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Language: ![]() Brought to you by USGS | CMHRP | CMGDS |
Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID | ||
data | graph | files | Cape Hatteras- Nearshore - 8741wh-a | ![]() | F I M | background | ![]() | ![]() |
| NEARSHORE_8741wh_a_nc |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | beam_angle | int | 20 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | beam_pattern | String | convex |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | beam_width | int | 2 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | beams_in_velocity_calculation | int | 4 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | bin_count | int | 32 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | bin_size | float | 0.4 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | blanking_distance | float | 0.44 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | burst_sampling | String | Yes |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | TimeSeries |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_timeseries_variables | String | station_id |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | center_first_bin | float | 0.93 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | code_repetitions | int | 4 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | COMPOSITE | int | 0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | conductivity_sensor | String | NO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | contributor_name | String | J. Warner |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | contributor_role | String | principalInvestigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | COORD_SYSTEM | String | GEOGRAPHIC |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | CREATION_DATE | String | 05-Oct-2012 14:25:17 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | rsignell at usgs.gov |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | Rich Signell |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_phone | String | +1 (508) 548-8700 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | https://www.usgs.gov![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | DATA_CMNT | String | 1200 kHz ADCP at site O3 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | DATA_ORIGIN | String | USGS WHSC Sed Trans Group |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | DATA_SUB_TYPE | String | MOORED |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | DATA_TYPE | String | ADCP |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_created | String | 2017-04-11T22:46:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_issued | String | 2017-04-11T22:46:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_metadata_modified | String | 2017-04-11T22:46:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_modified | String | 2017-04-11T22:46:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | DELTA_T | String | 3600 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Deployment_date | String | 04-Feb-2010 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | DEPTH_CONST | int | 0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | depth_sensor | String | YES |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | DESCRIPT | String | Woods Hole Group TRBM with ADCP |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | DRIFTER | int | 0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Easternmost_Easting | double | -75.5083 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ED_taken_from_depth_sensor | String | YES |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | EH_taken_from_transducer_heading_sensor | String | YES |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ending_water_layer | int | 5 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | EP_taken_from_transducer_pitch_sensor | String | YES |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ER_taken_from_transducer_roll_sensor | String | YES |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | error_velocity_threshold | int | 2000 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ET_taken_from_temperature_sensor | String | YES |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | EXPERIMENT | String | Carolinas Coastal Change Program |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | experiment_name | String | Cape Hatteras- Nearshore |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | false_target_reject_values | int | 50, 255 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | featureType | String | TimeSeries |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | FILL_FLAG | int | 0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | firmware_version | float | 50.36 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | frequency | int | 1200 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_bounds | String | POINT(-75.50830078125 35.26359939575195) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_bounds_crs | String | EPSG:4326 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_max | double | 35.2636 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_min | double | 35.2636 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_resolution | long | 0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_max | double | -75.5083 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_min | double | -75.5083 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_resolution | long | 0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_positive | String | up |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_resolution | String | 0.400001 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_units | String | meters |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | grid_mapping_epsg_code | String | EPSG:4326 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | grid_mapping_inverse_flattening | double | 298.257223563 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | grid_mapping_long_name | String | http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | grid_mapping_name | String | latitude_longitude |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | grid_mapping_semi_major_axis | double | 6378137.