Investigators at the USGS Woods Hole Science Center (WHSC) (previously the Woods Hole Field Center) and colleagues acquired and processed the data in this database. The WHSC maintains a pool of oceanographic sensors, data-acquisition systems, and platforms for deployment and recovery of instruments in the coastal ocean. The WHSC supports projects carried out as part of the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) (http://marine.er.usgs.gov/) and with other collaborators. All oceanographic time-series data collected by instrumentation maintained at the WHSC are included in this database. In addition to deploying oceanographic instrumentation for field experiments, WHSC personnel are responsible for developing software for data processing, evaluating the data, preparing the data for scientific analysis, and enabling the public to access the data.
Investigators who have contributed to the design of field experiments, and to the acquisition, analysis, and publication of the time-series data include Bradford Butman, Marlene Noble, Richard Signell, Christopher Sherwood, John Warner, and Jingping Xu at USGS. Some data are also included that were collected by NOAA collaborators David Mountain and Ronald Schlitz using the WHSC instrument facility (for example the GLOBEC experiments). The WHSC sediment transport instrumentation group has been led by Marinna Martini and William Strahle, with assistance in instrument development, preparation, deployment, and recovery by Jonathan Borden, Charlie Deadmon, John Larson, Nick Lefteriou, Frank Musialowski, Rick Rendigs, and John West. The following WHSC personnel contributed extensively to software development, documentation and data processing: Frances Lightsom, Chuck Denham, Polly Hastings, Jessica Coté, P. Soupy Dalyander, Andree Ramsey, and Charlene Sullivan.
The current database manager is Ellyn Montgomery, who is responsible for software development and validation, data quality control, and oversight of data processing. She is the point of contact for the database and can be reached at emontgomery@usgs.gov or by phone at (508) 457-2356.
The postal address of this office is:
U.S. Geological Survey
Woods Hole Science Center
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598