertical beam percent good threshold threshold of 40.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.648571+00:00: Values filled using Stage mask.
Calculated using vertical beam if VbPercentGood is greater than 30% and measured using pressure sesnor if VbPercentGood is less than 30%. Relative to the top of the instrument. See Sontek-IQ Series instrument manual for deatils.
attribute D_3 positive String down
attribute D_3 standard_name String depth
attribute D_3 units String m
variable Stage   float  
attribute Stage _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Stage actual_range float -0.4127381, 2.80334
attribute Stage FillValue String nan
attribute Stage geopotential_datum_name String NAVD88
attribute Stage ioos_category String Other
attribute Stage long_name String Sea surface height (NAVD88)
attribute Stage maximum double 2.8033396271257276
attribute Stage minimum double -0.4127380682089112
attribute Stage note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.452004+00:00: Filled data using vertical beam percent good threshold threshold of 40.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.535898+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-14 17:15', '2018-10-14 17:30', '2018-10-16 18:15', '2018-10-16 19:15', '2018-10-18 09:45', '2018-10-19 00:15', '2018-10-19 06:30', '2018-10-19 11:45', '2018-10-22 08:00', '2018-10-22 14:15'].
2024-01-09T17:18:43.543146+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-14 17:15', '2018-10-14 17:30', '2018-10-16 18:15', '2018-10-16 19:15', '2018-10-18 09:45', '2018-10-19 00:15', '2018-10-19 06:30', '2018-10-19 11:45', '2018-10-22 08:00', '2018-10-22 14:15'].
2024-01-09T17:18:43.548143+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-14 17:15', '2018-10-14 17:30', '2018-10-16 18:15', '2018-10-16 19:15', '2018-10-18 09:45', '2018-10-19 00:15', '2018-10-19 06:30', '2018-10-19 11:45', '2018-10-22 08:00', '2018-10-22 14:15'].
2024-01-09T17:18:43.554361+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-14 17:15', '2018-10-14 17:30', '2018-10-16 18:15', '2018-10-16 19:15', '2018-10-18 09:45', '2018-10-19 00:15', '2018-10-19 06:30', '2018-10-19 11:45', '2018-10-22 08:00', '2018-10-22 14:15'].
2024-01-09T17:18:43.558362+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-14 17:15', '2018-10-14 17:30', '2018-10-16 18:15', '2018-10-16 19:15', '2018-10-18 09:45', '2018-10-19 00:15', '2018-10-19 06:30', '2018-10-19 11:45', '2018-10-22 08:00', '2018-10-22 14:15'].
attribute Stage positive String up
attribute Stage standard_name String sea_surface_height_above_geopotential_datum
attribute Stage units String m
variable Area   float  
attribute Area _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Area actual_range float 2.429363, 75.32301
attribute Area FillValue String nan
attribute Area ioos_category String Other
attribute Area long_name String Cross-sectional area of user-defined channel
attribute Area maximum double 75.32301553536692
attribute Area minimum double 2.4293628990915943
attribute Area note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.456037+00:00: Filled data using vertical beam percent good threshold threshold of 40.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.652831+00:00: Values filled using Stage mask.
attribute Area units String m2
variable Flow   float  
attribute Flow _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Flow actual_range float -18.83564, 15.78951
attribute Flow FillValue String nan
attribute Flow flood_dir String 80 degrees
attribute Flow ioos_category String Other
attribute Flow long_name String Flow rate (using defined channel geometry)
attribute Flow maximum double 20.294253581007855
attribute Flow minimum double -22.84353188650754
attribute Flow note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.656834+00:00: Values filled using vel1_1277 mask.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.661794+00:00: Values filled using vel2_1278 mask.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.665065+00:00: Values filled using vel3_1279 mask.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.670036+00:00: Values filled using vel4_1280 mask.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.675302+00:00: Values filled using Stage mask.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.679272+00:00: Values filled using Vel_Mean mask.
attribute Flow positive_dir String 260 degrees
attribute Flow units String m3 s-1
variable Vel_Mean   float  
attribute Vel_Mean _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Vel_Mean actual_range float -0.673, 0.612
attribute Vel_Mean equation_velocity_type String Velocity (XZ).X-Center
attribute Vel_Mean FillValue String nan
attribute Vel_Mean flood_dir String 80 degrees
attribute Vel_Mean ioos_category String Other
attribute Vel_Mean long_name String Mean velocity (depth-integrated)
attribute Vel_Mean maximum double 0.8020000119507312
attribute Vel_Mean mean_velocity_equation_note String Mean velocity calculation method
attribute Vel_Mean mean_velocity_equation_type String Index
attribute Vel_Mean minimum double -0.6730000100284815
attribute Vel_Mean note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.433640+00:00: Filled velocity data using snr threshold of 7 for corresponding beam(s).