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | heading_sensor | String | YES |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | history | String | Fri Nov 1 20:22:14 2019: ncatted -a project,global,a,c,, CMG_Portal NEARSHORE/8741wh-a.nc Fri Oct 26 08:42:54 2012: ncrcat 8741whbeam4.nc 8741whEbeam_trm.nc 8741whbeam.nc Fri Oct 26 08:42:11 2012: ncrcat 8741whbeam3.nc 8741whDbeam.nc 8741whbeam4.nc Fri Oct 26 08:41:50 2012: ncrcat 8741whbeam2.nc 8741whCbeam.nc 8741whbeam3.nc Fri Oct 26 08:41:18 2012: ncrcat 8741whAbeam_trm.nc 8741whBbeam.nc 8741whbeam2.nc Trimmed using trunc_cdf, SVN $Revision: 3342 $ to select records in the range 4 to 225. :Thu Oct 04 12:19:22 2012: ncks -x -v SDP_850 .\Osites\SDP_850\8741whAbeam.nc .\Osites\8741whAbeam.nc Transformed to earth coordinates by bm2geo, transformation matrix in 6731_compassPS3.txt; Written to an EPIC standard data file by adcp2ep SVN $Revision: 2101 $; Bins were trimmed by trimbins SVN $Revision: 2101 $ based on depth sensor input information. Converted to netCDF via MATLAB by rdi2cdf SVN $Revision: 2072 $ Data were originally (incorrectly) collected in 'Earth' format and have been convertedby TRDI back to 'Beam' to allow wave calculations to be made. PGd_ values could not be back-converted from Earth format so are not available in this file. $ Revision $:corrected pressure comments 2017-04-11T22:46:00Z - pyaxiom - File created using pyaxiom |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | id | String | 8741wh-a |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | https://cmgds.marine.usgs.gov/ocean-time-series/ |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | initial_instrument_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | initial_instrument_height_note | String | height in meters above bottom: accurate for tripod mounted instruments |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | INST_TYPE | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program, U.S. Geological Survey |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | janus | String | 4 Beam |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Pressure > Water Pressure, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords_vocabulary | String | GCMD Science Keywords |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | lag_length | int | 53 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | latitude | float | 35.2636 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | latitude_units | String | degree_north |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness, of this information. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | longitude | float | -75.5083 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | longitude_units | String | degree_east |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | magnetic_variation_applied | float | -10.8 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | magnetic_variation_at_site | float | -10.8 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | minmax_percent_good | int | 0, 100 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | modification_date | String | 2013-06-12T12:27:04 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | MOORING | long | 874 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | naming_authority | String | gov.usgs.cmgp |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ncei_template_version | String | NCEI_NetCDF_TimeSeriesProfile_Orthogonal_Template_v2.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | NCO | String | netCDF Operators version 4.8.1 (Homepage = http://nco.sf.net, Code = https://github.com/nco/nco) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | nco_openmp_thread_number | int | 1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | NCProperties | String | version=1|netcdflibversion=|hdf5libversion=1.8.17 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | nominal_sensor_depth | float | 9.596148 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | nominal_sensor_depth_note | String | inst_depth = (water_depth - inst_height); nominal depth below surface, meters |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Northernmost_Northing | double | 35.2636 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | NOTE | String | Data were originally (incorrectly) collected in 'Earth' format and have been convertedby TRDI back to 'Beam' to allow wave calculations to be made. PGd_ values could not be back-converted from Earth format so are not available in this file. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | NOTE_1 | String | transmit_pulse_length units are cm |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | NOTE_2 | String | transmit_lag_distance units are cm |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | NOTE_3 | String | bin depths are relative to the seabed |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | orientation | String | UP |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | original_filename | String | 8741wh-a.nc |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | original_folder | String | NEARSHORE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | pings_per_ensemble | int | 1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | pitch_sensor | String | YES |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform_type | String | trawl proof bottom mount |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | POS_CONST | int | 0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | pred_accuracy | float | 23.01 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | profiling_mode | int | 1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | PROJECT | String | USGS, CMGP |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project | String | U.S. Geological Survey Oceanographic Time-Series Data, CMG_Portal |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project_summary | String | This experiment was designed to investigate the ocean circulation and sediment transport processes in the nearshore regions adjacent to Cape Hatteras NC. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project_title | String | Cape Hatteras- Nearshore |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_email | String | emontgomery at usgs.gov |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_name | String | Ellyn Montgomery |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_phone | String | +1 (508) 548-8700 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_url | String | https://www.usgs.gov![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Recovery_date | String | 20-Mar-2010 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | roll_sensor | String | YES |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | salinity_set_by_user | float | 32.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | salinity_set_by_user_units | String | PPT |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | SciPi | String | J.C. Warner |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sensor_configuration | int | 1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | simulated_data | int | 0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Sound_speed_computed_from_ED_ES_ET | String | YES |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | source | String | USGS |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Southernmost_Northing | double | 35.2636 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF-1.6 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | start_time | String | 04-Feb-2010 13:00:02 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | starting_water_layer | int | 1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | stop_time | String | 20-Mar-2010 14:00:02 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | This experiment was designed to investigate the ocean circulation and sediment transport processes in the nearshore regions adjacent to Cape Hatteras NC. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | TB_command | String | 01:00:00.00 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | TC_command | int | 1024 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | temperature_sensor | String | YES |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_between_ping_groups | float | 1.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_duration | String | PT3805200S |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_end | String | 2010-03-20T14:00:02Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_resolution | String | PT3600S |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_start | String | 2010-02-04T13:00:02Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | Cape Hatteras- Nearshore - 8741wh-a |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | transducer_attached | int | 49 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | transducer_offset_from_bottom | float | 0.64 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | transform | String | EARTH |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | transmit_lag_distance | int | 12 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | transmit_pulse_length_cm | int | 46 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | valid_correlation_range | int | 64, 255 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | VAR_DESC | String | bindist:ensemble:u:v:w:Werr:AGC:PGd:brange:Tx:SV:Hdg:Ptch:Roll:P:SDP |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | VAR_FILL | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | WATER_DEPTH | float | 10.236148 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | WATER_DEPTH_datum | String | not yet assigned |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | WATER_DEPTH_source | String | water depth = MSL from pressure sensor, by trimbins |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | WATER_MASS | String | ? |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Westernmost_Easting | double | -75.5083 |
variable | station_id | String | ||
attribute | station_id | actual_range | String | NEARSHORE_8741wh_a_nc NEARSHORE_8741wh_a_nc |
attribute | station_id | cf_role | String | timeseries_id |
attribute | station_id | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | station_id | long_name | String | Station ID |
variable | feature_type_instance | String | ||
attribute | feature_type_instance | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | feature_type_instance | long_name | String | Identifier for each feature type instance |
variable | latitude | float | ||
attribute | latitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lat |
attribute | latitude | actual_range | float | 35.2636, 35.2636 |
attribute | latitude | axis | String | Y |
attribute | latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | latitude | long_name | String | sensor latitude |
attribute | latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | latitude | valid_max | float | 35.2636 |
attribute | latitude | valid_min | float | 35.2636 |
variable | longitude | float | ||
attribute | longitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lon |
attribute | longitude | actual_range | float | -75.5083, -75.5083 |
attribute | longitude | axis | String | X |
attribute | longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | longitude | long_name | String | sensor longitude |
attribute | longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | longitude | valid_max | float | -75.5083 |
attribute | longitude | valid_min | float | -75.5083 |
variable | crs | int | ||
attribute | crs | actual_range | int | -2147483647, -2147483647 |
attribute | crs | epsg_code | String | EPSG:4326 |
attribute | crs | grid_mapping_name | String | latitude_longitude |
attribute | crs | inverse_flattening | double | 298.257223563 |
attribute | crs | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | crs | long_name | String | http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326![]() |
attribute | crs | semi_major_axis | double | 6378137.0 |
variable | platform | int | ||
attribute | platform | actual_range | int | -2147483647, -2147483647 |
attribute | platform | definition | String | http://mmisw.org/ont/ioos/definition/stationID![]() |
attribute | platform | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | platform | ioos_code | String | 8741wh-a |
