USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2021-033-FA

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Other ID: none

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Aerial Imaging & Mapping (AIM) (LQ000GU1400)

Principal Investigator(s): Alexandra Evans, Jennifer Cramer

Affiliate Investigator(s): Victoria Scholl, USGS National UAS Project Office (NUPO)

Information Specialist(s): Jennifer Cramer

Data Type(s): Environmental Data: Light, Location-Elevation: Benchmarks, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Location-Elevation: Profiles, Visual Identification: Species ID, Imagery: Photo

Scientific Purpose/Goals: A comparitive study of the OceanInsight mini HDX spectrometer as an affordable alternative to the ASD field spectrometer for collecting ground-based spectral data.


Start Port/Location: Falmouth, MA

End Port/Location: Falmouth, MA

Start Date: 2021-09-28

End Date: 2021-10-31

Equipment Used: ASD Fieldspec, OceanInsight HDX Miniature Spectrometer, Digital camera, RTK, 3DR Solo mRo, Aeropoint targets, Ricoh GR II, MicaSense RedEdge

Information to be Derived: Assessment of the field capability of the OceanInsight spectrometer in terms of accuracy compared to the industry standard and ease of use in the field.

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Data was collected over three days in October 2021 (10/6, 10/7, and 10/8), which included aerial UAS true color and multispectral imagery, ground-spectroradiometer reflectance data, and RTK GPS data. Ground-based spectral reflectance data and the UAS imagery were collected on the 6th and 7th to support the primary mission: a comparative study of the OceanInsight mini HDX and ASD field spectroradiometers. A PVC quadrat was carried out into the field and served as the ROI for vegetation samples that were measured with the spectroradiometers. Three collections were taken of each vegetation sample with each instrument. The RTK GPS was used to survey the center and four corners of the quadrat. The vegetation was described, photographed, and height measured and recorded in a field notebook. The RTK GPS was also used to survey aeropoints and vinyl control points for UAS imagery processing. On the 8th, time permitting, an additional survey was conducted with the RTK GPS in order to collect data for a thematic classification analysis in pairing with the UAS imagery from the previous days. In addition to the aeropoints and ground control points, 100+ surface classes of interest were surveyed, photographed, and height measured and recorded in a field notebook.

Staff: Allyson Boggess, Elizabeth Pendleton, Sydney Nick, Alexandra Evans, Jennifer Cramer, Seth Ackerman

Affiliate Staff:



Sage Lot Pond, Waquoit, Massachusetts

North: 41.55709377 South: 41.55055659 West: -70.50739288 East: -70.49732208


photo of on foot
on foot


Cramer, J.M., Scholl, V.M., Evans, A.D., Ackerman, S.D., Pendleton, E.A., Brosnahan, S.M., Nick, S.K., and Boggess, A.A., 2024, Topographic and multispectral reflectance products, aerial imagery, ground spectra, vegetation, and associated GPS data collected during uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) operations - Dog Head Marsh at South Cape Beach, Mashpee, MA, October 7-8, 2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Evans, A. D., Cramer, J., Scholl, V., and Lentz, E., 2024, Pragmatically Mapping Phragmites with Unoccupied Aerial Systems - A Comparison of Invasive Species Land Cover Classification Using RGB and Multispectral Imagery: Remote Sensing, 16(24), 4691,


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
ASD Fieldspec --- Light
OceanInsight HDX Miniature Spectrometer --- Light
Digital camera --- Photo
RTK --- Transects
3DR Solo mRo --- Navigation
Aeropoint targets --- Navigation
Ricoh GR II --- Photo
2021033FA_RGB (True-color aerial imagery collected during uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) operations - Dog Head Marsh at South Cape Beach, Mashpee, MA, October 7 - 8, 2021. Includes image locations.)
MicaSense RedEdge --- Photo
2021033FA_MSI (Multispectral aerial imagery collected during uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) operations - Dog Head Marsh at South Cape Beach, Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (WBNERR), Mashpee, MA, October 7-8, 2021. Includes image locations.)

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