Field Activity 2017-030-FA

Identifier 2017-030-FA
Purpose Collect seabed sediment samples and seabed imagry for geological mapping project
Location Stellwagen Bank NMS
Summary Visited locations within Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. A customized Van Veen grab sampler (SEABOSS) equipped with a video camera and a conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) instrument was deployed in drift mode to collect sediment for grain-size analysis, video imagery of the seabed, and measurements of water column properties. Total stations 50; total CTD casts 50; total sediment samples 41; total video drifts (4 to 14 min, 0.8 to 3.2 gigabytes) 50; total seabed images 100; total sediment sample images 82.
Info derived Sediment samples and seabed imagery for geological mapping
Comments Travel to and from Scituate, MA for day-cruises to Stellwagen Bank. CTD required as for previous cruises. Load Auk on Wed, May 17 in Scituate, MA Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2016-038-FA Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2017-009-FA
Length: 50 feet; Beam: 20 feet.
Start Scituate, MA 2017-05-18
End Scituate, MA 2017-05-23
Days in the field 3
West -70.48538201
East -70.11444089
North 42.43516926
South 42.15367577


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Page C Valentine
Crew members
Dann S Blackwood
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Dann S Blackwood
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Dr. David Wylie, SBNMS

Data types and categories

Data category: Environmental Data, Imagery, Location-Elevation, Sampling
Data type: CTD, Photo, Video, Navigation, Geology, Fluorescence, Turbidity

Documents: Notes and log books

Name Description
Cruise log Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples collected aboard the R/V Auk on Stellwagen Bank.

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
SBE 19plus V2 SeaCAT Profiler CTD These data were collected with a Sea-Bird CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) instrument - a SBE 19plus SeaCAT Profiler CTD. In addition to the CTD water column profiling, the CTD is equipped with auxiliary sensors to measure fluorescence and turbidity. This instrument was deployed on the USGS SEABed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS). The CTD is mounted horizontally on the SEABOSS frame and its maximum depth is approximately 1 meter above the seabed. CTD, Fluorescence, Turbidity 1
Furuno satellite compass SC-30 The location information for stations was acquired from a satellite navigation receiver (Furuno satellite compass SC-30, GPS receiver) at two second intervals. Navigation 1
GoPro camera Seabed video images were collected using a GoPro digital video camera mounted on SEABOSS to provide ground-truth information for geophysical datasets and are used in seabed interpretations. Frame-grab images were extracted from the video. Photo, Video 2
Nikon 7100 digital camera A Nikon 7100 camera was used to take photos of the sediment sample in the grab sampler to document the texture of the seabed surface, the degree of disturbance during sampling, biological features such as worm tubes, and to estimate the volume of sediment collected. Photo 1
SeaBOSS The SEABed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS) was used to collect sediment samples with a modified Van Veen sampler and video images of the seabed with GoPro cameras mounted on the frame. A CTD was mounted horizontally on the SEABOSS frame. Surveys (biological), Experiments (biological), Species ID, Photo, Video, Geology, Biology 3


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2017-030-FA_CTD SBE 19plus V2 SeaCAT Profiler CTD Conductivity-temperature-depth data collected aboard the R/V Auk on Stellwagen Bank (text files). Page C Valentine
2017-030-FA_nav Furuno satellite compass SC-30 Navigation data collectd aboard the R/V Auk on Stellwagen Bank (Geographic, WGS 84, XLSX and CSV formats). Page C Valentine
2017-030-FA_SeabedImages GoPro camera Seabed still images collected aboard the R/V Auk on Stellwagen Bank (JPEG image format. EXIF headers have been added to include navigation and other meta tags). Page C Valentine
2017-030-FA_video_driftlines GoPro camera Video transects of the sea floor collected aboard the R/V Auk on Stellwagen Bank (Geographic, WGS 84, polyline shapefile format). Page C Valentine
2017-030-FA_SampleImages Nikon 7100 digital camera Grab sample still images collected aboard the R/V Auk on Stellwagen Bank (JPEG image format. EXIF headers have been added to include navigation and other meta tags). Page C Valentine
2017-030-FA_sedsamples SeaBOSS Location and analyses of sediment samples collected aboard the R/V Auk on Stellwagen Bank (Geographic, WGS 84, point shapefile, XLSX and CSV formats). Page C Valentine
2017-030-FA_station_summary SeaBOSS Station and data summary for data collected aboard the R/V Auk on Stellwagen Bank (Geographic, WGS 84, point shapefile, XLSX and CSV formats) Page C Valentine

Datasets compiled from multiple sources

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
q2_stations_geology SeaBOSS Station locations in quadrangle 2 in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary offshore of Boston, Massachusetts where video, photographs and sediment samples were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1993-2019 - includes sediment sample analyses and interpreted geologic substrate. This shapefile contains the quadrangle 2 station locations, interpreted geologic substrate at each location, and description of sampling type (sediment sample, video, photograph). Station locations that have sediment samples include the sediment analyses data. These stations represent information used in the geologic interpretation. Page C Valentine

Datasets not currently associated with specific equipment

Dataset name Description Dataset contact
q2_geologic_interp Interpretation of the seabed geologic substrates in quadrangle 2 of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region offshore of Boston, Massachusetts based on data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1993-2019. This interpretation is based on multibeam sonar bathymetry, multibeam backscatter imagery, video, photos, and grain-size analyses of samples collected from the seabed in the time period 1993-2019. Page C Valentine


Samples collected during this field activity