2024-01-09T17:18:43.559330+00:00: Values filled where data decreases by more than -0.3 units in a single time step; 10 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.559330+00:00: Values filled where data increases by more than 0.3 units in a single time step; 6 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.643573+00:00: Filled Vel_Mean data using mask of all velocity variables.
attribute Vel_Mean positive_dir String 260 degrees
attribute Vel_Mean units String m s-1
variable Vel_X_Center   float  
attribute Vel_X_Center _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Vel_X_Center actual_range float -0.673, 0.612
attribute Vel_X_Center FillValue String nan
attribute Vel_X_Center ioos_category String Other
attribute Vel_X_Center long_name String X velocity in center of channel (from beams 1 & 2)
attribute Vel_X_Center maximum double 0.8020000119507312
attribute Vel_X_Center minimum double -0.6730000100284815
attribute Vel_X_Center note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.435621+00:00: Filled velocity data using snr threshold of 7 for corresponding beam(s).
2024-01-09T17:18:43.684426+00:00: Values filled using vel1_1277 mask.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.688426+00:00: Values filled using vel2_1278 mask.
attribute Vel_X_Center positive_dir String 260 degrees
attribute Vel_X_Center units String m s-1
variable Vel_Z_Center   float  
attribute Vel_Z_Center _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Vel_Z_Center actual_range float -0.096, 0.083
attribute Vel_Z_Center FillValue String nan
attribute Vel_Z_Center ioos_category String Other
attribute Vel_Z_Center long_name String Z velocity in center of channel (from beams 1 & 2)
attribute Vel_Z_Center maximum double 1.4920000222325325
attribute Vel_Z_Center minimum double -0.21800000324845314
attribute Vel_Z_Center note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.435621+00:00: Filled velocity data using snr threshold of 7 for corresponding beam(s).
2024-01-09T17:18:43.560365+00:00: Values filled where data decreases by more than -0.12 units in a single time step; 5 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.561363+00:00: Values filled where data increases by more than 0.12 units in a single time step; 2 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.692569+00:00: Values filled using vel1_1277 mask.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.696570+00:00: Values filled using vel2_1278 mask.
attribute Vel_Z_Center positive_dir String up
attribute Vel_Z_Center units String m s-1
variable Vel_X_Left   float  
attribute Vel_X_Left _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Vel_X_Left actual_range float -0.719, 0.696
attribute Vel_X_Left FillValue String nan
attribute Vel_X_Left ioos_category String Other
attribute Vel_X_Left long_name String X velocity along left bank (from beam 3)
attribute Vel_X_Left maximum double 0.9510000141710043
attribute Vel_X_Left minimum double -0.7190000107139349
attribute Vel_X_Left note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.435621+00:00: Filled velocity data using snr threshold of 7 for corresponding beam(s).
2024-01-09T17:18:43.561363+00:00: Values filled where data decreases by more than -0.3 units in a single time step; 8 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.562619+00:00: Values filled where data increases by more than 0.3 units in a single time step; 5 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.700568+00:00: Values filled using vel3_1279 mask.
attribute Vel_X_Left positive_dir String 260 degrees
attribute Vel_X_Left units String m s-1
variable Vel_X_Right   float  
attribute Vel_X_Right _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Vel_X_Right actual_range float -0.647, 0.916
attribute Vel_X_Right FillValue String nan
attribute Vel_X_Right ioos_category String Other
attribute Vel_X_Right long_name String X velocity along right bank (beam 4)
attribute Vel_X_Right maximum double 0.9160000136494637
attribute Vel_X_Right minimum double -1.2950000192970037
attribute Vel_X_Right note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.436611+00:00: Filled velocity data using snr threshold of 7 for corresponding beam(s).