attribute | platform | long_name | String | USGS-CMG time-series data from the Cape Hatteras- Nearshore project, mooring 874 and package 8741wh-a. This experiment was designed to investigate the ocean circulation and sediment transport processes in the nearshore regions adjacent to Cape Hatteras NC. |
attribute | platform | nodc_name | String | FIXED PLATFORM, MOORINGS |
attribute | platform | short_name | String | USGS-CMG time-series data: NEARSHORE - 874 - 8741wh-a |
attribute | platform | type | String | trawl proof bottom mount |
variable | time | double | ||
attribute | time | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000 |
attribute | time | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Time |
attribute | time | actual_range | double | 1.265288402E9, 1.269093602E9 |
attribute | time | axis | String | T |
attribute | time | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | time | long_name | String | time of measurement |
attribute | time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
variable | z | float | ||
attribute | z | actual_range | float | -8.666148, 0.9338523 |
attribute | z | axis | String | Z |
attribute | z | FillValue | String | -9999.900390625 |
attribute | z | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | z | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | z | long_name | String | z of the sensor relative to the water surface |
attribute | z | positive | String | up |
attribute | z | standard_name | String | height |
attribute | z | units | String | m |
attribute | z | valid_max | float | 0.93385226 |
attribute | z | valid_min | float | -8.666148 |
variable | AGC_1202 | float | ||
attribute | AGC_1202 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000, 25 |
attribute | AGC_1202 | actual_range | float | 56.12012, 237.1589 |
attribute | AGC_1202 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | AGC_1202 | coordinates | String | time z latitude longitude |
attribute | AGC_1202 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | AGC_1202 | epic_code | int | 1202 |
attribute | AGC_1202 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | AGC_1202 | FORTRAN_format | String | F5.1 |
attribute | AGC_1202 | generic_name | String | AGC |
attribute | AGC_1202 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | AGC_1202 | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | AGC_1202 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | AGC_1202 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | AGC_1202 | long_name | String | Average Echo Intensity (AGC) |
attribute | AGC_1202 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | AGC_1202 | norm_factor | double | 0.44999998807907104 |
attribute | AGC_1202 | NOTE | String | normalization to db |
attribute | AGC_1202 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | AGC_1202 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | AGC_1202 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | AGC_1202 | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | AGC_1202 | units | String | counts |
variable | CD_310 | float | ||
attribute | CD_310 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000, 25 |
attribute | CD_310 | actual_range | float | -179.9651, 179.9656 |
attribute | CD_310 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | CD_310 | coordinates | String | time z latitude longitude |
attribute | CD_310 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | CD_310 | epic_code | int | 310 |
attribute | CD_310 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | CD_310 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | CD_310 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | CD_310 | long_name | String | Current direction |
attribute | CD_310 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | CD_310 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | CD_310 | standard_name | String | direction_of_sea_water_velocity |
attribute | CD_310 | units | String | degree |
variable | CS_300 | float | ||
attribute | CS_300 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000, 25 |
attribute | CS_300 | actual_range | float | 4.810978E-4, 1.174079 |
attribute | CS_300 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | CS_300 | coordinates | String | time z latitude longitude |
attribute | CS_300 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | CS_300 | epic_code | int | 300 |
attribute | CS_300 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | CS_300 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | CS_300 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | CS_300 | long_name | String | Current speed |
attribute | CS_300 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | CS_300 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | CS_300 | standard_name | String | sea_water_speed |
attribute | CS_300 | units | String | m/s |
variable | Hdg_1215 | float | ||
attribute | Hdg_1215 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000 |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | actual_range | float | 109.9302, 159.7751 |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | coordinates | String | time latitude longitude |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | epic_code | int | 1215 |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | FORTRAN_format | String | f10.2 |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | generic_name | String | hdg |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | heading_alignment_EH | float | 0.0 |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | heading_bias_EB | float | 0.0 |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | long_name | String | Instrument Heading |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | NOTE | String | no heading bias was applied by EB during deployment or by wavesmon |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | serial | int | 6731 |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | standard_name | String | platform_orientation |
attribute | Hdg_1215 | units | String | degree |
variable | sensor_depth | double | ||
attribute | sensor_depth | actual_range | double | -9.5961, -9.5961 |
