Woods Hole Science Center
Enhanced Sidescan-Sonar Imagery, North-Central Long Island Sound
Sidescan-sonar data were collected aboard the NOAA Ship RUDE in 2001 during surveys H11043 and H11044 and in 2003 during survey H11045 (fig. 1, fig. 2). An Edgetech (EG&G) 272T sidescan-sonar tow fish was used to collect data in 2001, and Klein 5000 and Klein 3000 sidescan-sonar tow fish were used to acquire data in 2003. The Edgetech 272T transmits at 100 kHz, the Klein 5000 transmits at 455 kHz, and the Klein 3000 operates at both 100 kHz and 500 kHz. The sonar data were acquired in Extended Triton Format (XTF) using Triton Imaging, Inc., ISIS acquisition software. Additional information about the data acquisition and processing can be found in the Descriptive Reports for surveys H11043, H11044, and H11045 (NOAA, 2001a,b; NOAA, 2003). |