Field Activity F687NC

Identifier F687NC
Alternate names F-6-87-NC
Description Chief Scientists: Dave McCulloch, Steve Lewis. Geophysical data (3dot5khz, dartcore, chaindredge, 2channelairgun, 2channelwatergun) of field activity F-6-87-NC in Northern California from 11/10/1987 to 11/24/1987
Location Northern California
Summary physical data holdings
Comments Sampling Northern California framework Staff information imported from InfoBank Dave McCulloch (USGS Western Region) - Chief Scientist Steve Lewis (USGS Western Region) - Chief Scientist
230 feet
Start Redwood City, CA 1987-11-10
End ? 1987-11-24
West -124.2
East -121.11667
North 39.06183
South 34.21667
Activity Geophysical


Principal investigators McCulloch, DaveLewis, Steve
Crew members

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Sampling, Seismics
Data type: Navigation, Geology, Multichannel, Sub Bottom Profiler

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
chaindredge Geology 7
2channelairgun Multichannel 1
2channelwatergun Multichannel 1
integratednavigation Navigation 4
3.5khz Sub Bottom Profiler 1
dartcore Geology (no data reported)


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
f-6-87-nc.palygorskite.paleontologicalanalysis.pdf chaindredge Dave McCulloch
f-6-87-nc.palygorskite.sampledescription.d8.pdf chaindredge Dave McCulloch
f-6-87-nc.palygorskite.sem.pdf chaindredge Dave McCulloch
f-6-87-nc.palygorskite.smearslides.pdf chaindredge Dave McCulloch
f-6-87-nc.palygorskite.toc.pdf chaindredge Dave McCulloch
Station Information chaindredge Dave McCulloch
Survey information 2channelairgun Dave McCulloch
Survey information 2channelwatergun Dave McCulloch
Best file with nav in ArcInfo E00 format integratednavigation Dave McCulloch
Eotvos/course/speed/distance data f-6-87-nc.072 integratednavigation Provisional best file Dave McCulloch
Eotvos/course/speed/distance data f-6-87-nc.072_degree integratednavigation Dave McCulloch
Integrated navigation (SINS) data f-6-87-nc.052 integratednavigation Dave McCulloch
Survey information 3.5khz Dave McCulloch

Datasets compiled from multiple sources

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
Marine mineral geochemical data - Part One: Pacific Ocean USGS-affiliated historical data chaindredge This data release compiles element composition data for more than 600 deep-ocean mineral samples from more than 25 research cruises in the Pacific Ocean since 1979 that involved USGS researchers. Deep-ocean mineral sample types encompassed in this data release include ferromanganese crusts, manganese nodules, phosphorites, and hydrothermal minerals. This data release is comprised of both unpublished as well as previously published data and reports and includes analytical methods and instrument detection limits whenever available. Katlin Adamczyk


Samples collected during this field activity