USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 00SCC02

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Other ID: G-1-00-LA

Status: Completed

Organization(s): U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, University of New Orleans, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Other (Other)

Principal Investigator(s): Jack Kindinger

Affiliate Investigator(s):

Information Specialist(s):

Data Type(s): Location-Elevation: Navigation, Seismics: Boomer, Seismics: Sub Bottom Profiler

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Characterization of the Geological Framework, Mapping sediment distribution, and locating offshore sand resources.


Start Port/Location:

End Port/Location:

Start Date: 2000-05-12

End Date: 2000-05-31

Equipment Used: GPS , EG&G Geopulse, Chirp 424, ITI ST-5 streamer

Information to be Derived: Geophysical data is being used to determine sediment distribution and thickness, and to locate sand deposits to be used in Louisiana beach renourishment projects.

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Collected 50 single-channel boomer seismic lines. Characterized the geological framework.


Affiliate Staff:

Notes: These FACS logs were generated by Gina M. Peery in August of 2001,
using the handwritten logbooks and personal accounts of the scientist and crew


Barataria Basin, Northern Gulf of Mexico - Louisiana

North: 29.43135 South: 29.07283 West: -90.2125 East: -89.46292


photo of G.K. Gilbert
G.K. Gilbert


Calderon, K., Dadisman, S.V., Kindinger, J.L., Flocks, J.G., Wiese, D.S., Kulp, M.A., Penland, S., Britsch, L.D., Brooks, G.R., 2003, Archive of chirp seismic reflection data collected during USGS cruises 00SCC02 and 00SCC04, Barataria Basin, Louisiana, May 12-31 and June 17-July 2, 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2003-156,

Calderon, K., Dadisman, S.V., Kindinger, J.L., Peery, G.M., Flocks, J.G., Wiese, D.S., Kulp, M.A., Penland, S., Britsch, L.D., Brooks, G.R., 2003, Archive of boomer seismic reflection data collected during USGS cruises 00SCC02 and 00SCC04, Barataria Basin, Louisiana, May 12-31 and June 17-July 2, 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2003-402,


FAN 00SCC02 has data viewable in the GeoMappApp/Virtual Ocean applications. To view this data in these applications go to and See the instructions for locating USGS data in these applications. You can also view the imagery created from the SEGY data at

Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
GPS --- Navigation
EDITED SHOTPOINT NAVIGATION (Shotpoint navigation files were extracted from the SEG-Y seismic trace headers and edited to remove spurious data values (large navigation jumps or an incomplete record) and fix incorrectly recorded dates)
EG&G Geopulse --- Boomer
Sub Bottom Profiler
Chirp 424 --- Sub Bottom Profiler
Chirp seismic data
ITI ST-5 streamer --- Air Gun / Water Gun
Boomer seismic data

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