attribute | sensor_depth | datum | String | Unknown |
attribute | sensor_depth | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | sensor_depth | long_name | String | sensor height above datum |
attribute | sensor_depth | positive | String | up |
attribute | sensor_depth | standard_name | String | surface_altitude |
attribute | sensor_depth | units | String | m |
variable | PGd_1203 | float | ||
attribute | PGd_1203 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000, 25 |
attribute | PGd_1203 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | PGd_1203 | coordinates | String | time z latitude longitude |
attribute | PGd_1203 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | PGd_1203 | epic_code | int | 1203 |
attribute | PGd_1203 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | PGd_1203 | generic_name | String | PGd |
attribute | PGd_1203 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | PGd_1203 | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | PGd_1203 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | PGd_1203 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | PGd_1203 | long_name | String | Percent Good Pings |
attribute | PGd_1203 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | PGd_1203 | NOTE | String | Due to being collected in 'Earth', no percent good data is available for this instrument. |
attribute | PGd_1203 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | PGd_1203 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | PGd_1203 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | PGd_1203 | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | PGd_1203 | units | String | percent |
variable | P_1 | float | ||
attribute | P_1 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000 |
attribute | P_1 | actual_range | float | 8.62141, 10.41292 |
attribute | P_1 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | P_1 | AZ_applied | String | unknown |
attribute | P_1 | comment | String | unzeroed pressure from a strain guauge sensor- pressure is relative to sea level |
attribute | P_1 | coordinates | String | time latitude longitude |
attribute | P_1 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | P_1 | epic_code | int | 1 |
attribute | P_1 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | P_1 | FORTRAN_format | String | f10.1 |
attribute | P_1 | generic_name | String | depth |
attribute | P_1 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | P_1 | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | P_1 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | P_1 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | P_1 | long_name | String | Sea Water Pressure |
attribute | P_1 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | P_1 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | P_1 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | P_1 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | P_1 | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | P_1 | standard_name | String | sea_water_pressure |
attribute | P_1 | units | String | dbar |
variable | P_1294 | float | ||
attribute | P_1294 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000 |
attribute | P_1294 | actual_range | float | 8.62141, 10.41292 |
attribute | P_1294 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | P_1294 | AZ_applied | String | unknown |
attribute | P_1294 | comment | String | unzeroed pressure from a strain guauge sensor- pressure is relative to sea level |
attribute | P_1294 | coordinates | String | time latitude longitude |
attribute | P_1294 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | P_1294 | epic_code | int | 1294 |
attribute | P_1294 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | P_1294 | FORTRAN_format | String | f15.2 |
attribute | P_1294 | generic_name | String | pres |
attribute | P_1294 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | P_1294 | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | P_1294 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | P_1294 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | P_1294 | long_name | String | Sea Water Pressure (at Transducer Head) |
attribute | P_1294 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | P_1294 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | P_1294 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | P_1294 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | P_1294 | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | P_1294 | standard_name | String | sea_water_pressure |
attribute | P_1294 | units | String | dbar |
variable | Ptch_1216 | float | ||
attribute | Ptch_1216 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000 |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | actual_range | float | -13.29683, 11.11381 |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | coordinates | String | time latitude longitude |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | epic_code | int | 1216 |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | FORTRAN_format | String | f10.2 |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | generic_name | String | ptch |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | long_name | String | Instrument Pitch |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | serial | int | 6731 |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | standard_name | String | platform_pitch_angle |
attribute | Ptch_1216 | units | String | degree |
variable | Rec | float | ||
attribute | Rec | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000 |
attribute | Rec | actual_range | float | 44544.0, 1126912.0 |
attribute | Rec | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | Rec | coordinates | String | time latitude longitude |
attribute | Rec | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | Rec | epic_code | int | 0 |
attribute | Rec | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | Rec | FORTRAN_format | String | f10.2 |
attribute | Rec | generic_name | String | ensemble |
attribute | Rec | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | Rec | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | Rec | long_name | String | ensemble number |
