Field Activity 2018-002-FA

Identifier 2018-002-FA
Alternate names MATRIX
Purpose Acquire over 2000 line-km of MCS data with 210 in^3 GI-guns and sonobuoys (for long offsets) in the data gap for modern seismics on this margin; EK60/80 data
Location Mid-Atlantic margin, 35 nm south of Hudson Canyon to approximately Cape Hatteras, 100 m to 3500 m water depth
Summary Acquired just over 2000 line kilometers of multichannel seismic data between Hudson Canyon and Cape Hatteras, mostly using four 105/105 Sercel GI guns operated at 105 cubic inches volume and towed on 2 strings of two guns each as the source. The streamer of receivers was over 1 km long for most of the cruise, and most data were acquired between the shelf break and ~2500 m water depth. Seismic data were acquired both on dip lines and strike lines (deepwater and top of slope). Sonobuoys were deployed at 60 locations at water depths greater than 1000 m along the MCS survey lines. The EK80 with a 38 kHz transducer was operated continuously during the cruise to image water column methane bubbles. Ship's sensor and ADCP data available at: Environmental compliance: Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) acquired for Marine Mammal Protection Act compliance; Biological Opinion issued by NMFS Office of Protected Resources for Endangered Species Act compliance. Miscellaneous consultations related to essential fish habitat, seabirds, etc. Finding of No Significant Impact issued by the USGS.
Info derived gas hydrate distribution, geohazards
Comments Nathan Miller co PI Large amount of equipment being borrowed from Scripps Project will require an IHA from NMFS (MMPA) and a biological opinion from OPR (ESA). IHA is expected on 6 August 2018
Hugh R. Sharp
Length 146 feet/ beam 32 feet.
Start Lewes, DE 2018-08-08
End Lewes, DE 2018-08-28
Days in the field 21
West -75.21240234
East -70.6640625
North 39.24927085
South 34.52466147


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Carolyn Ruppel
Crew members
Peter Dal Ferro
Scientist, Staff
Eric Moore
Scientist, Staff
David S Foster
Scientist, Staff
Wayne E Baldwin
Scientist, Staff
Emile Bergeron
Scientist, Staff
Alexander R Nichols
Scientist, Staff
Daniel C Powers
Scientist, Staff
McKee, Jennifer
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Carolyn Ruppel
Specialist, Information
Nathaniel C Miller
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Seismics, Sonar, Location-Elevation
Data type: Multichannel, Navigation, Air Gun / Water Gun, Sonobuoy, Water column reflectivity, Multibeam

Documents: Notes and log books

Name Description
2018-002-FA_StreamerConfig_InfoLogs.pdf PDF formatted MCS streamer configuration diagrams and information logs.

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Simrad EK80 Water column reflectivity, Multibeam 1
GI Air Gun Used up to four Sercel 105/105 cubic inch generator-injector (GI) airguns. Air Gun / Water Gun (no data reported)
WAAS/DGPS Navigation (no data reported)
Expendable seismic sonobuoys Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems Inc. expendable seismic sonobuoys models AN/SSQ-53D(3) and AN/SSQ-53G Sonobuoy 1
GeoEel digital streamer Streamer composed of both solid state and oil-filled active sections of 50 and 100 m lengths (6.25 or 12.5 m groups, respectively) configured in active sections equalling 700 -1200 meters long. Boomer, Multichannel, Sparker, Air Gun / Water Gun, Bubble Gun 1


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2018-002-FA_EK80 Simrad EK80 Split-beam echo sounder and navigation data collected using a Simrad EK80 wide band tranceiver and ES38-10 transducer during the Mid-Atlantic Resource Imaging Experiment (MATRIX), USGS Field Activity 2018-002-FA Wayne E Baldwin
2018-002-FA_SB Expendable seismic sonobuoys Sonobuoy seismic and navigation data collected using Sercel GI guns and Ultra Electronics seismic sonobuoys during the Mid-Atlantic Resource Imaging Experiment (MATRIX), USGS Field Activity 2018-002-FA Wayne E Baldwin
2018-002-FA_MCS GeoEel digital streamer Multichannel seismic-reflection and navigation data collected using Sercel GI guns and Geometrics GeoEel Digital Streamers during the Mid-Atlantic Resource Imaging Experiment (MATRIX), USGS Field Activity 2018-002-FA Wayne E Baldwin


Samples collected during this field activity