2024-01-09T17:18:43.562619+00:00: Values filled where data decreases by more than -0.3 units in a single time step; 4 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.563653+00:00: Values filled where data increases by more than 0.3 units in a single time step; 2 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.704713+00:00: Values filled using vel4_1280 mask.
attribute Vel_X_Right positive_dir String 260 degrees
attribute Vel_X_Right units String m s-1
variable VelStd   float  
attribute VelStd _ChunkSizes uint 1, 4
attribute VelStd actual_range float -3.2768, 1.1594
attribute VelStd FillValue String nan
attribute VelStd ioos_category String Other
attribute VelStd long_name String Velocity standard deviation
attribute VelStd maximum double 0.8161000121608376, 1.1594000172764063, 0.30690000457316635, 0.3127000046595931
attribute VelStd minimum double -3.276800048828125, -3.276800048828125, -3.276800048828125, -3.276800048828125
attribute VelStd note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.436611+00:00: Filled velocity data using snr threshold of 7 for corresponding beam(s).
attribute VelStd units String m s-1
variable SNR   float  
attribute SNR _ChunkSizes uint 1, 4
attribute SNR actual_range float -3276.8, 65.2
attribute SNR FillValue String nan
attribute SNR ioos_category String Other
attribute SNR long_name String Signal-to-noise ratio
attribute SNR maximum double 59.70000088959932, 59.10000088065863, 58.100000865757465, 65.20000097155571
attribute SNR minimum double -3276.800048828125, -3276.800048828125, -3276.800048828125, -3276.800048828125
attribute SNR units String dB
variable NoiseLevel   float  
attribute NoiseLevel _ChunkSizes uint 1, 5
attribute NoiseLevel actual_range float 37.0, 88.0
attribute NoiseLevel FillValue String nan
attribute NoiseLevel ioos_category String Other
attribute NoiseLevel long_name String Acoustic noise level
attribute NoiseLevel maximum double 46.0, 88.0, 49.0, 41.0, 46.0
attribute NoiseLevel minimum double 40.0, 75.0, 43.0, 37.0, 40.0
attribute NoiseLevel units String counts
variable Range   float  
attribute Range _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Range actual_range float 0.1332619, 3.34934
attribute Range FillValue String nan
attribute Range ioos_category String Other
attribute Range long_name String distance to sea surface
attribute Range maximum double 3.349339627125728
attribute Range minimum double 0.13326193179108886
attribute Range note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.448812+00:00: Filled data using vertical beam percent good threshold threshold of 40.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.709744+00:00: Values filled using Stage mask.
measured using vertical acoustic beam (beam 5)
attribute Range positive String up
attribute Range units String m
variable T_28   float  
attribute T_28 _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute T_28 actual_range float 10.36489, 25.81948
attribute T_28 epic_code String 28
attribute T_28 FillValue String nan
attribute T_28 ioos_category String Other
attribute T_28 long_name String Temperature
attribute T_28 maximum double 25.81947898864746
attribute T_28 minimum double 10.36489486694336
attribute T_28 standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute T_28 units String degree_C
variable P_1   float  
attribute P_1 _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute P_1 actual_range float 10.20165, 11.95988
attribute P_1 epic_code String 1
attribute P_1 FillValue String nan
attribute P_1 ioos_category String Other
attribute P_1 long_name String Uncorrected pressure
attribute P_1 maximum double 11.959883689880371
attribute P_1 minimum double 10.201645851135254
attribute P_1 standard_name String sea_water_pressure
attribute P_1 units String dbar
variable PressOffsetAdjust   float  
attribute PressOffsetAdjust _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute PressOffsetAdjust actual_range float -11.91246, -8.966861
attribute PressOffsetAdjust FillValue String nan
attribute PressOffsetAdjust ioos_category String Other
attribute PressOffsetAdjust long_name String Atmospheric pressure adjustment
attribute PressOffsetAdjust maximum double -8.9668607711792
attribute PressOffsetAdjust minimum double -11.912460327148438
attribute PressOffsetAdjust note String see SonTek-IQ User's Manual for details
attribute PressOffsetAdjust units String dbar
variable P_1ac   float  
attribute P_1ac _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute P_1ac actual_range float 0.1255074, 2.676315
attribute P_1ac FillValue String nan
attribute P_1ac ioos_category String Other
attribute P_1ac long_name String Corrected pressure
attribute P_1ac maximum double 2.6763153076171875
attribute P_1ac minimum double 0.12550735473632812
attribute P_1ac note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.460004+00:00: Filled data using vertical beam percent good threshold threshold of 40.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.567660+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-12 17:15', '2018-10-12 18:30', '2018-10-13 16:00', '2018-10-13 19:15', '2018-10-16 18:15', '2018-10-16 19:15', '2018-10-18 10:30', '2018-10-18 14:00', '2018-10-21 23:30', '2018-10-22 00:30'].