attribute | Rec | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | Rec | platform | String | platform |
attribute | Rec | type | String | EVEN |
attribute | Rec | units | String | count |
variable | Roll_1217 | float | ||
attribute | Roll_1217 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000 |
attribute | Roll_1217 | actual_range | float | -9.3946, 9.196084 |
attribute | Roll_1217 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | Roll_1217 | coordinates | String | time latitude longitude |
attribute | Roll_1217 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | Roll_1217 | epic_code | int | 1217 |
attribute | Roll_1217 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | Roll_1217 | FORTRAN_format | String | f10.2 |
attribute | Roll_1217 | generic_name | String | roll |
attribute | Roll_1217 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | Roll_1217 | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | Roll_1217 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | Roll_1217 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | Roll_1217 | long_name | String | Instrument Roll |
attribute | Roll_1217 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | Roll_1217 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | Roll_1217 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | Roll_1217 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | Roll_1217 | serial | int | 6731 |
attribute | Roll_1217 | standard_name | String | platform_roll_angle |
attribute | Roll_1217 | units | String | degree |
variable | SDP_1 | double | ||
attribute | SDP_1 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000 |
attribute | SDP_1 | actual_range | double | 0.0529179617455664, 0.8078048854742942 |
attribute | SDP_1 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | SDP_1 | coordinates | String | time latitude longitude |
attribute | SDP_1 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | SDP_1 | FillValue | String | 1e+35 |
attribute | SDP_1 | generic_name | String | pres |
attribute | SDP_1 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | SDP_1 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | SDP_1 | long_name | String | STAND.DEV.(PRESS) |
attribute | SDP_1 | missing_value | double | 1.0E35 |
attribute | SDP_1 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | SDP_1 | units | String | dbar |
variable | SV_80 | float | ||
attribute | SV_80 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000 |
attribute | SV_80 | actual_range | float | 1461.0, 1488.0 |
attribute | SV_80 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | SV_80 | coordinates | String | time latitude longitude |
attribute | SV_80 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | SV_80 | epic_code | int | 80 |
attribute | SV_80 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | SV_80 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | SV_80 | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | SV_80 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | SV_80 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | SV_80 | long_name | String | Speed of Sound |
attribute | SV_80 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | SV_80 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | SV_80 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | SV_80 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | SV_80 | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | SV_80 | standard_name | String | speed_of_sound_in_sea_water |
attribute | SV_80 | units | String | m/s |
variable | Tx_1211 | float | ||
attribute | Tx_1211 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000 |
attribute | Tx_1211 | actual_range | float | 3.562012, 10.51294 |
attribute | Tx_1211 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | Tx_1211 | coordinates | String | time latitude longitude |
attribute | Tx_1211 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | Tx_1211 | epic_code | int | 1211 |
attribute | Tx_1211 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | Tx_1211 | generic_name | String | temp |
attribute | Tx_1211 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | Tx_1211 | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | Tx_1211 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | Tx_1211 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | Tx_1211 | long_name | String | Water Temperature (at ADCP Transducer) |
attribute | Tx_1211 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | Tx_1211 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | Tx_1211 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | Tx_1211 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | Tx_1211 | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | Tx_1211 | standard_name | String | sea_water_temperature |
attribute | Tx_1211 | units | String | degree_Celsius |
variable | Werr_1201 | float | ||
attribute | Werr_1201 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000, 25 |
attribute | Werr_1201 | actual_range | float | -17.82831, 23.20129 |
attribute | Werr_1201 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | Werr_1201 | coordinates | String | time z latitude longitude |
attribute | Werr_1201 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | Werr_1201 | epic_code | int | 1201 |
attribute | Werr_1201 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | Werr_1201 | FORTRAN_format | String | F8.1 |
attribute | Werr_1201 | generic_name | String | w |
attribute | Werr_1201 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | Werr_1201 | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | Werr_1201 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | Werr_1201 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | Werr_1201 | long_name | String | Error Velocity |
attribute | Werr_1201 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | Werr_1201 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | Werr_1201 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | Werr_1201 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | Werr_1201 | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | Werr_1201 | units | String | cm/s |
