Woods Hole Science Center
Interpolation of Reconnaissance Multibeam and Single-Beam Bathymetry Offshore of Milford, Connecticut
This report contains color-hillshade-relief GeoTIFF images as well as Environmental Systems Research Institute's (ESRI) format binary grids produced from the interpolated NOAA multibeam and single-beam bathymetry of the floor of Long Island Sound off Milford, Connecticut. The GeoTIFF images and ESRI grids are provided in both Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 18 WGS84 projection as well as a geographic coordinate system (WGS84). Available vector data consists of polygon shapefile data layers for a portion of the eastern U.S. coastline that includes the study area as well as an outline of the survey area. When this report is accessed from the DVD-ROM, the top level contains an ArcView project file (h11044n.apr) created in ArcView 3.3 and an ESRI ArcMap document (h11044n.mxd) created in ArcMap 9.2 but saved as an ArcMap 9.0/9.1 document to make it accessible by older versions of the software. These files contain the data layers of this report already loaded. For those users who do not have the ESRI software or a compatible GIS data browser available on their computer, a free viewer, ArcExplorer, is available from ESRI. Each GIS data layer from this publication is cataloged below for easy access. The individual data-layer name is linked to a browse graphic which will open a separate browser window displaying an image of the data layer. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata for the individual data layers is provided in HTML, FAQ HTML, and text versions. Selecting associated metadata files from the table below will open the information in a new browser window. A compressed, downloadable, archive ZIP file containing the components of the ArcView shapefile for each data layer is also provided in the catalog and is downloadable by clicking the “zip” link for the appropriate data layer. These compressed downloadable files were created by using the Windows program WINZIP v 8.0. Users who do not have software capable of uncompressing the archive ZIP files, may obtain a free version of the software from Winzip Computing, Inc. or Pkware, Inc. |
Data Layer Name and Description | Metadata | Files |
h11044n_mb10m_geo - sun-illuminated interpolated multibeam bathymetric imagery from the northern part of NOAA survey H11044 (geographic) | HTML FAQ txt |
zip |
h11044n_mb10m_utm18 - sun-illuminated interpolated multibeam bathymetric imagery from the northern part of NOAA survey H11044 (UTM Zone 18) | HTML FAQ txt |
zip |
Data Layer Name and Description | Metadata | Files |
h11044_1_5mddeg_xyz.txt - original NOAA processed bathymetric soundings from NOAA survey H11044 off Milford, Connecticut (decimal degrees); WinZipped file size: 786 mb | HTML FAQ txt |
zip |
h11044n_10geo - interpolated bathymetric grid from the northern part of NOAA survey H11044 off Milford, Connecticut (geographic) | HTML FAQ txt |
zip |
h11044n_10utm - interpolated bathymetric grid from the northern part of NOAA survey H11044 off Milford, Connecticut (UTM Zone 18) | HTML FAQ txt |
zip |
Data Layer Name and Description | Metadata | Files |
nos80k - medium-resolution digital vector U.S. shoreline shapefile for a portion of the East Coast | HTML FAQ txt |
zip |
h11044n_outline - boundary of the northern part of NOAA survey H11044 | HTML FAQ txt |