2024-01-09T17:18:43.574790+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-12 17:15', '2018-10-12 18:30', '2018-10-13 16:00', '2018-10-13 19:15', '2018-10-16 18:15', '2018-10-16 19:15', '2018-10-18 10:30', '2018-10-18 14:00', '2018-10-21 23:30', '2018-10-22 00:30'].
2024-01-09T17:18:43.579829+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-12 17:15', '2018-10-12 18:30', '2018-10-13 16:00', '2018-10-13 19:15', '2018-10-16 18:15', '2018-10-16 19:15', '2018-10-18 10:30', '2018-10-18 14:00', '2018-10-21 23:30', '2018-10-22 00:30'].
2024-01-09T17:18:43.584791+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-12 17:15', '2018-10-12 18:30', '2018-10-13 16:00', '2018-10-13 19:15', '2018-10-16 18:15', '2018-10-16 19:15', '2018-10-18 10:30', '2018-10-18 14:00', '2018-10-21 23:30', '2018-10-22 00:30'].
2024-01-09T17:18:43.589792+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-12 17:15', '2018-10-12 18:30', '2018-10-13 16:00', '2018-10-13 19:15', '2018-10-16 18:15', '2018-10-16 19:15', '2018-10-18 10:30', '2018-10-18 14:00', '2018-10-21 23:30', '2018-10-22 00:30'].
2024-01-09T17:18:43.714005+00:00: Values filled using Stage mask.
Measurement with atmospheric pressure removed (see SonTek-IQ User's Manual for details)
attribute P_1ac standard_name String sea_water_pressure_due_to_sea_water
attribute P_1ac units String dbar
variable Bat_106   float  
attribute Bat_106 _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Bat_106 actual_range float 10.76773, 11.04555
attribute Bat_106 epic_code String 106
attribute Bat_106 FillValue String nan
attribute Bat_106 ioos_category String Other
attribute Bat_106 long_name String Battery voltage
attribute Bat_106 maximum double 11.045547485351562
attribute Bat_106 minimum double 10.767728805541992
attribute Bat_106 units String V
variable Ptch_1216   float  
attribute Ptch_1216 _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Ptch_1216 actual_range float -9.309999, -1.16
attribute Ptch_1216 epic_code String 1216
attribute Ptch_1216 FillValue String nan
attribute Ptch_1216 ioos_category String Other
attribute Ptch_1216 long_name String Instrument Pitch
attribute Ptch_1216 maximum double -1.1599999740719795
attribute Ptch_1216 minimum double -9.309999791905284
attribute Ptch_1216 standard_name String platform_pitch
attribute Ptch_1216 units String degrees
variable Roll_1217   float  
attribute Roll_1217 _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute Roll_1217 actual_range float -5.97, -3.65
attribute Roll_1217 epic_code String 1217
attribute Roll_1217 FillValue String nan
attribute Roll_1217 ioos_category String Other
attribute Roll_1217 long_name String Instrument Roll
attribute Roll_1217 maximum double -3.6499999184161425
attribute Roll_1217 minimum double -5.9699998665601015
attribute Roll_1217 standard_name String platform_roll
attribute Roll_1217 units String degrees
variable VbPercentGood   float  
attribute VbPercentGood _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute VbPercentGood actual_range float 0.0, 100.0
attribute VbPercentGood FillValue String nan
attribute VbPercentGood ioos_category String Other
attribute VbPercentGood long_name String Vertical beam percent good
attribute VbPercentGood maximum double 100.0
attribute VbPercentGood minimum double 0.0
attribute VbPercentGood units String %
variable SystemInWater   float  
attribute SystemInWater _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute SystemInWater actual_range float 0.0, 100.0
attribute SystemInWater FillValue String nan
attribute SystemInWater ioos_category String Other
attribute SystemInWater long_name String Percentage of sample during which instrument was submerged
attribute SystemInWater maximum double 100.0
attribute SystemInWater minimum double 0.0
attribute SystemInWater note String 100% means it was submerged for entire sample
attribute SystemInWater units String %
variable vel1_1277   float  
attribute vel1_1277 _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute vel1_1277 actual_range float -0.292, 0.223
attribute vel1_1277 FillValue String nan
attribute vel1_1277 ioos_category String Other
attribute vel1_1277 long_name String Beam 1 current velocity
attribute vel1_1277 maximum double 1.1940000177919865
attribute vel1_1277 minimum double -0.391000005826354
attribute vel1_1277 note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.434653+00:00: Filled velocity data using snr threshold of 7 for corresponding beam(s).
