Other ID: none
Status: Completed
Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
Funding Program(s):
Principal Investigator(s): Christopher Sherwood
Affiliate Investigator(s): WHOI, ONR
Information Specialist(s):
Data Type(s): Imagery: Photo, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Seismics: Sub Bottom Profiler, Sonar: Interferometric, Sonar: Multibeam, Sonar: Sidescan
Scientific Purpose/Goals: Mapping for ONR Ripples DRI project.
Start Port/Location: Woods Hole, MA
End Port/Location: Woods Hole, MA
Start Date: 2007-08-09
End Date: 2007-08-14
Equipment Used: SEA SWATHplus-M 234 kHz, Edgetech chirp subbottom profiler 512i, Klein 3000, Digital camera, Real Time Kinematic GPS
Information to be Derived:
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Sidescan sonar, chirp sub-bottom and swath bathymetry were collected off the south shore of Martha's Vineyard surrounding MCVO within a 5 km x 7 km area.
Affiliate Staff:
Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory, Massachusetts, United States, North America, North Atlantic;
Boundaries | |||
North: 41.34793417 | South: 41.30268573 | West: -70.59772566 | East: -70.51055945 |
Megan T Miller |
Denny, J.F., Danforth, W.W., Foster, D.S., and Sherwood, C.R., 2009, Geophysical data collected off the south shore of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1288, also available at https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20081288.
Pendleton, E.A., Baldwin, W.E., Ackerman, S.D., Foster, D.S., Andrews, B.D., Schwab, W.C., and Brothers, L.L., 2019, Shallow Geology, Sea-Floor Texture, and Physiographic Zones of the Inner Continental Shelf from Aquinnah to Wasque Point, Martha's Vineyard, and Eel Point to Great Point, Nantucket, Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2018-1181, https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20181181.
Pendleton, E.A., Baldwin, W.E., Foster, D.F., Ackerman, S.D., Andrews, B.D., Brothers, L.L., and Schwab, W.C., 2018, Geospatial data layers of shallow geology, sea-floor texture, and physiographic zones from the inner continental shelf of Martha's Vineyard from Aquinnah to Wasque Point, and Nantucket from Eel Point to Great Point: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9E9EFNE.
FAN 2007-011-FA has data viewable in the GeoMappApp/Virtual Ocean applications. To view this data in these applications go to http://www.geomapapp.org/ and http://www.virtualocean.org/. See the instructions for locating USGS data in these applications. You can also view the imagery created from the SEGY data at https://cmgds.marine.usgs.gov/images.php?cruise=2007-011-FA.
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
SEA SWATHplus-M 234 kHz | --- | Interferometric | Bathymetry GIS data |
Edgetech chirp subbottom profiler 512i | --- | Sub Bottom Profiler | 2007-011-FA-SE-001 (Raw SEGY data) Chirp seismic data |
Klein 3000 | --- | Sidescan | Sidescan mosaic |
Digital camera | --- | Photo | 2007-011-FA-PH-001 (Deck photos of field activity operations) |
Real Time Kinematic GPS | --- | Navigation |