USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity S609SC

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AKA: none

Other ID: S-6-09-SC

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s):

Principal Investigator(s): Samuel Johnson

Affiliate Investigator(s): Janet Tilden Watt

Information Specialist(s): Patrick Hart

Data Type(s): Electro-Magnetic: Magnetics, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Seismics: Sparker

Scientific Purpose/Goals:


Start Port/Location:

End Port/Location:

Start Date: 2009-07-13

End Date: 2009-08-08

Equipment Used: Minisparker, Magnetometer, GPS

Information to be Derived:

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered:


Affiliate Staff:

Notes: sub-bottom cross-section sonar Geometrics magnetometer


Morro Bay to Pismo Beach

North: 35.68435 South: 34.84239 West: -121.376 East: -120.63681


photo of Parke Snavely
Parke Snavely


Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Watt, J.T., Beeson, J.W., Dartnell, P., and Cochran, S.A., 2019, California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog--Point Sur to Point Arguello Region, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release.

Kluesner, J.W., Balster-Gee, A.F., and Johnson, S.Y., 2023, Reprocessed single channel sparker seismic reflection data offshore central California from USGS field activities S-6-08-SC and S-6-09-SC: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Sliter, R.W., Triezenberg, Peter J., Hart, Patrick E., Watt, Janet T., Johnson, Samuel Y., and Scheirer, Daniel S., 2009, revised 2010, High-resolution seismic reflection and marine magnetic data along the Hosgri Fault Zone, central California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1100, 11 p.,


FAN S609SC has data viewable in the GeoMappApp/Virtual Ocean applications. To view this data in these applications go to and See the instructions for locating USGS data in these applications. You can also view the imagery created from the SEGY data at

Data Acquired

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