variable | bindist | float | ||
attribute | bindist | _ChunkSizes | uint | 25 |
attribute | bindist | actual_range | float | 0.93, 10.53 |
attribute | bindist | bin_size | double | 0.4000000059604645 |
attribute | bindist | blanking_distance | float | 0.44 |
attribute | bindist | center_first_bin | float | 0.93 |
attribute | bindist | epic_code | int | 0 |
attribute | bindist | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | bindist | FORTRAN_format | String | f10.2 |
attribute | bindist | generic_name | String | bindist |
attribute | bindist | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | bindist | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | bindist | long_name | String | bin distance from instrument (m) |
attribute | bindist | maximum | float | 10.53 |
attribute | bindist | minimum | float | 0.93 |
attribute | bindist | NOTE | String | distance is along profile from instrument head to center of bin |
attribute | bindist | sensor_depth | float | 9.596148 |
attribute | bindist | transducer_offset_from_bottom | float | 0.64 |
attribute | bindist | type | String | EVEN |
attribute | bindist | units | String | m |
variable | brange | float | ||
attribute | brange | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000 |
attribute | brange | actual_range | float | 8.285816, 13.308 |
attribute | brange | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | brange | coordinates | String | time latitude longitude |
attribute | brange | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | brange | epic_code | int | 0 |
attribute | brange | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | brange | FORTRAN_format | String | f10.2 |
attribute | brange | generic_name | String | brange |
attribute | brange | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | brange | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | brange | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | brange | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | brange | long_name | String | range from instrument head to boundary |
attribute | brange | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | brange | NOTE | String | range to boundary based on findsurface.m output |
attribute | brange | platform | String | platform |
attribute | brange | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | brange | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | brange | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | brange | units | String | m |
variable | u_1205 | float | ||
attribute | u_1205 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000, 25 |
attribute | u_1205 | actual_range | float | -0.624146, 0.6541197 |
attribute | u_1205 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | u_1205 | coordinates | String | time z latitude longitude |
attribute | u_1205 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | u_1205 | epic_code | int | 1205 |
attribute | u_1205 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | u_1205 | generic_name | String | u |
attribute | u_1205 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | u_1205 | height_depth_units | String | m |
attribute | u_1205 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | u_1205 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_1205 | long_name | String | Eastward (u) velocity |
attribute | u_1205 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | u_1205 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_1205 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | u_1205 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | u_1205 | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | u_1205 | standard_name | String | eastward_sea_water_velocity |
attribute | u_1205 | units | String | m/s |
variable | v_1206 | float | ||
attribute | v_1206 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000, 25 |
attribute | v_1206 | actual_range | float | -1.121967, 0.8118843 |
attribute | v_1206 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | v_1206 | coordinates | String | time z latitude longitude |
attribute | v_1206 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | v_1206 | epic_code | int | 1206 |
attribute | v_1206 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | v_1206 | generic_name | String | v |
attribute | v_1206 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | v_1206 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | v_1206 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | v_1206 | long_name | String | Northward (v) velocity |
attribute | v_1206 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | v_1206 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | v_1206 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | v_1206 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | v_1206 | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | v_1206 | standard_name | String | northward_sea_water_velocity |
attribute | v_1206 | units | String | m/s |
variable | w_1204 | float | ||
attribute | w_1204 | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1000, 25 |
attribute | w_1204 | actual_range | float | -0.1869147, 0.2487826 |
attribute | w_1204 | ancillary_variables | String | platform |
attribute | w_1204 | coordinates | String | time z latitude longitude |
attribute | w_1204 | coverage_content_type | String | physicalMeasurement |
attribute | w_1204 | epic_code | int | 1204 |
attribute | w_1204 | FillValue | String | 1.0000000409184788e+35 |
attribute | w_1204 | generic_name | String | w |
attribute | w_1204 | grid_mapping | String | crs |
attribute | w_1204 | initial_sensor_height | float | 0.64 |
attribute | w_1204 | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | w_1204 | long_name | String | Upward (w) velocity |
attribute | w_1204 | missing_value | float | 1.0E35 |
attribute | w_1204 | platform | String | platform |
attribute | w_1204 | sensor_depth | float | 9.5961 |
attribute | w_1204 | sensor_type | String | RD Instruments ADCP |
attribute | w_1204 | serial_number | int | 6731 |
attribute | w_1204 | standard_name | String | upward_sea_water_velocity |
attribute | w_1204 | units | String | m/s |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.