2024-01-09T17:18:43.590790+00:00: Values filled where data decreases by more than -0.255 units in a single time step; 5 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.591791+00:00: Values filled where data increases by more than 0.255 units in a single time step; 2 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.597791+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-12 06:00', '2018-10-12 13:30'].
attribute vel1_1277 units String m s-1
variable vel2_1278   float  
attribute vel2_1278 _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute vel2_1278 actual_range float -0.343, 0.299
attribute vel2_1278 FillValue String nan
attribute vel2_1278 ioos_category String Other
attribute vel2_1278 long_name String Beam 2 current velocity
attribute vel2_1278 maximum double 1.5170000226050615
attribute vel2_1278 minimum double -0.43900000654160976
attribute vel2_1278 note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.434653+00:00: Filled velocity data using snr threshold of 7 for corresponding beam(s).
2024-01-09T17:18:43.597791+00:00: Values filled where data decreases by more than -0.255 units in a single time step; 2 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.598792+00:00: Values filled where data increases by more than 0.255 units in a single time step; 1 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.603796+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-12 06:00', '2018-10-12 13:30'].
attribute vel2_1278 units String m s-1
variable vel3_1279   float  
attribute vel3_1279 _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute vel3_1279 actual_range float -0.309, 0.299
attribute vel3_1279 FillValue String nan
attribute vel3_1279 ioos_category String Other
attribute vel3_1279 long_name String Beam 3 current velocity
attribute vel3_1279 maximum double 0.40900000609457493
attribute vel3_1279 minimum double -0.3090000046044588
attribute vel3_1279 note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.434653+00:00: Filled velocity data using snr threshold of 7 for corresponding beam(s).
2024-01-09T17:18:43.604790+00:00: Values filled where data decreases by more than -0.255 units in a single time step; 0 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.605825+00:00: Values filled where data increases by more than 0.255 units in a single time step; 1 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.609826+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-12 06:00', '2018-10-12 13:30'].
attribute vel3_1279 units String m s-1
variable vel4_1280   float  
attribute vel4_1280 _ChunkSizes uint 662
attribute vel4_1280 actual_range float -0.278, 0.394
attribute vel4_1280 FillValue String nan
attribute vel4_1280 ioos_category String Other
attribute vel4_1280 long_name String Beam 4 current velocity
attribute vel4_1280 maximum double 0.3940000058710575
attribute vel4_1280 minimum double -0.5570000082999468
attribute vel4_1280 note String 2024-01-09T17:18:43.434653+00:00: Filled velocity data using snr threshold of 7 for corresponding beam(s).
2024-01-09T17:18:43.610825+00:00: Values filled where data decreases by more than -0.255 units in a single time step; 1 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.610825+00:00: Values filled where data increases by more than 0.255 units in a single time step; 0 values affected.
2024-01-09T17:18:43.615827+00:00: Data clipped using bad_ens values of ['2018-10-12 06:00', '2018-10-12 13:30'].
attribute vel4_1280 units String m s-1
variable latitude   double  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range double 39.031691, 39.031691
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude epic_code int 500
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable longitude   double  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range double -74.782457, -74.782457
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude epic_code int 502
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable z   double  
attribute z actual_range double -0.5559999999999999, -0.5559999999999999
attribute z axis String Z
attribute z geopotential_datum_name String NAVD88
attribute z ioos_category String Other
attribute z long_name String height relative to NAVD88
attribute z positive String up
attribute z standard_name String height
attribute z units String m
variable depth_m   double  
attribute depth_m actual_range double 0.6917518372629203, 0.6917518372629203
attribute depth_m ioos_category String Other
attribute depth_m long_name String depth below mean sea level
attribute depth_m positive String down
attribute depth_m standard_name String depth_below_geoid
attribute depth_m units String m

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.