AKA: none
Other ID: K-1-73-NC,KEL173NC
Status: Completed
Funding Program(s):
Principal Investigator(s): Dave McCulloch
Affiliate Investigator(s):
Information Specialist(s):
Data Type(s): Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sampling: Geology, Seismics: Boomer, Seismics: Sparker
Scientific Purpose/Goals:
Start Port/Location:
End Port/Location:
Start Date: 1973-04-10
End Date: 1973-04-28
Equipment Used: sparker, navigation, uniboom, dartcore
Information to be Derived:
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: physical data holdings
Affiliate Staff:
Notes: A scanned copy of the K-1-73-NC track chart from the USGS Open File Report 76-736 is available
Staff information imported from InfoBank
Dave McCulloch (USGS Western Region) - Chief Scientist
Northern California
Boundaries | |||
North: 38.0811 | South: 37.1168 | West: -123.883 | East: -122.4352 |
Kelez |
McCulloch, D.S., 1976, Acoustic reflection profiles R/V Kelez, April 1973 (Leg 1), Gulf of Farallones, central California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-736, https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/ofr76736.
FAN k173nc has data viewable in the GeoMappApp/Virtual Ocean applications. To view this data in these applications go to http://www.geomapapp.org/ and http://www.virtualocean.org/. See the instructions for locating USGS data in these applications. You can also view the imagery created from the SEGY data at https://cmgds.marine.usgs.gov/images.php?cruise=k173nc.
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
sparker | --- | Sparker | sparker (data on FAD) |
navigation | --- | Navigation | Scan k-1-73-nc.map.pdf Best file with nav in ArcInfo E00 format Dead reckoning data k-1-73-nc.010 (Provisional best file) Dead reckoning data k-1-73-nc.010_degree Image k-1-73-nc.map.jpg |
uniboom | --- | Boomer | uniboom (data on FAD) |
dartcore | --- | Geology |