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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-002
Geological Framework Data from Long Island Sound, 1981-1990:
A Digital Data Release
Visual Core Description: LISAT-2
SHIP: | R/V Atlantic Twin |
CRUISE: | AT-84 |
LOCATION: | Stratford Shoal, western Long Island Sound |
LATITUDE: | 41o 02.75' N |
LONGITUDE: | 73o 09.3' W |
LORAN: | 26670.5, 43972.4 |
COMMENTS: | Seismic line for this core is Line AT#1 (sparker). This lines runs from 1010-1014 hrs. Core is into confused layer (site III-4 on line 19, UCONN84-1). Section 1 cut, H2S and shells; section 2A shells; section 4 void at the top-NOT cut. |
PENTROMETER RECORD: | Rapid 0-9'; moderate 10,11,12'; slow 12-18'; moderate 19-20'; slow 20'-end |
0-156 cm (Section 1) - | Olive gray , 5Y 4/2, silty sand and sandy silt; varying percentages of sand. Shell hash in top 23 cm. 110-126 cm: lots of large shell fragments; gradational contact to silty sand at 130 cm. Large oyster shell and other shells at 152 cm. |
156-241 cm (Section 2A) - | dark grayish brown, 2.5Y 4/2, fine sand and silt, with mottling of dark olive gray, 5Y 3/2 clayey silt and fine sand; gradational contact with next lower unit; scattered large shells. 202-222: dark grayish brown, 2.5Y 4/2, with mottling of 5Y 5/3 fine -medium sand. 222-241 cm: dark grayish brown 2.5Y 4/2 fine sand. |
241-326 cm (Section 2B) - | grayish brown, 2.5Y 5/2, fine sand; sharp contact; no shells; gravel at contact. 252-271 cm: light brownish gray, 2.5Y 6/2, well sorted, cleaner sand - fine sand; 5% medium sand. 271-295 cm: 5 or 6 cycles of layering, coarse (fine sand) grading upward to fine (silty clay), color changes. 295-320 cm: 1-2 cm layering by color only of sand; general color light brownish gray, 2.5Y 6/2, fine-medium sand. 320-326 cm: dark grayish brown, 2.5Y 4/2, fine sand. |
326-410 cm (Section 3A) - | dark olive gray, 2.5Y 3/2, fine sand, very micaceous. 331-335 cm: black, 5Y 2.5/2, fine sand, very micaceous, organic fabric, no odor. 335-343 cm: dark grayish brown, 2.5Y 4/2, fine sand, less mica, sharp contact. 343-410 cm: dark gray, 5Y 4/1, to very dark gray, 2.5Y 3/2, silt and silty clay (77% silt, 22% clay at 360-366 cm), presumably lake clay, totally disturbed and distorted, no couplets recognizable, "flow in", however colors are distinguishable. |
410-494 cm (Section 3B) - | dark gray, 5Y 4/1, to very dark gray, 2.5Y 3/2, silt and silty clay, presumably lake clay, totally disturbed and distorted, no couplets recognizable, "flow in", however colors are distinguishable. |
494-643 cm (Section 4) - | dark gray, 5Y 4/1, to very dark gray, 2.5Y 3/2, silt and silty clay, presumably lake clay, totally disturbed and distorted, no couplets recognizable, "flow in", however colors are distinguishable. |