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USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program

Geophysical Data from Offshore of the Chandeleur Islands, Eastern Mississippi Delta

References Cited

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References Cited

Applied Microsystems, 2008, Sound velocity: SV Plus v2., accessed July 1, 2008, at

CARIS, 2008, Geomatics Software Solutions, CARIS: HIPS and SIPS, accessed July 1, 2008, at

Coda Octopus Group, Inc., 2008, Octopus F180 Attitude and Positioning System, accessed July 1, 2008,

Danforth, W.W., 1997, Xsonar/ShowImage, a complete system for rapid sidescan sonar processing and display: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-686, available online at

EdgeTech, 2008, EdgeTech: sub-bottom profilers and topsides & software, accessed July 1, 2008, at

Frazier, D.E., 1967, Recent deltaic deposits of the Mississippi River: Their development and chronology: Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, v. 27, p. 287-315.

Halliburton, 2008, SeisWorks® 2D Seismic Interpretation Software, accessed July 1, 2008, at

Hughes Clarke, J., 1998, SwathEd: A deranged software toolkit developed by John Hughes Clarke: Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, Ocean Mapping Group - University of New Brunswick, accessed July 1, 2008,

Klein Associates, Inc., 2008, Klein System 3000 Sonar System, accessed July 1, 2008, at

Norris, M.W., and Faichney, A.K., eds., 2002, SEG Y rev 1 Data Exchange format, SEG Technical Standards Committee, Release 1.0, May 2002: Tulsa, OK, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 45 p., available online at

Penland, S., Suter, J.R., and Boyd, R., 1985, Barrier island arcs along abandoned Mississippi River deltas: Marine Geology, v. 63, p. 197-233.

Penland, S., Beall, A., and Kindinger, J., 2002, Environmental atlas of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-206, available online at

ProQuest Information and Learning Company, 2002, TSS launches high performance motion sensor: Sea Technology, April 2002, accessed July 1, 2008, at

Sallenger, A., Howd, P., Stockdon, H., Wright, C.W., Fauver, L., and Guy, K., 2006, Barrier island failure during Hurricane Katrina: EOS Transactions AGU, v. 87, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H311-03, available online at

Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd (SEA), 2008, SWATHplus - Wide Swath Bathymetry & Sidescan, accessed July 1, 2008, at

SIOSEIS, 2007, SIOSEIS -The introduction, accessed July 1, 2008, at

Stockwell, J.W., Jr., and Cohen, J.K., 2007, The New SU User's Manual (version 3.3): Golden, Colo., Center for Wave Phenomena - Colorado School of Mines, 153 p.

Triton Imaging®, Inc., 2008, Triton SB-Logger™, accessed July 1, 2008, at

For more information please visit these related web sites:

Woods Hole Science Center Sea-Floor Mapping Technology

The Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Change and Hazard Susceptibility Project (USGS)

The U.S. Geological Survey Gulf of Mexico Science Coordination

Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Office of Coastal Restoration and Management

The University of New Orleans Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental Sciences

Breton National Wildlife Refuge

The Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium

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